Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930—Continued 
Imports, calendar year 1928 | Compiind Suites on 
ate of duty 
Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
Act of | Act of 
1922 1930 
\ct of| Act of 
1922 | 1930 
Unit of 
nuantitv | 
5 Value | 
Quantity | Value AC in Act of 1922 Act of 1930 
Act of 1922 
Act of 1930 
‘ried beet pulp, malt sprouts, and brewers’ dried 
Beet pulp dried. owe} Ton._____. 
Malt sprouts and brewers’ grain_...__._.______|___do...____ 
Mixed feeds. emo cmammiaeaana Lo fodOe 
)il eake and oj-sake meal: 
Cottonseed - o-oo __._.| Pound.._. 
Cottonseed and linseed (Bibby’s)._.....______ | PED es, 
TT —doo_ 
Joconut OF COPIB. wmunu eos foo doo. __. 
FRADILE., we mt mms mmm rng mm mem mm ww wis esp |e + Armen mee 
ALBEE. mrp mmm gitia fa ee 
ny-bean oil cake and soy-bean oil-cake meal___|.. do... 
Total, paragraph. ooo. 
3creenings, chaff or scourings of grain or seeds | Ton... j 
other than flaxseed. = 
Tlaxseed screenings, chafl, or scourings............| Pound____ 
Total, paragraph... 
lereal breakfast foods and similar cereal prepara- | 
Under general tariff. «ooooooeooooeeono | Pound __. 59,717 7,53 | .126 1, 507 1,507 
TOM CUB eae ome doo 9 622 | 1,128 | .117 | 180 180 
Total, paragraph. ooooooeeooo | do____ 69, 330 8,662... 1,687 1,687 
Biscuits, wafers, cake, cakes, and similar baked |__.do....._| 2304601 | 722,560 | .314| 216,763 — 
articles and puddings. s 
From Cuban anemone commie dOn ool 1, 567 284 | .181 68 68 
Total, Paragraph —eeeeeceoocemeccneeee oo |__do...__ 2,306,228 22,844 |..._....| 216,836 | 216,836 , 
meme =i ej 
apples, green of ripe... wow. ooeoo..___| Bushel ___ 114, 606 211,362 | 1.84% | 28, 651 
Apples, dried, desiccated or evaporated... ____ Pound. | 6212 | 5) bh mg 124 
Apples, prepared or preserved... ............____| do. 764 146 | .191 | 19 19 
Total, PAragraphe- -amemecmeemecceemeeol ll 911707 see BA 28,794 
Apricots, green, ripe, dried, orinbrine._._.__._____| Pound..__ 61, 988 5,140 | .083 310 310 
Apricots, otherwise prepared or preserved.._..____|___do___.__ | 1,155,349 58,095 | .050 20,333 20,333 
Total, paragraph. --ceeeeoeoomoemmaeeen_|__do._... 1,217, 337 63,235 |--anenn 20, 643 20, 643 
Berries, edible, in their natural condition: - T= 
3erries, natural or in brine. wo ooooeenemeaeee i do.....__| 6,768,735 508,469 | .088 84, 609 84,600 14 cents per pound..._._.__..___. 'Mcentsperpound.. o.oo... 14,14 14 
3erries, dried, desiccated, or evaporated....._.___ ao 40, 252 9,334 | .232 1,006 1,006 34 cents per pound...____________ 4% cents per pound...ooooo--| 10.78 10.78 
Berries, otherwise prepared or preserved, n.s. p.f.|. _do___.__. 68, 731 8, 066 L117 2,823 2,828 35 percent... ooo ..._____| 35DET CODY cn ieeinnemaaneaaos| 35.00 | 86.00 
Total, DAragraph.-.—wweeceenceemnmmemencnnsl.odooso.. 6,877,718 615,860 |__| 88,438 | 88,438 oo eemeemee ceeeeeceamceeee| 14.86] 14.36. 
"87 | 77 | Cigale, i hel oatarsl stole sAPRMEL OF 18 uci. "3,351,885 | 879,544 | 161 | 47,027 | 47,027 cents per pound. ............ 2€ents Per POMDA co ceowlicoeens| 12.30 | 12.89" 
87 787 Onerries, maraschino and other prepared or pre- om] 563, 185 i 129, 815 , 231 51,926 105,420 10 DOL CONE comme coca | 224 agus per pound plus 40 per | 40.00 81,21 
served. : cent. 
