Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930—Continued 
Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
Imports, calendar year 1928 
. | 
Commodity 8 - —— 
Quantity | Value |, VoIe Act of 1922] Act of 163 
Computed duties on 
1928 imports 
{ate of duty 
Act off Act of 
1922 | 1930 
Act of 1922 
Act of 1930 
\ct of Act of 
1922 | 1930 
Jhe.aic.l elements, salts, compounds, combina 
tions and mixtures, n. §. p. {,.—Continued. 
Iron sglphidn.. cosine sapmnmenpravanpameoees| POUR... 21, 692 
Chemical elements, compounds, mixtures, |_._do....... 9, 354, 341 
and salts, not containing alcohol, n.s.pf. 
Copper iodide, erude.._.. [gy * 
Iron ammonium OR onroooonoC Pound... 8 24, 657 
Tron sodinm oxalate. « ccouuocmaeccacnmccnoccewa@0mcamans & 24, 251 
Total, paragraph oo ceoemeeuceccmneacacoon|-ac@0ane.l 15,452, 887 
\luminum gompounds: 
Algmingm hydroride. cc icccummnemasns soni junlilvs eas] 560, 331 
Potassium aluminum sulphate.....oocceooeoa|-cedOoann.. 898, 685 
Ammonium aluminum sulphate. .oceoono-. ol] 171,198 
Aluminum sulphate, alum cake or alumi- 
nous cakes: 
Containing not more than 15 per cent alu- 
mina and more iron than the equivalent of 
340 per cent ferric 0Xid6. ooo eon cccccmmmnafac@O 4,563 
Containing more than 15 per cent. -—--..}...G0.__... 1,112,005 
\luminum salts and compounds, 0. 8. p. foo _|..-doo___.. 103,161 
Tool. DAragraph. cco smansrs cms wevesvimnmnmnhonallOnywmes 2, 849, 943 
$741 | $0. 034 $185 | 
733,232 | 078 183, 308 
44,683 | .190 1,171 | 
64,199 | .173 1,050 
2,263,453 |... 565, 865 
183, 308 
565, 80 
2B par eont..... cov mmiunenmmnsiesnn 
wre lll masa ——————— 
wot 0 ee wm RHEE RRA wma, 
meme dO camel 
emeea@On eel 
Per cent| Per cent 
25 percent... _ceoomcimceraeneean]| 25.00 | 25.00 
vena 80m oi 25.00 | 25.00 
TO8- romeoeoeoiomocmnmmneeny 25.00 Free. 
L001 CR. nnn cen mamma nee] 25.00 25.00 
~do_.... IIIT gslo0 | 25.00 
eames 25.00 | 25.00 
23,578 | .042 2,802 | 2,802 
17156 | .019 | 6, 740 6,740 
3,452 .020 1,284 1,28¢ 
cent per pound. .oocoeao 
174 ou perpound...cooocceanan. 
mmm a 
332 .073 14 
11,098 | .010 4,170 | 
12480 | L121 3120 
@ nog |. | 18,130 
340 cent per pound. ceeceracaan... 
34 cent per pound. coacaaocooao... 
25. DOT CEIL cm ci mmmwn mam mmn mn wm 
v6 cent per pound. _.o—_oeoo.| 4,12 2.71 
% cent per pound. -cceeooeeoea... 37.57 37.57 
5 per cent oo oeeeommeeoeoeoo.] 25.00 25.00 
sven svsm me syen CEY 26. 62 26.62 
Ammonium compounds: 
Ammonium carbonate and bicarbonate... _._|-..do-.._.. 1,356,875 
Ammonium chloride, White. .onmooeoeo oo. do... 6, 348,243 
Ammonium chloride, gray ceweaceeccomceemoos|oaelOueeo oo 4,765,274 
Ammonium BIrate. romeo Oeeeeo| 13,172,099 
Ammonium perchlorate. - eee] CO 472 
Ammonium phosphate. ja dOa 81,153 
Ammonium sulphate. o.oo... | .do.......| 84,266,560 
Liquid anhydrous ammonia..___. wn - 
Total, paragraph... | 109, 990, 67C 
Antimony compounds: 
DIB. ci man mms si som me mmm isp mms sem mesons i sl lm asi) 
Tartar emetic or potassium-antlmony tartrate... do....... 
