Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930—Continued
Actual or com-
puted ad valo-
rem rate
Imports, calendar year 1928
. |
Commodity 8 - ——
Quantity | Value |, VoIe Act of 1922] Act of 163
Computed duties on
1928 imports
{ate of duty
Act off Act of
1922 | 1930
Act of 1922
Act of 1930
\ct of Act of
1922 | 1930
Jhe.aic.l elements, salts, compounds, combina
tions and mixtures, n. §. p. {,.—Continued.
Iron sglphidn.. cosine sapmnmenpravanpameoees| POUR... 21, 692
Chemical elements, compounds, mixtures, |_._do....... 9, 354, 341
and salts, not containing alcohol,
Copper iodide, erude.._.. [gy *
Iron ammonium OR onroooonoC Pound... 8 24, 657
Tron sodinm oxalate. « ccouuocmaeccacnmccnoccewa@0mcamans & 24, 251
Total, paragraph oo ceoemeeuceccmneacacoon|-ac@0ane.l 15,452, 887
\luminum gompounds:
Algmingm hydroride. cc icccummnemasns soni junlilvs eas] 560, 331
Potassium aluminum sulphate.....oocceooeoa|-cedOoann.. 898, 685
Ammonium aluminum sulphate. .oceoono-. ol] 171,198
Aluminum sulphate, alum cake or alumi-
nous cakes:
Containing not more than 15 per cent alu-
mina and more iron than the equivalent of
340 per cent ferric 0Xid6. ooo eon cccccmmmnafac@O 4,563
Containing more than 15 per cent. -—--..}...G0.__... 1,112,005
\luminum salts and compounds, 0. 8. p. foo _|..-doo___.. 103,161
Tool. DAragraph. cco smansrs cms wevesvimnmnmnhonallOnywmes 2, 849, 943
$741 | $0. 034 $185 |
733,232 | 078 183, 308
44,683 | .190 1,171 |
64,199 | .173 1,050
2,263,453 |... 565, 865
183, 308
565, 80
2B par eont..... cov mmiunenmmnsiesnn
wre lll masa ———————
wot 0 ee wm RHEE RRA wma,
meme dO camel
emeea@On eel
Per cent| Per cent
25 percent... _ceoomcimceraeneean]| 25.00 | 25.00
vena 80m oi 25.00 | 25.00
TO8- romeoeoeoiomocmnmmneeny 25.00 Free.
L001 CR. nnn cen mamma nee] 25.00 25.00
~do_.... IIIT gslo0 | 25.00
eames 25.00 | 25.00
23,578 | .042 2,802 | 2,802
17156 | .019 | 6, 740 6,740
3,452 .020 1,284 1,28¢
cent per pound. .oocoeao
174 ou perpound...cooocceanan.
mmm a
332 .073 14
11,098 | .010 4,170 |
12480 | L121 3120
@ nog |. | 18,130
340 cent per pound. ceeceracaan...
34 cent per pound. coacaaocooao...
25. DOT CEIL cm ci mmmwn mam mmn mn wm
v6 cent per pound. _.o—_oeoo.| 4,12 2.71
% cent per pound. -cceeooeeoea... 37.57 37.57
5 per cent oo oeeeommeeoeoeoo.] 25.00 25.00
sven svsm me syen CEY 26. 62 26.62
Ammonium compounds:
Ammonium carbonate and bicarbonate... _._| 1,356,875
Ammonium chloride, White. .onmooeoeo oo. do... 6, 348,243
Ammonium chloride, gray ceweaceeccomceemoos|oaelOueeo oo 4,765,274
Ammonium BIrate. romeo Oeeeeo| 13,172,099
Ammonium perchlorate. - eee] CO 472
Ammonium phosphate. ja dOa 81,153
Ammonium sulphate. o.oo... | .do.......| 84,266,560
Liquid anhydrous ammonia..___. wn -
Total, paragraph... | 109, 990, 67C
Antimony compounds:
DIB. ci man mms si som me mmm isp mms sem mesons i sl lm asi)
Tartar emetic or potassium-antlmony tartrate... do.......
