Comparison of calculated duties and rates of duty under Tariff Act of 1922 and the Act of 1930—Continued
B.— Detailed comparison, by groups and subgroups—Continued
Imports for consumption, value 1928
Equivalent ad
valorem rates
based on duti-
able commodi-
Actof1022 | Actof1930 | Act of 1022 | Actof 1930 | Actof1022 | Act of 1030 ALZiAny
Group 6. Metals and manuf; | ,
? actures, exce; i ; Per cent| Per cent
08 COE comeatert + except machinery and vehicles. ___........_.. $314,441,600 | $221,331,803 | $220,764, 570 | $03,109,806 | $93,677,120 | $31,336,405 | $32,307,517 | 33.66 | 34.58
neentrates.._..____________ ze et ry
Tron and steel Semimanufaettires. ooo =" "=== ac amen mmm no nn mmnmmmemmmnmmmmmnne an 5,428,019 5,428, 019 EE ——— 377,630 |oeceomcmcnamnn 343,705 |... 91.04
Steel-mill products, manuf LL DIITIIIIITIIIIIIIITIITTL 10; 6840807 755 | 755 10, 683, 642 10, 683, 642 2,023, 870 2,106,459 | 18.94 | 19.72
" » manufactures. _____ —_— ee ee ee ——
Structural shapes Rn re i em sm a mmr mE BRR 17,42" 80° 331, 244 331, 244 17,080,561 | 17,090, 561 | 3,653, 748 3,764,976 | 2m 1 22.03
Ralls and bars for railways 1 1 TI IIIT en crmens ommamennnenns 5.377,922 .._.. ee 5,377,922 5,377,922 873, 233 873,283 | 16.24, 16.24
fibes and tubes... ITT eee 487,781 ce mmm] 487,781 487, 781 26, 116 36,116 | 4.40 | 7.40
Nai and manufactures of TTT meee oes 5 087. TOT oie mop imi die Hm SS da 5, 967, 992 5,967, 9¢~ 1,311, 168 1,397,453 1 21. | 23.42
ee ee na 4,001, 313 328, 751 328, 751 3, 672, 362 3, 672, 562 1,127, 931 1,152,874 30.71 | 31.39
Fong and a —— 668, 846 1,718 1,718 667, 128 667,128 94, 678 94,678 14.10 | 14.19
S, ruts, or Vessels for HOIGIng gas Tioga os "=== =nn==sn=n=nsmsm=mnmmmn: smmcm ime 466,030 aoe eco 466, 030 | 466, 030 98, 024 08,024 21.031 21.03
ron and steel advanced ‘ BR I era 451,921 778 775 451, 146 451,146 112,598 | 112,598 24.96 | 24.96
manufactures.._ mee ey Be il mH" —
Sutlery ee emmnn 8, 647,899 | 856, 179 856, 179 1,720 nT 578,733 4,002,486 48. 52. 59
a —————— 1,460, 770 106 106 1, 460, 664 1,460,664 | [724,844 1,712,807 118.00 | 117.27
Lae nome eee TT — BUTTE |eosunmonnnuinas eas ssengy suman 899,755 | 899, 755 389, 625 580,345 43.30 | 64.50
Yerro-all BCBUTeS, DL @. 82 ee —————— mmm 1, 058, 099 854, 782 854, 782 203, 317 203, 317 117,482 126,359 57.78 | 62.15
OY ee te eee eee meee mmm 5, 229, 275 1,291 1,201 5, 227, 984 5, 227, 984 1, 546, 782 1,672,915 | 29.59 | 32.00
Nonferrous metals (except proc HRS me mr renee i EHR ER SR A 15, 530, 414 1,824, 949 1,824,949 - 13, 714, 465 13,714, 465 9,786,215 | 9,027,470 71.36 | 72.39
2 precious, n, 3 - meee eee eee Ee ————— Ea ae
Ee eee eee eee 0 486,77" 203, 530, 833 203, 341, 239 38, 955, 942 39, 145, 53€ ~ "03,379 © 370,884 24.11 | 23.94
Un i008 summon, » 10. 97,973 10,407, 973 2,615,491 2,241,152 25.13 | 21.52
98,179, 679 97,965, 453 | 926 245,044 | 85, 131 95,937 39.74 | 30.01
4,219, 201 1,015, 826 © 3,465 2, 203, 465 1, 244, 271 1,371,967 38.84 | 42.83
16, 652, 956 11, 692, 446 +, 760, 51 4,960, 510 1, 573, 628 1,580,378 31.72 | 31.86
4 302, £3 1, 469, ar 12, 822, 96€ 2, 630, 075 1, 686, 800 1,578,642 + 12.32 | 12.50
2’ 195, 937 873, 75 176 185, 367 57,067 68,804 38.00 | 44.34
9, 595, 855 2,461, 23% 34, 623 7, 542, 202 | 2,230, 091 2,433,914 31.26 | 32.27
14, 233, 300 vor go 2, P73, 566 4,873, 566 2,700, 451 2,791,441 | 55.41 | 57.28
29, 442, 57° “ap 170 916 4,152,016 7,078,049 | 7,606,067 3.79 | 3149
,72 8,72 2,709, 032 2,700, 032 751,008 871,732 27.73 | 32.18
