Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922, and the tariff act of 1930—Continued
Unit of
Imports, calendar year 1928 | Cn Tin on
Rate of duty
' Actual or com-
puted ad valo-
rem rate
et of| Act of
1922 | 1930
Quantity .
Value |
Value [2 unis, Act of 1022 | Act of 1030 |
Act of 1922
Act of 1930
Act of | Act of
1922 1930
Per cent] Per cent
28 JanilliD. eo ceece oan whin wake) ~ound.... 18,759 $129,917 . §6.926 $59,776 | $59,776 | 7 cents per pound plus45 per cent 1._| 7 cents per pound plus45 percent 10.; 46.01 46.01
28 ' tuaiacol and derivatives... __. imine st oO rm 4,946 5051 1.208 3,024 3,024 __..do__. ee QO eterna 0.82 50.82
98 1 IAVOTS.comzcsmmmmmrmmmma moomoo seman [ee GOmeco 143 196 ' 1.371 98 08 [ror cmedonLTTIITITTTIIIIIIIII 0.00 | 50.00
28 | viusk, artificial, and other synthetic odoriferous ; 124, 388 405,750 3.262 00,2000 101, 200 | cially crn mmnasiir msn dn mrs emir Os gpg ww sms nmin esas W151 435
| or aromatic chemicals not containing alechol.
28 | Synthetic resins... eee] doa. 60, 547 10, 984 .181 9,181 9,181 I sidQ0mnn sm nmnnnmnnnn nanan wane [rere Bsmevrrrmenmminanmammnnssh 5350 | 83.59
10 ams 6, 443, 978 ! 7,652,418 == 3, 850, 107 | 3,850,107 —ae@O een J 50.98 50.98
Petal, PAraZTAD cn meme m mmm mm
Cobalt compounds:
OXIdB. oof O 364,154 692, 753 | 1.902 72,831 | 72,831
Sulphate... 0Q0a al 68, 150 39,791 | .584 6,815 6,815
Linoleate oo cee mm [0 1) ee ee
jalts and compounds B. 8. P. feocane oo. Foard | 131 202 | 1.542 61 61
Total, paragraph. coool da 432, 435 732,746 |-oeeeees 79,707 79, 707
Yollodion and other liquid solutions of pyroxylin, |___do...... 167, 500 137,204 .819 58, 625 50, 250 |
of other cellulose esters or ethers, or of cellulose.
1) Cellulose acetate, and compounds, combina-
tions, or mixtures containing cellulose acetate:
1) In blocks, sheets, rods, tubes, powder,
flakes, briguets, or other forms, whether or
aot colloided; and-waste wholly or in chief
value of cellulose acetate, not made into
Jnished or partly finished articles.
4) In finished or partly finished articles, n. s.
D. f. . .
) Cellulose compounds, including pyroxylin
and other cellulose esters and ethers, combina-
ions or mixtures:
1) In blocks, sheets, rods, tubes, powder,
flakes, briquets, or other forms, whether or
not colloided, not made into finished or
>artly finished articles.
Transparent sheets more than 34o¢0 of --edo._...]
1 inch and not more than 33{og0 of 1inch
in thickness.
2) In nished or partly finished articles,
ns. p.f,
3) Transparent sheets of cellulose not exceed-
ing $4000 of 1 inch in thickness.
Total, PAragraphe. veecmmrermmcmmcmaans ccna
"uleanized fiber, made wholly or in chief value | Pornd._.
of cellulose.
ompounds of casein, known as galalith or any
ther name:
In blocks, sheets, rods, tubes, or other forms, dow | 25 cents Per POUNd. co oeevecueeen..| 25 cONtS PE POUNG eee noveeuaa_. 35.63 | 35.03
not Jade into finished or partly finished
‘n finished or partly finished articles, n,s.p.f... do.._.... 89,762 178,152 | 1.985 | 80, 443 124,981 | 40 cents per pound plus 26 per cent.| 40 cents per pound plus 50 per cent. 15. 15 70. 15
‘Total, Paragraph. came cccmeommeeeciaos do.__....y 98, 057 182,569 |... 83, 017 126, 555 |. imecccameccenceamacsesmensemcecac|cammmmcammmemmccmaccemeeenmamem nen 44.02 69. 32
rugs of vegetable or animal origin; natural and do... 920, 662 182,101 .198 18,210 18,210 | [0 DOr Cente mmumeareeeerereeannaen] 10 DEF CONt. o_o oeocicecaaea] 10.00 | 10.00
