Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duly in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930—Continued 
Commodity } | a I. 
Computed duties on 
Imports, calendar vear 1928 | 1628 imports 
Quantity | Vale | VAlue | pct of 1922 | Act of 1930 
Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
Act of | Actof 
1922 1930 
Rate of dutv 
ct off Act of | 
1922 | 1930 
Act of 1922 
Act of 1930 
rewelry and related articles: 
Silver, chief value... occnrmeeeooecnoncaacen-| Number. _ 223, 565 $372,406 | $1. 666 $297,925 |e [80 DOr CODY. ommeoeeeaeae 
ALL OLDBY ovis woman assim wim mpm mma van wero mn 19, 696, 130 3,123,726 L159 2,498,981 | aenQ0n im, 
Cable, curb, ropes, and fancy chains not ex- |... ..._. wm Wk mm mm me mh J —————————— A RR A Sw Be SE mer mer rr 
Soom 14 inch 32 thickness, valued above | 
0 cents per yard. ] Tn 
. ag Shwe 2 cents per dozen | Doz. pieces. 45,831 67,850] 1.7486 | 53, 887 — 80 PEr CONE. ocean, 
pieces (gold or platinum), 
“hains, nm, e. s., cigar cutters, cigar holders, [-=-0unnnen 997, 451 1,228,173 | 1,281 982,538 |ueccne mca |ocaen@0m cece emomeaaae 
card, cigar, cigarette, and coin cases and 
holders, combs, mesh bags, and purses; 
match boxes, stamp cases, millinery, mili- 
tary, and hair ornaments, pin, powder, 
and vanity cases and like articles, valued 
above 20 cents per dozen pieces. 
tamping, galleries, mesh and other mate- 
rial of metal for manufacturing the forego- 
ing articles, 
luckles for belts, trousers, etc., valued over ' 
$1.66%% per 100. 
Total, noncomparable items. cueeevvecene.. 
Ramie hat braids and manufactures of: 
1404 1504 Ramie hat braids... ..o...__________....._.} Yard_____. 4, 123, 503 
404 1504 Manufactures of ramie hat BREE Number. . 84, 445 
Total paragraph eevee acrae ooo. - 
Thermostatic bottles: 
1455 1553 Capacity over 1 Pint. ae. cee coma. 
Total, Schedule 15, for which cor par- === 
able calculations could not be made. 
Total, Schedule 16... nee an. -. 
Per cent] Per cent 
Le = monmemmmwnmeessns] SD: [ens ensna 
ema mI 80.00 (onaco.. 
reemem mam mmmmmee remem mnnane] 80,00 a 
eemmmccmmemanecsscsconacaseanene: S000 [ooo oo 
75.00 |ooecnnn 
20.98 |-ceee.n 
72.98 _ 
30.00 |..___. 
40.00 | 2711007 
36.26 |... 
emma 131.03 | ___.__ 
61,486) .015 18,446 ..___. .- 30percent. . ou __.. 
102,892 | 1.218 41,157 frome 40 percent. omen woe. 
164,278 |...._..| 59, 603 i i 
30 cents each plus 45 per cent...... 
11, 551 4,028 | .349 5,278 1... 
elon] 21,880,177 |....._| 9,842,610 l- 
re EE 340,484,060 |..._____| 81,802,045 = 
+ Imports not segregated. 
+ See noncomparable items at end of schedule, page 105. 
Partial. See noncomparable items at end of schedule, page 105. . 
¢ If containing a substantial part of rayon or other synthetic textile (but not wholly or in chief value thereof) 45 per cent ad valorem. Import statistics not segregated for application of this rate. 
5 Boe a ia ’s sewed straw hats changed by presidential proclamation from 60 per cent ad valorem to 88 per cent ad valorem on hats valued at $9.50 or less per dozen, effective Mar. 14, 1926. 
" Estimated. 
No imports in 1928. 
