Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930—Continued 
Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
Act of | Act of 
1922 1930 
i Per cent| Per ceni 
15 Caffeine. -o..cooeenon wanemnpwapesivim DONQ ww un 140.94 | “17.48 
15 Caffeine citrate ooo 25.00 | 91.30 
15 Compounds of caffeine... o.oo... "TFUenmees 25.00 25.00 
15 Theobromine.. . «uu ss eiaeaaee iene, --do-on| 25.00 61. 86 
1783 | Impure tea, tea waste, tea siftings and swespings, An . 26.37 | Free. 
for manufacturing purposes in bond. 
otal, PATAZIAPN-cm even oem emeeeeeeeeaeeeee 0a 48,135 |e]. ry 18.16 
16 | Calcium acetate, OTUde- - meme cnnee co lO inn 80,058 | Free. .ooooomoon ameomonccenneece| 1 cent per pound... .......______.| Free, | 28.46 
16 | Calcium carbide. oo monoo oneal doll 25,272 | 1 cent per POUNG uuu cmacmm ccc frmee G0 eieeneenea| 27.48 27.48 
16 | Calcium oxalate. ... A AA lem mmm meena 25 per cent. eecccnnevunannaw-.| 4CeDtS PEr POUBA ee ceeemeean| 25.00 [ome 
Total, paragraph... ooococncau......! Pound... 115, 330 enon ten mss sos Resse spam 27.48 | 28.24 
Mercurial preparations: 
17 Calomel. ooo oeeemamnnne cena rman 280i nen 5, 588 8,154 | 1.459 3, 669 3,268 | 45 percent. ..oo_lo—ceuerooeoo--.| 22 cents per pound plus 25 per cent.| 45.00 40. 08 
17 Corrosive sublimate. o.oo. Fe m ©) gp mms wm sw sn gees ienasOl es reser aR ae ea isn 0 mama Raa waa wm fm mee] A500 Ve ie er 
17 Other mercurial preparations.................| Pound... 18,430 23,990 | 1.302 10,796 | 10,052 oo dO erence fee @O eee ....| 45.00] 41.90 
17]  Mereuric oxide. «oeamamoimmaecemee LL dol LI 2,240 2,663 | 1.189 1,102 L189 0a edOn | 45.00] 43.52 
Total, Paragraph eueoemeomomccneeceao.l don... 26, 258 34,807 |... 15, 68° DU SUON SS 1. J ceccmeceeas| 45.00 | 41.80 
18 | Carbon tetrachloride... oem iaLL - a o A 34 cents per pound. ...o.oceuo....| 1 cent per pound. oo... ___ Ii 
13 |  CLIOrolirin ecumenism mmm mim mmm ws Se mmm ns Bost...) 51 72 | 1.412 i beentsperpound. ._________..._..| 4centsperpound.__.__ _......____| 425 2.78 
18 | Tetrachloroethane. co ooooeeomnecanoo|oodoo oo. 48, 862 2, 544 .054 890 760 35 Per Cento mune ceececccmecnna| 80 DOT CONE Cece. | 35.00 30. 00 
18 | ‘Trichloroethylene. «cave |__do._... 154, 358 9,382 . 061 3,284 2,815 _.doe RR An wamnwensusnenms| 35.00 30. 00 
Total, paragraph. ooo eemcia aceon ie eo @0un es 201, 271 LL I—— 4,177 3, 580 cecmrecmcrmeenaea| 34.81 29, 84 
. mre seme T— = — EY 
Casein and casein mixtures: 
19 19 Casein or lactarene. « ..eoooceonooaanooo._|...do.....| 28,612 360 3, 674, 303 | .128 715,309 | 1,573,680 A 214 cents per pound. ....o.oo......| 5% cents per pound... _o.oooveeooo- 3 
1459 | 19 | Mixtures of which casein or lactarens is the 200 | NO) *) een | Jamal A 0 RT FI oer 1g 2s 
component material of chief value, n. 8, p. f 
Total, Paragraph coco cneaaamons remmemmaennns| 19.47 | 42.83 
Chalk or whiting or Paris white: 
‘Whiting-dry, ground or bolted......._..__..__j_..do_.__. 80, 245, 760 | 182,626 00 45, 65: 320,083 25 per cent. coeeoeeenuceana..| #o cent per pound-...__...______| 25.00 175.78 