uncompounded drugs, not edible and n. & p. £,
>ut advanced in value or condition,
drugs, natural, advanced in value:
ALOUD. sc ve wwwmm mmm wm mmm ———— my 1) mmm wifes gap nenrsreesse’ TRON cirsnssvenel DON COD umes msipwas emma mans
safabida. ool Pound... 48 37 L771 4 dirname erm ne ———— aa HE a Rn ER A RR
IIE INIONE. win im mmimmmmmio wo. RE R)) 1 ait RRR mm ———.———————— mm; snmp mdm miii mmm mien]
BO cm Fn ma RR wn mi Sem RR mr 1 (1) Sms a. rece cmeomemee came m———an| am ——. — ae
Tre A wl NL SN 10) rms nfo ee re emeemman]enae meme am——————
Mv 1 ng rm Sa E010 1 | rg mm “, Mm remmmm cfm nrc mmc Mmm emmmenamessnenseasmmman|cecmal semmcemsmac ac mammeas an. ome
-shmallow or althea root, leaves, and flowers.| Pound. ._- 15, 579 8, 588 .230 359 350 [227 : TITIAN
até, ground yerba._ oven ean dO 78, 807 10, 952 . 139 1,005 1,095 '____ os em mememe| aman SA
Syrethrum or insect 1OWers. —«ceceeoocanuon |e dOoemnn. 58, 721 14,364 L245 1,436 1,436 Jima _ gl — I
ie, emi as - pierre fod
otal, Paragraph. .ooooocecencaonaeoofo G0 meres 153, 158 28 041 gen
SUSIE 100708... unc wie mam smth sam a Gee [ree I mmm 109, 551 24,500 | 1u, 955
Joos leaves. 1 1111111 IIIT IIIT Igor 211,371 40,198 1 21,13. |
entian. eer ccmeeee Goan 681, 204 42,470 .0¢ 1, 70¢
deoriee root... ieiceceneenaal eeoeao| 68,633,202 ', 754,523 © 0°. 343, 166
arsaparillaroot._____ CC CT TC Tae ll 108, 107 20,315 | 188 1,081
elladonna. ITC steel 319, 192 33, 502 | -105 8,376
vightaliSo ooo. ldollllll 64, 432 16, 612 . 258 4,153
AORDADG. meee fend 69,765 | 7,326 | 105 1,832
ETAMOMUD ao cee G0 455, 766 [ 39, 855 . 087 9, 964
‘Potal, paragraph... oo. | _d0cceo._| 70,652,678 | 1,979,303 ...... 402,367
ee eee ee mii
NIZE | BIRO. erm wisi Emm Et i oi SNR Hi der rr sem war WD oe en 209,360 | 296,983 | .992 29,937
=. — ~~ tit. ——mll &Sse— = =
Ethers and esters:
37 Diethyl sulphate. .couocrcacneanan wm UD i wi 25, 924 5,740 .221 1,435 | 1,435
37 | Dimethyl sulphate. 2 JIT LIT Tao TI 4410 94d | L214 236 236
3 Eth] BCOtALO one oes osmmmemmmmmme comm mmman mamma e cronon 0) ® ed en
3 FLY] MOBEALB. cue oem n nm mmmn nny wana emmann| POUL... 5, 347, 902 701, 827 .131 175, 457 374,353
3 DANY CEIOTI8.. o.oo mi ak bi A A 0 [0] 0) rtm eee bm ———— ky ——
3 Tthyl ether... ecco ccmmecemamnc oc imccmcmens om 0) cement cee fran
37 Tthers and esters, n. 8. Po fo ceceenocanuwacaaa--| Pound_.__ 678,911 113, 935 .168 28, 484 28, 484
37 Amy] acetate oo eereeercacacnanacarcancaonrmnaloe d0aaaaon 539 211 . 391 53 38
Total, PaPagraDlle conn mnnmnnnmnanmmimssmafvs Binns 6, 057,686 822, 657 1. eeo.. 205, 665 404, 546
J —_—_—ee eee es eee eee ye
footnotes at end of schedule, page 13,
80. 00
24. 89
aee0eiciiaccracreceeee. 4B cents per pound... ............| 50.00 56.25
795, 603 | 60 per cent. .uceveuveveonceraenn..| B0pOrcent. o_o ......._..__._.| 60.00" 60.00
228,007 25 percent 1. cooueeeeeeeaccoaes| 45 POF CON uence] 25.00 45.00
O71, 420 | LOTEBIS | omens ene eee 0 | 16
| — =
177 « 152 35 POI CON cumermencmmcnanareanna| 80 DOF COD eer ceeemceeeens| 85.00 80,00
| 3
BR ree.
25. 20.00
15.40 Free.
’5, 00 Free.
20.33 124
rr mms
10.08 Free.
} DOT ORE. wun mewammm am mmnmamen] 20.00 25. 00
ron runic smn ae amine enmannwennaws) 25.00 25. 00
2018 DOF POUND. «oc re mse semana mms mi [ee mm
rents per pound. ..ooooreennnaaa| 25 00) 53. 34
cents per pound. co.oooooaioifanns -
2ents Per POUNG aun coe come fmc eevee
5 percent ec ecemmeeeeeeeann| 25.00 25.00
cents per pound... _....o........{ 25.00 18. 01
iia weenie | 35, 00 49.18
pasta { eb rasetepist as