BUDDIES. cop wmmmmsmm ws mmm n wnmnmmmimsn os Os mon 
\ntimony salts and compounds, 0. 5. D. I... or 
Total, paragraph. oo aun] ao@0n eo 
Argols, tartar and wine lees: 
Containing less than 80 per cent potassium [ 
Containing 90 per cent or more potassium |...c.oeeeo-- 
ream of tartar... o-ooccw-meoooooooooo—-oooo-.| Pound... 
Rochelle salts or potassium-sodium tartrate. ....|.._d0.ccco.- 
Calcium tartrate, rude. .ceceecoceceomoccaean|ae@ooa aes 
Total, paragraph. eee een do..-.- 
. Balsams, natural and uncompounded: 
COPAIDA. eee ccecccmeemmrnrneme erm croeneenre eee 00a cane r 0 I 4,799 | L224 4,880 4°%0 | 10 Per ¢ontuneeas o coccooocmmnaee| 10 DOF CODE e eee W060 10,00 
TIF oF OB0008 «cp cc cv an cmmmmnm mms mm imma in aon] £4,531 5,615 1.212 (Liz 92 | @Oems eee @0e eae mm memmm emma 10.29 10. 00 
POIU.aemne neem mmnmmemeomeces mmm ms cman maommnn nec A0mcamacn 64,374 85,337  .3°% Cd 8,534 | TT oT eT TAO mmem mmm mmm mmmnnaal 10.00 10.00 
HOI re mmamrinmai ama me werent tamess fina 37,856 24,1. 2 412 2,41 | ldo ieee eee 10.00 10. 00 
2 Ro Co. acon 52,436 13, 581 2, ', 358 1,358 {Ao |e @0 ican mama mama mmm ee eee 10.00 10. 00 
BalSamS 0, 8, D. f.oomnoocemcmmmmmecaoemcoamamn!  2Q0nsemenn 4,232 5424  .282 542 B42 [1TTde TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIin ITI lI 000 | 10000 
Total, PAIBEIAPN c.nnoereeeemmmceeracmee <80ncoeet 381,550 189,875 || 18,288 | 18,288 |____ do. .ooooeeoeoeeedeeen@0meamanecceocmeemneneecee 10.00 | 10.00 
Amber and amberoid, unmanufactured, n.s. p. I. ___do__.... 981 6,935 | 7.069 981 | 490 $1 per pound. oo ocueeecocuosanan..| 50 cents per pound. ceeocooceoeo-.| 14.15 | 7.07 
Synthetic gums and resins, 0. 8. Du fo ome imoo ioe omean [0] “ elem safeammecoenaee 25 DEF CON. ono oreo oreo oeeeooooo.| 4 cents per pound plus 30 pervent_i 25.00 |_.__..__ 
| AYADIC OF SENEZAle oem osoomeeemmeoomonooon| Pound... 9, 556, 360 | 764,652 | .080 47,782 | 47,782 14 cent per pound.........-..-....| ¥ cent per pound. .coc-meonemeeeet 6.25 6.25 
Total, paragraph. eens eee eocmmoceonenooee  @0u ool 0,557.34 TIL,E87 I... 48,7631 482m2 6.32] 6.26 
Barium compounds: 
Barium carbonate precipitated... c.ccoecacaaale.do._... 
Qariven chloride. ceccssssnamensenmmnnmmmmn ond Ounsensc 
Bariam Honlde cc ivmmnnmamnm mani ss mn jus 0e enim) 
Barium hydroxide. ooo cemacmaccacceaoen|aeadOnan... 
Barium nitrate. cecum cce cee icecccneman |e 
BArUM OXid0. eevee cmacnecacanencacncmnn|eealOuaaas 
Tofal, pUGEIADh. coc ruane sme rumnsnmwenmnnme mon GB mmm! 
leaning or polishing preparations: ’ 
Riaten pollh. .. coconnmmsnmnsmnnnn ane snsnnon Joma 800m mum 
3006 blacking.. eum ceeocenaacpaaaaacaccee fee UOaaean| 
3ackings, powders, liquids, and creams for |...do...... 
cleaning or polishing, n. 8. p. f. 
Total, paragraph. ccc ccmmmmmmccccmvccncanlaealOo c can 
4 | 14 | Bleaching powder or chlorinated lime_._..........[-_.do.._. 
Footnntes at end of schedule, page 13. 
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10 10 
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12 1? 
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