Precipitated chalk oo... ___ | _.do..... 8,712,003 102,718 .028 25, 68( 25,080 00 nieccincnmmnenee| 25 DOF CODY. once] 25.00 | 25.00 
Whiting, ground in oil (Putty) .meeeoo oo _.__|._.do-.... 325, 836 6,839 020 2, 444 2,444 34 cent per pound... _.._....| 3 cent perpound...._.._._._..__.| 37.37 37.37 
Manufactures of chalk, n. 8. p. fee Li _dO...... 82,352 5, 562 . 068 1,391 1,801 25percent. ____ o_o oeemeen..| 25 Der cnt. mmnpssmmniey, SOY 25.00 
; a —— — 
Total, Targhee . 84,366,851 0T,445 75172 850,408 | eeeeooieooeeeeeoosieeoeen, eecomeeenmeececee| 25.27 | 117.84 
Fold, platinum, rhodium, or silver compounds, |.__do.... 6,775 20,944 | 3.091 5, 236 5, 236 | 25 percent... oucmenncuansnea--. | 26 por COME oem oeeoeomoraonaenen| 25.00 25. 00 
mixtures, and salts. { . 
IEEE res meme eer eee. meee mm ee ey 
Bismuth compounds, salts, and mixtures........| _.do.___. 8, 168 16,336 | 2.000 : BIE 5,718 35 percent. caeceeeoinacanncan- | 35 Der a © 35.00 | 35. 00 
Chemicals, drugs, medicinal and similar sub- 
Shapes, in capsules, pills, tablets, lozenges, or 
similiar forms: 
Medicinal and ph rmaceutical preparations__|...do...... 427,830 862,840 | 2.017 215,710 215,710 | 25 per cent. oueeeeocaccciacacaaan. 25 OIE — omen mene 
Chemicals, drugs, and similar substances__.|.__do....... 1,604 4,104 | 2.423 1,026 | 1026 | ode eno RE 2 % 2.00 
Motal. paragrapb...eaeecencemeeecaccanmecaloe domme 429, 524 866, 944 Seemann 216, 736 | 216, 736 | 25. 00 25. 00 
Aleoholic preparations: A ) - ” 
Chemical elements, compounds, mixtures, and 
salts, mn. s. p.f.: 
4 Containing 20 per cent alcohol or less_........|._.do.._.... 
t Containing more than 20 per cent and not ae 
more than 50 per cent. 
24 Containing more than 50 ed CON cence] eeGOurcmnn 
Medicinal and pharmaceutical preparations: 
: Containing 20 per cent alcohol or less.........|...do.___... 
Oyining 20 per cent alcohol or less, from |___do._..... 
uba. # 
I Containing more than 20 per cent and not |...do....... 
more than 50 per cent. 
i Containing more than 50 per cenbo cece ocmua|on doo cae. 
, Distilled or essential oils: 
24 Containing more than 20 per cent and not |...do-..... 
more than 50 per cent, 
24 Containing more than 50 Per ¢ent....-vaemen_|...do_..._.| 
- | Animal oils and greases: 
24 Containing 20 per cent alcohol or 1685. oc aee| oc d0o onan 
4 Containing more than 20 per cent and not |.__do_.... 
~ more than 50 per cent. 
24 Tthers and esters containing more than 50 per cent.|-..do. ....| 
"avoring extracts, fruit flavors, esters, oils, and 
A Containing 20 per cent alcohol or less... ...|...d0 oc... 
% Containing more than 20 per cent and not |...d0-..... 
more than 50 per cent. 
Containing more than 50 percent__._.._..__ |. do...... 
Tegetable or mineral objects immersed or satu- 
rated with alcohol: 
u v Containing 20 per cent alcohol or less.....__._{.__do_..... 
4 24 Containing more than 20 per cent and not |_..do._.._. 
more than 50 per cent. 
4 2 | Containing more than 50 per cent. coe. fo doo oan. | 
Footnotes at end of schedule, page 13. 
\ot of Act of 
1922 1930 

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