Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930—Continued 
Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
Actof | Act of 
1922 1930 
rotals: . Per cent| Per cent 
Containing 20 per cent alcohol or less...._..._] Pound.... 429, 010 $180, 807 | $0. 421 | $130, 960 $130,960 | 20 cents per pound plus 25 per cent. | 20 cents per pound plus 25 per cent_| 72.43 72.43 
Oran ss toon 20 per cent and not | Fond 827, 957 334,318 . 404 414, 763 414,763 | 40 cents per pound plus 25 per cent_| 40 cents per pound plus 25 per cent_| 124. 06 | 124.08 
more an per cent. 
Containing more than 50 percent... ..ccaean. doa... 102, 849 | 150,246 | 1.461 119, 839 119, 839 | 80 cents per pound plus AR 80 cents per pound plus 25 per cent_| 79.76 79.76 
Total, Paragraph ececccccceaccaceaae doo...) 1,359, 816 | B05, 371 Jowsnenan 665, 562 665, 562 |aaaucae cama 100.03 | 100.03 
Chicle: To TT oT B 
- Crude. ooeeeencacccaccmcanecccmncneccaeenanato Golo] 8,709,252 | 4,482,932 | . 515 870, 925 Free. | 10 cents per pound... ......_._..__ Leese nsmren 19.43 Free. 
Refined or advanced in Valve. It * om tanecoelammammaamcnc|daaeaao. .--' 15 cents per pound IIIT 5 cents per pound. ..... seleiieieemlonseanes 
Total, paragraph oom Pound... 8, 709, 252 | 4,482, 932 870, 925 BIB0; 1 Ruin nnn hmm me 10 00 1 avn mm mre, [I ean 19.43 Free. 
Jhloral hydrate. cooovuemoccecmccccncenmmennna]ean@0 Leone, 1,17 © Toss Percent. oo ceceeceaa. 35 POL CODE. mecca] SR 00| 35.00 
Porpin BPUIratB. «sume wan nsnmmmu mens mmen wom mn nla eQl eww wand 23,17! 1,0 2 feceae@O eee tee ee al0 ec ccecccecee cm amaeea| 2 00 35.00 
3.7. To Fl TO ue) FPN (, UPR 17,636 10,875 [ceca cQO eee eecaimem a QO eee emcee] ea 00 35.00 
fycerophosphoric acid, salts and compounds. .- Se | 2850 1 304 Lo — II ee TUTTI III & © 35.00 
83  —-mzmcmnmmmscamessccmeosnmmaennenanaennnn|on QO oo. 88, 927 PIL, [coun ellueicnnncanucnnccnnens mana] FIO. eevee emcee nna T€6. 
diethylbarbituric acid, salts and compounds.....[...do.__.._. ’ 23, 278 58,195 | 25 per cent ren swe] 2.50 per pound. .caceoamacemaoo| 20.00 30.61 
tthyl-hydrocupreine, salts and compounds. ..._.. ee (1) 4 PrOR. coon pssnmmnsnminsnmmuannsnny J CODLE POY OMB ccc cumvsrupense| HOS Jevunoune 
Total, paragraph. eeneaeos Pound... 1, 882, 685 86,076 fone EERE we | Hn 
Joal-tar intermediates: o 
Aniline oil and salts. oc cnvuecumemcceee donee 28, 740 
Naphthalene. uae cane GO 27 
Anthracene. oo uoooeocmmceacaamcneananaaneeoat doo 1, 052 
\nthraquinone, aminoanthraquinone, nitro- |... .do....__ 28, 341 
anthraquinone, . | ! 
lenzaldehyde, not medicinal, nitrobenzal- |.__do_._.._. 3,845 
dehyde. i 
lenzanthrone, benzoquinone, benzidine, | __do_._.__ 194, 310 
benzidine sulphate, benzyl, benzol, and 
benzoyl chloride. Ca } 
)yihydroxynaphthalene, and dianisidine.....|.__.do_.__._. 3, 900 01.60 51. 60 
diphenylamine......c-caomeomemcacaeaeceea| doo... 13, 050 16. 23 46.23 
lesoreinol, not medicinal o.oo... __do..__... 17,882 15.55 | 45.55 
‘olidine, toluene sulfochloride, toluene sul- |. _de.._.... 13, 380 56. 54 56. 54 
fonamide, toluidine, and tolylenediamine, 
‘ribromOophenol. oe on ommesmmmmee eee dO 1, 000 18.00 | 48.00 
(yHAIne. come cceemmmemmemmccmceecmcana Oa 5 0. 73 40.73 
ieta-naphthol, not medicinal... _..........___|.__do..__.__ 40,778 | 12. 80 42.80 
faphthylyamine, and naphthylenediamine. | __ do___..._ 1,80 | 15. 95 45.95 
litro aniline, nitrobenzene, etC..o-..--..-...|._ do....... 129,275 * 5.93 55.93 
rgaptiunine phenyiglyeine, etc....._.|__.do_...... 250 "0 5 frome Responses mmm Deen mmae a mae 2 2 g 3 
similar products. o.oo dO. 629, £87 209, aawel risen ARERR wanna nes [eee dA sins newman on , 
Tetacresol, orthocresol, paracresol, 90 per cent |___do_._.... 207, 897 | 14,004 foo GO eee 344 Loss per pound plus 20 per ' 83.26 | 41.63 
or more pure, ! cent. 
