Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922, and the tariff act of 1930—Continued 
Unit of 
Imports, calendar year 1928 | Cn Tin on 
Rate of duty 
' Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
et of| Act of 
1922 | 1930 
Quantity . 
Value | 
Value [2 unis, Act of 1022 | Act of 1030 | 
Act of 1922 
Act of 1930 
Act of | Act of 
1922 1930 
Per cent] Per cent 
28  JanilliD. eo ceece oan whin wake) ~ound.... 18,759 $129,917 . §6.926 $59,776 | $59,776 | 7 cents per pound plus45 per cent 1._| 7 cents per pound plus45 percent 10.; 46.01 46.01 
28 ' tuaiacol and derivatives... __. imine st oO rm 4,946 5051 1.208 3,024 3,024 __..do__. ee QO eterna 0.82 50.82 
98 1 IAVOTS.comzcsmmmmmrmmmma moomoo seman [ee GOmeco 143 196 ' 1.371 98 08 [ror cmedonLTTIITITTTIIIIIIIII 0.00 | 50.00 
28 | viusk, artificial, and other synthetic odoriferous ;._.do.._.... 124, 388 405,750 3.262 00,2000 101, 200 | cially crn mmnasiir msn dn mrs emir Os gpg ww sms nmin esas W151 435 
| or aromatic chemicals not containing alechol. 
28 | Synthetic resins... eee] doa. 60, 547 10, 984 .181 9,181 9,181 I sidQ0mnn sm nmnnnmnnnn nanan wane [rere Bsmevrrrmenmminanmammnnssh 5350 | 83.59 
10 ams 6, 443, 978 ! 7,652,418 == 3, 850, 107 | 3,850,107  —ae@O een J 50.98 50.98 
Petal, PAraZTAD cn meme m mmm mm 
Cobalt compounds: 
OXIdB. oof O 364,154 692, 753 | 1.902 72,831 | 72,831 
Sulphate... 0Q0a al 68, 150 39,791 | .584 6,815 6,815 
Linoleate oo cee mm [0 1) ee ee 
jalts and compounds B. 8. P. feocane oo. Foard | 131 202 | 1.542 61 61 
Total, paragraph. coool da 432, 435 732,746 |-oeeeees 79,707 79, 707 
Yollodion and other liquid solutions of pyroxylin, |___do...... 167, 500 137,204 .819 58, 625 50, 250 | 
of other cellulose esters or ethers, or of cellulose. 
1) Cellulose acetate, and compounds, combina- 
tions, or mixtures containing cellulose acetate: 
1) In blocks, sheets, rods, tubes, powder, 
flakes, briguets, or other forms, whether or 
aot colloided; and-waste wholly or in chief 
value of cellulose acetate, not made into 
Jnished or partly finished articles. 
4) In finished or partly finished articles, n. s. 
D. f. . . 
) Cellulose compounds, including pyroxylin 
and other cellulose esters and ethers, combina- 
ions or mixtures: 
1) In blocks, sheets, rods, tubes, powder, 
flakes, briquets, or other forms, whether or 
not colloided, not made into finished or 
>artly finished articles. 
Transparent sheets more than 34o¢0 of --edo._...] 
1 inch and not more than 33{og0 of 1inch 
in thickness. 
2) In nished or partly finished articles, 
ns. p.f, 
3) Transparent sheets of cellulose not exceed- 
ing $4000 of 1 inch in thickness. 
Total, PAragraphe. veecmmrermmcmmcmaans ccna 
"uleanized fiber, made wholly or in chief value | Pornd._. 
of cellulose. 