441,942 241,94 18, 086, 324 18, 086, 324 5,892, 691 5,782,444 | 32.58 | 31.07
4,836,495 SEBOATD coms ora omer mena a RE ge SARA | SE gn hr Rp
> 50° 2, 500 3,357,560 | 3, 357, 560 1, 034, 260 951,801 | 30.80 | 28.35
102,890,520 | 106,392,943 | 39, 466, is 35,963,712 14,036,506 | 15,463,171 | 35.57 | 43.00
15, 253, 026 15, 253, 026 8,139,758 | 8,139,758 4,177,633 4,150,966 | 51.32 51.00
15,263, 026 15,253,026 |ocoomeo ini meooeaas - mean eemoam
eee mm o- 999, 050 999, 050 521, . 495, 1.% C3 | 49.57
en = 6,720, M4 6,720, 944 | 3,451, 032 3,451,032 51.35 51.35
201, 128 201, 128 99, 033 99,033 , 49.24 | 49.24
218, 636 218, 636 105, 719 105,719 4% 351 48.35
4,051,774 3,833, 710 1,287,472 1,395,988 | 31.78 | 34.59
15, 119, 899 13,497, 782 | 3, 504, 986 | 4, 072, 406 | 23.78 | 30.17
3,760, 250 3,760, 250 1,273, 320 1,678,369 33.86 | 44.63
emma] 1, 662, 242 V, 002.592 |ennissnnuonmunin 210, 667 ceeeeeeenen] 12.67 | Free.
was | ween | fe
724 724 1,011, 207 1,011, 207 385, 736 1,128,750 38.15 | 111.62
1,102 1,102 1,192, 044 1,192,044 | 268, 185 268, 185 | 22.50 | 22.50
1,283, 235 1,283, 235 4, 528, 961 4,528, 961 2,838, 507 2,838,507 | 62.67) 62.67
117.100, 787 117,089. 51C 49. 795, 146 4c e15 40m —moett racopRg “TEs | 4542
+, 755, 856 26.97
3,393, 303 47.32
"3,683 42,86
L536 57.70
71819 Le
771 .
123 8.05
). 43
5, 28
7, 502 EAA 63 —
905, 680 |. er 1,806,797 oeooeeenon| 23.60 |oeaonn
6, 221, 009 — 1,555,252 |oeemcmomeeeen| 25.00 |oooooooe
1,874, 671 351,545 | ooooooeo| 18.75 |oaeoonee
nd Ce
sm mimes]
Aluminum (and 0 i
Copper and sessed ssn
Brass and bronze and enn rssescassssssssmssssattseeeerrnesen
Lead and manufactures esse posses ep otampnesees
Oh als 47 a
Ores, metals, and a VS, n. e. i, Sa SR mrs emg emma and coin_..._-.
Precious metals, Jewelry, and plated ware, except gold and silver in ore, bullion,
Yroup 7. Machinery and F108 samp eee eee
Electrical machinery and a — smn
Industrial, office, and printing Machinery | T7777777rree mm mm menses none etm
Agricultural machinery and Implements. TTT sm 32 mmm
Vehicles, except BRI re csscremnen ee ras
#roup 8. Chemicals ang related produets. a mommmnoeee
Toal-tay ar RRR ER SRR
i sso ee rah
Colors, dyes, Stains, Sr oanets eae eee rennin ToT mamas
ai J
’roducts, 0. e, a
Medicinal and pharmaceutical Da werent tr revemessesmrssmemsmeereecesnineesan,
Ddustria] PR sarin oot IT © he 5 rm —
Pigments, paints, and rarnishes... III
Fertiliners and materialg— em
Sulphate OO eee TTT
~All other. "7 I Tr ert =m mm mmm m oom Ti
Explosives, fireworks, ang ammunition. 1711 mm
30a and toilet Preparations— I
Soap__ a —
Toilet Dettmer rst emma
“Froun 9, VISORS. TTT ————————
Photographic yr
Scientific ang professional instruments, apparatus, and supplies, n. e. Srarerrenrem eee
Toy anstruments. 2. SU Mments, appara, aud sip TTS IIIT
Toys, athletic ang sporting goods... TIITITTIIIIIIT TT
sda we
Books, maps, Dictures, and other printed matter, 1. o. Soren :
Clocks and watches A
Art fons mee LLL em eemam
A —————— i,
Matches, friction or id =
Beads ang heaq eee mm em
Pipes and smokers eee semer meee eee eee
Bole 27 eee LTT ree TT
ese TIT
ens and I ——————— mn
Articles, the 8rowth and products of the United States, returned. oo ee
Miscellaneous articles, n. e, Be tt rman srr ene —— nN
Noncomparable eee eee LL
Group a 3
Furs, I — LI
Manufactures of furs and fur skips. CITI
Footnotes at eng of table, page 146.
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