Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

The summary given on the previous page covers all items on the dutiable list in either the tariff act of 1922 or the tariff act of 1930. Therefore, 
there are some free list items included in the calculations for each act because such items are dutiable in the other act. As a result of this inclusion 
of some free list items in both calculations the ad valorem equivalent rates of duty for each act as a whole and for particular schedules affected are 
lower than they would be if the calculations were limited to the dutiable list of each act. 
In the summary table below there is presented for comparative purposes a tabulation by schedules of equivalent ad valorem rates of duty for the 
dutiable list of each act calculated independently of the other act. The figures for the act of 1922 are therefore the same, with possible minor changes, 
as those to be found in “Foreign Commerce and Navigation of the United States,” for the calendar year 1928. The figures for the tariff act of 1930 
are the rates of duty for all dutiable items in that act applied to the import statistics of 1928, with the exception of the value of certain items, sum- 
marized in the table, to which the rates in the act of 1930 could not be applied. 
Tt will be observed that whereas the ad valorem equivalent rate for the tariff act of 1922 given in the previous summary upon the basis of com- 
parable items in the two bills is 33.22 per cent, the ad valorem equivalent upon the basis of actual imports and duties collected in 1928 was 38.48 per 
cent. The act of 1930 upon the basis of comparable items shows an ad valorem equivalent of 40.00 per cent and upon the basis of the dutiable list 
alone of that act applied to 1928 imports shows an ad valorem equivalent of 41.14 per cent. 
Attention is called to the fact that the summary table presented below showing the dutiable list of each act calculated independently of the other 
act is not directly related to the detailed tabulations shown on pages 3 to 106. Such details for the tariff act of 1922 are to be found in the 
published statistics of the Department of Commerce for the year 1928. The supporting details for the tariff act of 1930 would be the same list with 
adjustments for free list items made dutiable in the tariff act of 1930, and for certain groups of items in the published statistics to which the new rates 
can not be applied. 
Imports, duties, and equivalent ad valorem rates, by schedules, for the dutiable list of the tariff act of 1922 and for the dutiable list of the tariff act of 1930, 
calculated upon the basis of 1928 vmports 
Value of total dutiable 1928 im- 
ports for consumption 
Act of 1922 
Act of 1930 
1. Chemicals, oils, and paints...-- 
2. Earths, earthenware, and glass- 
WATE emer m mmm mm mm 
3. Metals and manufactures of __.. 
4. Wood and manufactures of. ._. 
5. Sugar, molasses, and manu- 
factures of oc occa 
6. Tobacco and manufactures of _ 
7. Agricultural products and pro- 
8. Spirits, wines, and other 
beverages. o-oo o__. 
9. Manufactures of cotton___.___. 
10. Flax, hemp, and jute, and 
manufactures of... ______ 
11. Wool and manufactures of ____. 
12. Manufactures of silk __.______ 
13. Manufactures of rayon._____._. 
14. Paper and books_ _.__._____.. 
18. Bundries..ovcmcmmmmmonnnmwes 
Not assigned to any schedule. 
$93, 161, 563 
$82, 418, 402 | 
53, 486, 931 
29, 601, 301 
16. 917. 211 
56, 919, 960 
130, 167, 881 
47, 034, 289 
$1,113, 104. 
11, 762. 717 
174, 759, 643 
62, 318, 624 
282, 417, 950 
174,759,643 |___.________ 
62,818,624 i__________.. 
3090, 308, 797 I__ 
1,347, 013 
A8. 300. 609 
1, 433, 616 [oomeememee- 
48 300.609 |__ _______ 
183, 207, 491 
116, 343, 426 
32, 440, 182 
16, 077, 417 
21, 927, 120 
116, 635, 842 
361, 609 
1. 399, 803, 932 
133, 207, 491 
116, 343, 426 
32, 440, 189 
16, 077, 417 
21, 927, 120 
337, 320, 204 
261. 609 
4, 651, 821 
1, 260, 683 
21, 980, 177 
Total. oe mmcmeeccem——n 
[. 570, 429, 270 | 40, 768. 50° 
1 Tneludes undistributed values of $20,915. 
Comparable items 
Computed duties 
Value of dutiable 1928 imports 
Equivalent ad 
valorem rates 
Act of 1922 | Act of 1930 
Act of 1922 | Act of 1930 
Act of | Act of 
1922 1930 
Per “on Per cent 
$29, 748, 153 | 29. 72 36. 09 
$93, 161, 563 
$82, 418, 402 
$27, 688, 949 
52, 373, 827 
117, 838, 584 
16, 917, 211 
55, 806, 856 
118, 405, 164 
47. 084. 289 
28, 511, 007 
40, 003, 772 
4 1901. 356 
29, 985, 159 
41, 538, 921 
5, 519, 370 
134, 939, 588 
40, 371, 197 
108, 514, 018 
33. 95 
24. 78 
35. 08 
174, 759, 643 
62, 318, 624 
174, 759, 643 
62, 318, 624 
118, 572, 109 
89, 314, 791 
64. 124. 204 
67. 85 
63. 09 
64. 78 
35. 07 
92892, 417, 950 
309, 398, 797 
1, 347, 013 
48. 300. 609 
1, 433, 616 
48. 300, 609 
523, 045 
19, 451, 364 
680, 069 
29. 429 198 
38. 83 
40. 27 
47. 44 
40. 42 
133, 207, 491 
116, 343, 426 
32, 440, 182 
11, 425, 596 
20, 666, 437 
194. 655. 665 
133, 207, 491 
"16, 343, 426 
32, 440, 182 
11, 425, 596 
20, 666, 437 
315, 340, 027 
24, 191, 702 
57, 636, 641 
8, 348, 161 
6, 019, 359 
5,113, 098 
71, 959, 426 
25, 500, 925 
69, 609, 241 
19, 181, 350 
6, 125, 965 
5, 385, 775 
89. 698, 307 
18. 16 19. 14 
49. 54 59. 83 
56. 56 59. 13 
52. 33 53. 62 
24. 74 | 26. 06 
36. 97 28. 45 
1,358, 173, 821 | 1,529,299, 159] 2522,648, 984 
629, 220, 236 | 
38.48 | 41.14 
2 Includes undistributed duties of $7" 

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