BUDDIES. cop wmmmmsmm ws mmm n wnmnmmmimsn os Os mon
\ntimony salts and compounds, 0. 5. D. I... or
Total, paragraph. oo aun] ao@0n eo
Argols, tartar and wine lees:
Containing less than 80 per cent potassium [
Containing 90 per cent or more potassium |...c.oeeeo--
ream of tartar... o-ooccw-meoooooooooo—-oooo-.| Pound...
Rochelle salts or potassium-sodium tartrate. ....|.._d0.ccco.-
Calcium tartrate, rude. .ceceecoceceomoccaean|ae@ooa aes
Total, paragraph. eee een do..-.-
. Balsams, natural and uncompounded:
COPAIDA. eee ccecccmeemmrnrneme erm croeneenre eee 00a cane r 0 I 4,799 | L224 4,880 4°%0 | 10 Per ¢ontuneeas o coccooocmmnaee| 10 DOF CODE e eee W060 10,00
TIF oF OB0008 «cp cc cv an cmmmmnm mms mm imma in aon] £4,531 5,615 1.212 (Liz 92 | @Oems eee @0e eae mm memmm emma 10.29 10. 00
POIU.aemne neem mmnmmemeomeces mmm ms cman maommnn nec A0mcamacn 64,374 85,337 .3°% Cd 8,534 | TT oT eT TAO mmem mmm mmm mmmnnaal 10.00 10.00
HOI re mmamrinmai ama me werent tamess fina 37,856 24,1. 2 412 2,41 | ldo ieee eee 10.00 10. 00
2 Ro Co. acon 52,436 13, 581 2, ', 358 1,358 {Ao |e @0 ican mama mama mmm ee eee 10.00 10. 00
BalSamS 0, 8, D. f.oomnoocemcmmmmmecaoemcoamamn! 2Q0nsemenn 4,232 5424 .282 542 B42 [1TTde TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIin ITI lI 000 | 10000
Total, PAIBEIAPN c.nnoereeeemmmceeracmee <80ncoeet 381,550 189,875 || 18,288 | 18,288 |____ do. .ooooeeoeoeeedeeen@0meamanecceocmeemneneecee 10.00 | 10.00
Amber and amberoid, unmanufactured, n.s. p. I. ___do__.... 981 6,935 | 7.069 981 | 490 $1 per pound. oo ocueeecocuosanan..| 50 cents per pound. ceeocooceoeo-.| 14.15 | 7.07
Synthetic gums and resins, 0. 8. Du fo ome imoo ioe omean [0] “ elem safeammecoenaee 25 DEF CON. ono oreo oreo oeeeooooo.| 4 cents per pound plus 30 pervent_i 25.00 |_.__..__
| AYADIC OF SENEZAle oem osoomeeemmeoomonooon| Pound... 9, 556, 360 | 764,652 | .080 47,782 | 47,782 14 cent per pound.........-..-....| ¥ cent per pound. .coc-meonemeeeet 6.25 6.25
Total, paragraph. eens eee eocmmoceonenooee @0u ool 0,557.34 TIL,E87 I... 48,7631 482m2 6.32] 6.26
Barium compounds:
Barium carbonate precipitated...
Qariven chloride. ceccssssnamensenmmnnmmmmn ond Ounsensc
Bariam Honlde cc ivmmnnmamnm mani ss mn jus 0e enim)
Barium hydroxide. ooo cemacmaccacceaoen|aeadOnan...
Barium nitrate. cecum cce cee icecccneman |e
BArUM OXid0. eevee cmacnecacanencacncmnn|eealOuaaas
Tofal, pUGEIADh. coc ruane sme rumnsnmwenmnnme mon GB mmm!
leaning or polishing preparations: ’
Riaten pollh. .. coconnmmsnmnsmnnnn ane snsnnon Joma 800m mum
3006 blacking.. eum ceeocenaacpaaaaacaccee fee UOaaean|
3ackings, powders, liquids, and creams for |
cleaning or polishing, n. 8. p. f.
Total, paragraph. ccc ccmmmmmmccccmvccncanlaealOo c can
4 | 14 | Bleaching powder or chlorinated lime_._..........[
Footnntes at end of schedule, page 13.
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