rl er Cherries, sulphured or in brine, stemmed or pitted. |. _do...___. 10, 955, 345 | 1, 561, 091 L142 | 18328,660 | 1,040,758 | 3 cents per pound ®___________....| 83% cents per pound..............} 21.05 | 66.67 
Total, Paragraph meee cece __do-_... 13,869,865 2,070,450 |-—oooo | 427,618 | 1,293,204 | ooo ccmcmmemenmeaneeal 20.65 | 57.63 
5 | 738 | Cider. ecmmrmccemmoommccsms renee. | Gallon... 4,035 4,018 | 1.219 202 202 | 5 cents per gallon_.__._.._.__....... cents per Be Faation 4.11 4.11 
38 738 | Vinegar mo oeceeoccececnmnsenmesnaneennn___| Proof gal. 274,169 | 84,446 | .308 16, 450 21,934 | 6 cents per proof gallon__________. cents per proof gallon ...........| 10.48 | 25.97 
Total, PATAZIADH weer emem cme n ceo oan 89, 364 TY 22,136 | meee eee erememmmmmemnnnnen| 18.63 | 24.77 
'r8Rge PeOl-.vememmecaroeosnemamenrenncacnnn.| Pound. ... 10,663 | L047 . 067 2cents per Pound oc omen ......| 2 CONES DEX POUDA. wmeoemmmmoonmonn| 3, 62 | 12, 62 
AION POBL neces] 0. 16,002 | .020° 1.930 1.950 Em NE A re 68.31 | 68.31 
range peel, prepared or preserved in any manner. |--_do_...._. ‘03, 545 L115 | 45,013 72,021 Scents per pound... ...oeeoeen-._.| 8 cents per pound. ..oooooceoaoou.’ 43.47 69. 56 
«emon peel, prepared or preserved in any manner. |. _do-...__. 72,3686 | .002 39, 213 E2741 oo 0m 0am. 54010 | 86.70 
Jitron and citron peel, in brine... —..__.______ 1177" qo 707 90,038 | .063 28, 623 Free. cents per pound... | Free. oeooaeccmereneee| 3.79 | Free. 
Jitron and citron peel, crude, dried...._...._._ |" qo TC 36,730 | .163 4 511 Free. QO. ooo modo III 2.28 | Free. 
Jitrom, candied or otherwise prepared or preserved.|_..do....... 8,069 | .128 132, 843 177,124 34 cents per pound. ............__| 6 cents per pound... eoceecueono- | 35.05 | 46.74 
Total, PAragrapha-ncecenemmemeeeeccae 318 | oo... 274,200 | 335,888 eo eamememmemneemomeeeemonemmmmneee 65 | 46.12 
gis fresh, dried, or in brine.......ceco....____ ound..._| 30,573,354 | 95,146 | O75 611,467 | 1,528,668 cents per POU. o-oo 5 cents per pound B.. _.oooeeeeees] 20.53 | 66.32 
igs, preserved or prepared in any manner...’ Aes 1, 363, 661 76,455 |. 056 26, 759 30,582 15 per cnt. -oemmoroeeenonoon| 40 DET CONEe mae mmieecincnnaneaanana| 35.00 | 40.00 
Total, paragraph. ooo __________| 31,037,015 | 2,381,601 |..ooocoo| 638,226 | 1,550,250  _oeooioiiieeeemocecmmeccemeeeccne|ennnn mmmecmmcecmaceenee. 10.80 | 65.47 
741 71 Dates, fresh or dried..._............ | Pound 46,211,005 | 2,312,651 | .050 | 462,119 | 463,119 1 cent per pound : 1 cent per pound # | 19.08 | 10.98 
7411 741 | Dates, prepared or Preservedcmmmm oooeeo. 2-70 do... 1,057,940 Casa | Loa 15,337 18,248 35 per AR, 35percent ®.__.._ T0777 35.00 | 4164 
Total, paragraph. ooeoeeeeoi 0 d0enoo 47, 269,845 2,356,472 |_oeoo..| 477,456 480, 367 cmemmmscacnmmmeneenna- 20.26 [20.38 
742 | [42 GTBDES..iooceomcerocecmsescesocceceweeeeo... Jubicfoot.] 138,111] 317,909 | 2.302 | 34,528 | 34,528 * Gents per ube f00t..vemvemnes; 10.86 | 10,86 
742 742 | RAISINS wooo eee Cound....| 2,204,201 304,327 | .138 44, 086 44, 08¢ 26nts per POUNQ. .cecmcmvnnnenens| 14.49 | 14,49 
142 742 | Other dried grapes... oooeecil (70 doo... 2,574 411 | 160 64 64 4 cents Per pound: .ueecuneuenannt 45.57 | 15,57 
42 742 | Currants, Zante or other... __ Tdo.___ | 11,134,859 998,702 | .090 222, 697 292, 697 NES DOL POUDRA ec cone cwwemeo 22.30 | 22.30 
Total, PAAGIAPR coo ooo iii con! 1,621,348 |__| 301,375 301,375 u sesumemnmnrsnmnnnannwas] B03] 18.8 
. Miia Bn re li. = 
Tootnotes at end of schedule, page 50. 
730 130 
30 | 730 
30 | 730 
1629 30 
1620 30 
1629 30 
1629 30 
1620 30 
1629 | 730 
620 730 | 
“er cent Fer cent 
16.11 16.11 
12.61 | 12.61 
10.00 | 10.00 
ree, 12.16 
ree. 16.34 
‘ree. 13.84 
ree. 19.05 
‘ree. 13. 36 
ree. 21. 57 
‘ree. | 15.13 
3.87 12.38 
10.00 | 10.00 
10.00 | 10.00 
10.00 | 10.00

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