Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duly in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930—Continuea 
Imports, calendar year 1 | Computed duties on 
’ Yor 1524 1928 imports : Rate of dutv 
Quantity Value | value 0 _ 
per unit] Act of 1922 | Act of 1930 Act of 1922 
Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
Act of | Act of 
1 1922 1930 
Unit of 
Act of| Act of 
1922 | 1930 
Act of 1930 
Joimsses and sugar sirup, n. s. p. {., testing in 
to* ‘1 sugars not above—Continued. 
PEE e155) SOON Fallon... 621 
77ipercent co ooo. - _do__..___ 7,081 
78 percent... oeocouoaooo do... 3, 704 
RD DOL OB uc crm mismo i doo... 26, 523 
BI DOP 00cm mmm mp co. Deemmem 1,527 
5,1 «1 [UT IPUSUTENCRICRIE . | NN 1,682, 45° 
Under general tariff... o.oo ooo aaa ocdOo ~ T1632, 759 
From CUDA emo eeclOoecnaas 49, 700 
Total molasses and sugar sirup ....._... [ 1,682, 459 
Under general tariff... .._...._._. — 
From Cub8.ceeuecacaamcnn.. wes wm 
Toinl, paragraph. ccc vcicmmammminvsens + wonummen 
Maple sugar and maple sirup: 
503 MAD)O SUGAT — mmm come ccmacmmmcmm me cman a eamo| POUND] 
503 | Maple SIrlP auc cen eacccccmamcaa cece caeoane|-a a0 
Total eee ooceeameacccmemeccmeeacnac|eea@Ouanas 
Dextrose and dextrose sirup: 
503 | Dextrose, testing not above 99.7 per cent, and (-=e80ueo 
dextrose sirup. : 
Total, paragraph ooo ieee. pam 
Sugar cane... Ton....... 
Rare sugars: Adonite, arabinose, dulcite, galactose, ; Pound.__.| 
inosite, inulin, levulose, mannite, d-talose, 
d-tagatose, ribose, melibiose, dextrose testing 
above 99.7 per cent, mannose, melezitose, raffi- 
nose, rhamnose, sorbite, xylose, and other 
505 | Salicin_ mp mo HEHE AH 
Total, paragraph. ooo. 
508 | Sugar candy and confectionery, n. s. p. f., and 
sugar, refined, when tinctured, colored, or adult 
,  terated. 
506 From Cuba ooo. — Hiss 
- i 
Total, Paragraph. ooo |e 00- oe 
fotal, under general a Re 
From Cubf.e ooo... _ 
Total, Schedule 5. ooo co ee 
502 50: 
502 502 
502 502 
502 §02 
502 502 
Per cent! Per cent 
$401 | $0. 790 $48 $48 7.675 cents.__. Cro CeNLS. ici icccmcmcameaeen) 8.71 9.71 
5,556 78 582 . 582 8.225 COILS. oourcm mm emaman i Cents. oo oioeoooemo..| 10.48 | 10.48 
3,451.9 319 | 319 3.500 CONtS__oveeacos —aoaenn- [ + 9.25 
22,276 8 2,400 2,400 9.050 cents........ ww DEON poms 30 3 10.78 
1,297 . 8 142 | 142 12.325 cents._.... ERR TS CERLS eee cemccccmeeeeen| 10.95 10.95 
517,057 | .3C 93,141 03,141 | 5.536 cents... mamma} 5.536 CODES. ioe eemememeaea.. 18.01 18.01 
505, 904 | _31C 90,670 00,670 ooooemmeeeacmeenann ee. 11.92 17.92 
11,158 | .224 2,471 | ZATL. wasmcnsmmmn smn msm toms sas minds wis: wim mimi swans, Sand 22.16 
517, 067 ! . 307 93, 141 BUH cscs cammmmnmns snssl en wees remassssmanea SAR 18.01 
i hh, SST —_— 
1,868,882 {-ooooo.. 152,465 TRI onsen Sen SSSR SRR Si etn SHE ——— 8.16 8.48 
10,402,713 | .._.. 468, 465 505, 247 I 4.50 4.86 
6,954,530 | 1,186,077 | .171 278,181 | 556,362 | 4 COMES. noommoomeococoeoooooonon] 8 CONES Liiiiiiiicicoceea. 23.45 | 46.91 
398, 644 53,111 | .133 15,946 21,025 ooo odOunemoieeo oT SYS CODES eee 80.02 4128 
7,353,174 | 1,239, 158 l.169 294,127 WIRIET 1 RRR Rr RE emma, 23.74 | 46.67 
1,067 ut | L104 16 21 1.5 oC . 2 CRIES eee oeeeeaoommamnnennn 14.41] 18,02 
ees 1,230,200 I 204, 143 | 578,308 woeenmcamcacmcecmc amen en mmm amemenn] ean I. LC | 46.66 
rr he ee eee ee . — 
228,777 | 800,756 | 3.500 . 228,777 | 571,943 | $1 Der tOR eeamemncnannsmmnenns] $2.50 DEE EOD « eioooeemaennmne 28.57 | 71.43 
610,012 | 85,503 | .140. 42,797 | 42,797 | 50 DET CODY vmmeeemmeeemomeamna| 50 DOF CODE. eooomrommmncemmmcemee. 50.00 | 50.00 
508 | 
503 | 
3,374 | 3.107 1,687 1,687 | ce e@Ome emai ae 80 eee ecmnmmeeemmmnneee 50.00 | 50.00 
J ns 88,967 |.-xoo. 44,484 481 sllDonncmnnman in snnnmsinmn amnion sss von nn manne mmmnn me emenanen S000 | 50.00 
Pound... 3, 630, 861 085,018 | L263, 382,007 382,007 40 POL CON wnnnnmemencenaanannnnaa| 40 percent fo ooocmeoaceceeooooor 40.00 40.00 
2,728 737 L270 236 236 | 40 per cent less 20 per cont-—.....| 40 per cent less 20 per cent f....... 32.00 32.00 
3, 633, 580 | 055,755 | 268 | 382,243 | 382243 | ooeeeocoeeeommeesmooeoammseammeen]eeenmemesnmeenncesnmemesnnmeennnen) 39.99 | 30.60 
. oe] G02 [rece] BIG6316 | ZOIII  oeeoeenmrmeessranmemssmnmmmmnnnneoncensenessnseerannn rasnnennersenans| 34.201 46.29 
epi] 168,471, 781 |..o..._.|116,415, 794 [132,020,238  cocemmmmmciimeas cas iv mnmmenmensennemnvunnenemennna| 68.10 78.37 
eeeeeoo.| 174,750.643 | _______[118,572,109 [134,939,588 oooeeeo-. eames emma eer anne | 6.85] TR2L 
1 Duty-free imports of sugar from the Philippine Islands in 1928 amounted to 1,150,030,512 pounds, valued at $46,872,833 and are not included in tabulation. 
? Inasmuch as imports average 98° sugar “rate of duty”, and computed duties are shown ou that basis instead of 100° 
} Rates per gallon based on 52 per cent total sugars. 
But not less than untinctured sugar provided for in paragraph 501 of the same polariscopic test 
05 | 

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