ompounds of casein, known as galalith or any 
ther name: 
In blocks, sheets, rods, tubes, or other forms, dow | 25 cents Per POUNd. co oeevecueeen..| 25 cONtS PE POUNG eee noveeuaa_. 35.63 | 35.03 
not Jade into finished or partly finished 
‘n finished or partly finished articles, n,s.p.f... do.._.... 89,762 178,152 | 1.985 | 80, 443 124,981 | 40 cents per pound plus 26 per cent.| 40 cents per pound plus 50 per cent. 15. 15 70. 15 
‘Total, Paragraph. came cccmeommeeeciaos do.__....y 98, 057 182,569 |... 83, 017 126, 555 |. imecccameccenceamacsesmensemcecac|cammmmcammmemmccmaccemeeenmamem nen 44.02 69. 32 
rugs of vegetable or animal origin; natural and do... 920, 662 182,101 .198 18,210 18,210 | [0 DOr Cente mmumeareeeerereeannaen] 10 DEF CONt. o_o oeocicecaaea] 10.00 | 10.00 
uncompounded drugs, not edible and n. & p. £, 
>ut advanced in value or condition, 
drugs, natural, advanced in value: 
ALOUD. sc ve wwwmm mmm wm mmm ———— my 1) mmm wifes gap nenrsreesse’ TRON cirsnssvenel DON COD umes msipwas emma mans 
safabida. ool Pound... 48 37 L771 4 dirname erm ne ———— aa HE a Rn ER A RR 
IIE INIONE. win im mmimmmmmio wo. RE R)) 1 ait RRR mm ———.———————— mm; snmp mdm miii mmm mien] 
BO cm Fn ma RR wn mi Sem RR mr 1 (1) Sms a. rece cmeomemee came m———an| am ——. — ae 
Tre A wl NL SN 10) rms nfo ee re emeemman]enae meme am—————— 
Mv 1 ng rm Sa E010 1 | rg mm “, Mm remmmm cfm nrc mmc Mmm emmmenamessnenseasmmman|cecmal  semmcemsmac ac mammeas an. ome 
-shmallow or althea root, leaves, and flowers.| Pound. ._- 15, 579 8, 588 .230 359 350 [227 : TITIAN 
até, ground yerba._ oven ean dO 78, 807 10, 952 . 139 1,005 1,095 '____ os em mememe| aman SA 
Syrethrum or insect 1OWers. —«ceceeoocanuon |e dOoemnn. 58, 721 14,364 L245 1,436 1,436 Jima _ gl — I 
ie, emi as - pierre fod 
otal, Paragraph. .ooooocecencaonaeoofo G0 meres 153, 158 28 041 gen 
SUSIE 100708... unc wie mam smth sam a Gee [ree I mmm 109, 551 24,500 | 1u, 955 
Joos leaves. 1 1111111 IIIT IIIT Igor 211,371 40,198 1 21,13. | 
entian. eer ccmeeee Goan 681, 204 42,470  .0¢ 1, 70¢ 
deoriee root... ieiceceneenaal eeoeao| 68,633,202 ', 754,523 © 0°. 343, 166 
arsaparillaroot._____ CC CT TC Tae ll 108, 107 20,315 | 188 1,081 
elladonna. ITC steel 319, 192 33, 502 | -105 8,376 
vightaliSo ooo. ldollllll 64, 432 16, 612 . 258 4,153 
AORDADG. meee fend 69,765 | 7,326 | 105 1,832 
ETAMOMUD ao cee G0 455, 766 [ 39, 855 . 087 9, 964 
‘Potal, paragraph... oo. | _d0cceo._| 70,652,678 | 1,979,303 ...... 402,367 
ee eee ee mii 
NIZE | BIRO. erm wisi Emm Et i oi SNR Hi der rr sem war WD oe en 209,360 | 296,983 | .992 29,937 
=. — ~~ tit. ——mll &Sse— = = 
Ethers and esters: 
37 Diethyl sulphate. .couocrcacneanan wm UD i wi 25, 924 5,740 .221 1,435 | 1,435 
37 | Dimethyl sulphate. 2 JIT LIT Tao TI 4410 94d | L214 236 236 
3 Eth] BCOtALO one oes osmmmemmmmmme comm mmman mamma e cronon 0) ® ed en 
3 FLY] MOBEALB. cue oem n nm mmmn nny wana emmann| POUL... 5, 347, 902 701, 827 .131 175, 457 374,353 
3 DANY CEIOTI8.. o.oo mi ak bi A A 0 [0] 0) rtm eee bm ———— ky —— 
3 Tthyl ether... ecco ccmmecemamnc oc imccmcmens om 0) cement cee fran 
37 Tthers and esters, n. 8. Po fo ceceenocanuwacaaa--| Pound_.__ 678,911 113, 935 .168 28, 484 28, 484 
37 Amy] acetate oo eereeercacacnanacarcancaonrmnaloe d0aaaaon 539 211 . 391 53 38 
Total, PaPagraDlle conn mnnmnnnmnanmmimssmafvs Binns 6, 057,686 822, 657 1. eeo.. 205, 665 404, 546 
J —_—_—ee eee es eee eee ye 
footnotes at end of schedule, page 13, 
80. 00 
24. 89 
aee0eiciiaccracreceeee. 4B cents per pound... ............| 50.00 56.25 
795, 603 | 60 per cent. .uceveuveveonceraenn..| B0pOrcent. o_o ......._..__._.| 60.00" 60.00 
228,007 25 percent 1. cooueeeeeeeaccoaes| 45 POF CON uence] 25.00 45.00 
O71, 420 | LOTEBIS | omens ene eee 0 | 16 
| — = 
177 « 152 35 POI CON cumermencmmcnanareanna| 80 DOF COD eer ceeemceeeens| 85.00 80,00 
| 3 
BR ree. 
25. 20.00 
15.40 Free. 
’5, 00 Free. 
20.33 124 
rr mms 
10.08 Free. 
} DOT ORE. wun mewammm am mmnmamen] 20.00 25. 00 
ron runic smn ae amine enmannwennaws) 25.00 25. 00 
2018 DOF POUND. «oc re mse semana mms mi [ee mm 
rents per pound. ..ooooreennnaaa| 25 00) 53. 34 
cents per pound. co.oooooaioifanns - 
2ents Per POUNG aun coe come fmc eevee 
5 percent ec ecemmeeeeeeeann| 25.00 25.00 
cents per pound... _....o........{ 25.00 18. 01 
iia weenie | 35, 00 49.18 
pasta { eb rasetepist as 

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