Does not include— 
Toy books having removable pages transferred under the tariff act of 1930 to this paragraph from paragraph 1410. 
Toys (china, hr transferred under the tariff act of 1930 to this paragraph from paragraphs 211 and 212. 
Dolls, ete., dutiable at 90 per cent transferred under the tariff act of 1930 to this paragraph from paragraph 1520. 
¢ Estimated that imports of dolls with movable parts and parts not movable are each 50 per cent of the total imports. . i 
® If containing more than {io of 1 per cent of vanadium, or more than %i0 of 1 per cent of tungsten, molybdenum, boron, tantalum, columbium, or nichium or uranium. or more than 3¢ of 1 per cent of chromium, 60 per cent ad 
lorem. Import statistics not segregated for application of this rate. 
't No statistical data on match splints and skillets transferred from paragraph 413. 
2 Splints 1 cent per thousand, skillets 12 cents per thousand. 
4 Natural leaves, etc., estimated one-fourth chemically treated at 75 per cent and three-fourths bleached at 60 per cent. 
4 If composed in chief value of dog, goat, or kid skins, rate agreed to is 35 per cent. 
4 Does not include hair press cloth transferred under the tariff act of 1930 to this paragraph from 1525, 
§ Press cloth of which camel’s hair is the component material of chief value carries a rate of 40 per cent ad valorem but not less than 25 cents per pound. 
7 Includes hair press cloth transferred under the tariff act of 1930 to paragraph 1523. i 
¢ If the embroidery is such as is commonly known as clocking and does not exceed 1 inch in width or 6 inches in length exclusive of the fork, the rate shall be 75 per cent ad valorem. 
9 The full effect of the duty on handkerchiefs ean not be calculated. It is assumed that the difference is so small it would not affect this comparison. 
¢ In addition to the rate shown there is also an additional rate of 1 cent each on hand-rolled or hand-made hems on handkerchiefs valued at not more than 70 cents per dozen, . 
4 In addition to the rates specified on gloves in this paragraph, there is an additional rate of $1 per dozen pairs, when machine seamed, otherwise than overseamed, and $5 per dozen pairs when seamed by hand. Import statis- 
-n5 are not segregated for the application of these additional rates, however it is assumed that their application wonld make no appreciable differences 
2 Does not include combs of materials other than horn or hard rubber. 
3 Imports of carillons and parts thereof dutiable at 40 per cent ad valorem are not segregated. 
+ Import statistics not segregated to show imports of photographic films sensitized but not exposed or developed, except motion-picture films of a width of 1 inch or more having a duty of 25 per cent ad valorem. 
3 Does not include cotton wiping rags. 
© Figures are for white bleached beeswax only; other bleached beeswax was free under act of 1922. 
7 Conntervailing duty. 
< Imports not segregated. Rates for 1930 computed at 25 cents per pound. 
> Imports not segregated. It is assumed that most of these imports would be dutiable at 60 per cent ad valorem. Co 
¢ Rate of duty on artificial baits, fly books, and fiy boxes are dutiable at 45 per cent. Artificial flies are dutiable at 55 per cent. Import statistics are not segregated for full application of rates. 
' Imports not segregated to show the imports of electrical insulators and other articles composed wholly or in chief value of copal or shellac, which is dutiable at 30 per cent 
- Import statistics not segregated to show imports of sheep’s wool, yellow grass, or velvet sponges, which are dutiable at 30 per cent or 25 per cent ad valorem 
" Includes toothbrushes having handles of pyroxylin dutiable at 2 cents each plus 50 ver cent under act of 1930 for which senarate data are not available. 
7 Dutiable after June 19, 1929, at 60 per cent ad valorem (T. D. 43473). - 
+ Pigskin gloves dutiable under paragraph 1532a at various rates. 
Includes hosierv valued at $271.059. knit underwear valued at $2,540, and other apparel valued at $542,148.

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