NEN0l ooo ccc am meme mmee mmm mm nome] eo QO cee a 1,653 117 | 3% conte per pound plus 20 Per ooo @0ceeicccrcaocacaicoenee. 39.42] 39.42 
Ironpln ad cass inemmmmemsn msm nnn sn] uA Bunn 976, 180 18, 269 tere rich Bene 68.45 68.45 
Yoal-tar acids, 0. S. Pu foemcecamemee naan} .Q0e eee 44,263 12,663 | 7 cents per pound plus40 per cent ¥_| ____ QO coceeeoooeamai oa... 45.58 22.79 
Total, Paragraph. a coecoceaeccaanaaaaoaral © d0uaee-- 2,487, 365 495, 182 a resus ann ena nnnmunonvmeneeen) SLI8L 48.57 
Li gong gos glia chemicals: | 
‘olors, dyes, and stains— 
Tolors, "dyes, stains, leuco, and indoxyl— | _ do. .... 3,333 | 3,796 | 1.139 1,942 1,942 | 7 cents per pound plus 45 per cent 10. 7 cents per pound plus 45 per cent 19.] 51.15 51.15 
compounds manufactured from alizarin, 
Jolors, dyes, stains, leuco, and indoxyl— |__.do....... 66 | 228 | 3.455 107 107 |oee@One ieee eee me freee BO ee eeeeeeeo| 47.03 | 47.08 
compounds manufactured from indigo. | 
TALOra) IED. «cn imiminmma mim mmmmem ww sine] ill mi 1,528 185 L121 190 190 meeen0 ef 0 102.82 | 102.82 
Jolor lakes. «oom eoocemcnencem cance] ooadOn ol 155 169 | 1.090 87 BT |ocecc@O ieee eee cece 0c cece eee mae 61042 51.42 
Jolors, a stains, color acids, color bases, |__.do_____.. 8, 089, 303 8,716,566 1.103 | 3,448,706 | 3,448,708 | o00 ceeceiunnacccccaaces eeelO eee] BL35 51.35 
ynthetic INAIZO0 cae me cmc cmecamcmmmmnmrmeen) cieccean Wy Q _ 0 ieeeoceaceuaea-. 3 conts per pound plus 20 percent _____ o.oo. 
SIDhUL BIACK moomoo |e 0 ( I eee BO oes eimeeemenaes fa 
Pola inane ea —— wi 6,720,044 |.____...| 3,451,082 | 345L032 eriiidOmieirt oie iieene enone momen cneoenea) 8135) BLES 
18 | Photograrhic cherricals. oo oocoo_oocieeramueeenloa@Oon 25,313 77,539 | 3.063 36, 664 86,664 |.--2-G0.oeeoooeoooooooooo.oo.._.| 7 cents per pound plusd5 per cent!| 47.20 | 47.29 
ct of] Act of 
1992 | 1930 
1686 | 
1793 | 
27 114 
37 27 
27 27 
27 27 
37 27 
7 27 
27 27 
27 27 
27 27 
27 2 
7 r 
27 z 
27 2 
27 2 
7 2" 
2 27 
27 27 
27 27 | 
7 27 
7 | 2% 
Zz vz 
5 | 
viedicinais: . 
Acetanilid, acetphenetidin, acetysalicylic acid. |.../v_.._. HUT 
ALI TEIIN, smn wig ss igs i i aetna 82, 204 
Jeta-naphthol and benzaldehyde. ...ceoeecacaloo it 1oaanns 1. 
Sonzoio Aol, conan smn pn anew Laat astm 417 
Phanolpht halen. coc srensresrmmnmsvssmanmisipnsl Wanhons {, 400 
salicylic acid and its SAS. mice cecemccmcmmn|oaal cocaea- 196 
2eS0TCINO. ec re raceme crime mac ans cammm rene aC dencmae 7,713 
BBL0k ewww magn mm mm wm ie or ns on man go ym te mm bE Frm em 18 | 
\rsphenamine, neoarsphenamine and similar. |--_dn-..._. 39 
TOVOCaine or procaine... oooocooecooof-n dO. 14 
nal-tar medicinals n. 8. p. foo lie.d0aas 19, 834 
Bitumen amma snsasssho Q ems] 116, 497 
7 1. 400 
69,7: , 847 
1° 0.154 
2. L.6l1 
4,731 | Lo73 
1,343 | 6.852 
12,974 | 1.682 
100 | 6.250 
6,847 (431.974 
6,711 [479.357 
87,614 | 4.406 
201,128 |oeeooo. 
7, 684 
10, 81° 
an pee 
Veena lO ARH 
mmmmel J cicwmamem cma om—aea——- 
mem mss m—————— SA 
meal mmm mmm 
wmmill Mammen Ww a —————— 
suns Dn hi i RR 
beans pia RS RR 
ER. JL IR. SS ren 
3,071 |omen ec imemmacac moma mmeonee 
$0,818 oot eeeccemmeramammmeameana—e 
99, 033 I 
reenU0aean camcmaeea) 20.00 10. 00 
wil Framers ess wiieeaens 8 53.1% 
ame Tsien wna wnnsessimmnaneel 309 15.¢ 
ommend FRR EE HE mm monet em 3.46 56. ¢ 
mame, Ingnrae a tr mmm mewn ADD 60. 8. 
JR JRO |; X12 46. 0: 
omer cece neem men, 30.16 49, 1c 
© mmmmmmmme cece mannan, $6.12 48. 12 
Vem creme ccmemeieameens 10.021 45,02 
Vaswamwsnmpmmairinsesensasene S307 45.0) 
TTT pd 46.59 
0 ee ercaaaaa | 49.24 49,94 
Footnotes at end of schedule, page 13.

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