Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930— Continued
Actual or com-
puted ad valo-
rem rate
| Computed duties on
Imports, calendar year 1928 oR eo
Unit of
Rate of duty
\ct of Actof
1922 | 1930
Et ——— AS —— LL —] Lia
nity | Value | Value | Act of wlio of 1930
Act of 1922
Act of 1930
Act of | Act of
1022 1930
Thread, twine, and cord of flax, hemp or ramie—
| Continued.
1004 1004 Bleached, dyed, or otherwise treated, made
‘rom varns not finer than-
cassesnvevinmmmnman] COMA...
FI ES fi} Te—
Ammen nr wm mmm mii 8 rT Dm
ss a mamvessssme= bam Fortin min:
Ce mmeccca-- Veen
Wp wn Faas nen
i Vawaiinin
OR TER Penns
Ap Vora
mmr nn me A mma nnn mean SR Vammmen
I'otal, flax, hemp or ramie, thread .do......
twine, on cards.
Total, paragraph. ceeecocacoceccancean. doo.
Cordage, including cables, tarred or untarred:
1005 o sunn or other hast fiber except jute or QO wigan 174, 386 17,975 . 103
1005 OF BOD. occa] > 151, 662 36,225 | .239 |
1005 Less than 34s inch in diameter... ...__._.| _.do......_ 142, 726 25, 762 . 180
Of manila, sisal, or other hard fiber:
Under general tariff—
1005 Less than 34 of 1 inch in diameter._.......|-..do__.__..| 3,544,084 454, 693
1005 Other...... po AO cnn 2, 218, 654 293, 158
1005 From Cuba... WR 40-eary 234,748 34, 508
Total, paragraph .ccoceeecaceccccacn. doo oe 6, 466, 260 862.321
Gill nettings, nets, webs, and seines:
In the gray, made from yarns not finer
LE T—————
$2, 07
A DOTOBIL Kens umins sama
214 cents per pound... ........._.
APB CANE Locniimmgnn mmm mainain
734 cents per pound.._._._..__..
OPAL CBNY Lvs iiinesiiinsn mie
mmm d Peds mt Sd Se rw mm
meme ree.
UN. cL
nll ar iam —————
cg 0 Dr we wm
ann im wim is wn wi AR
40 percent... ...... ac
pms Duicummn means Joon
- ew Yn TR ——
- rm ——
smmm eeccesusscemawm mre rman mm
cecmr lemmcavesacsscsmmmeem— wn am———
—— TY et 0
tee daecemccceccacmeacmseene
fee Decccmeaccseecccecmmcmanean
nT se i
RD sc a aw BR SR SR
er cent
4r, 00
40. ¢
40. 06
40. 0C
. 00 40.00
30 00 40.00
cemmememmnemaneeesl 33.10 1 40.00
seressemerrnsan neces snreens] 20.98 | 236.98
2 cents por pound. ..cccoeccacenoao| 19.40 10. 40
314 cents per pound. ......cceueona.! 10.47 13. 61
DD CBI a mmm mmm mamma), 0.00 40. 00
155. 437
“509,651 | 616, 587
3,488 |
3,791 |
3,488 | 2 cents per pound. .......o..oeeee.
4.9020 214 cents per pound... ._.......
10.305 | 40 Der cent. - oom mn
.120 | 26, 581
.130 16, 640 |
.147 1,409
62. 214
139,086 | 3{ cent perpound._...._.___......
44,373 |ocoa a0 eco ee
3,756 | 34 cent per pound less 20 per cent.
205, 937
cents per pound plus 15 per cent... 5.85 | 30. 59
centsperpound....o.......o_._.| 5.68 15. 14
cents per pound less 20 per cent | 4.08 10.88
i a 1 0 7.21 23.88
Amant 15,471 5,205 342 2,383 | 184 gute per pound plus 10 per 45 POF CONt..oveemv eno woameneencnn| 63.32 45.00
Mf eis i0, 673 14,731 1.380 3, 629 40 Per COM. eee oimicacaca en Ducecamccacacccasceamcacmm-aea| 40.00 45,00
32 IA. c canis wnnsnmmn TEARS SS a 140 41 L293 1£ 19 cents per pound plus 10 per cen’ a" Oecmcmcamcemccnvameaneneneena| 74.88 45.00
10 TOM, « even wom mm i 5 RH ASA rl i 1 2,636 3,402 1.291 1,531 $0 POL COMb cer cneccecamammnanen eeeTOiiiccccccciccaccncaannanan| 40.00 45.00
17 88 aac meme emeamamccemacmccm mean Oem 175 227 + 1.297 102 cca ill@iuis cminnanuniawsnnnnans=se A0ucsnnnsnnsnivwrssmnunsancenns) 40.00 + 48.00
8108s omeeace eee mma mmmmaceemnmnnne 10 145 | 04° 1.407 9 lee eramiomesen 10eeemcneemmmemmmcnmmmnennca| 40.001 45.00
0108 a cece me mmm mm ne AQeeecme 1,652 2,715 1.643 222 ee B0icciceea L T————— FX: | N'Y | |]
= Busan se TE aa 840 1,313 1.563 591 Vemmmmemmeomamnnn ceecccmmmccccccmcaeaean] 40.00 45.00
0108 ame eee me ame manmmn] oOo] 10, 260 15,759 | 1.536 [0B 1. 0eemmeecmeacceannnancaanenna| 40.00 1 45.00
12 JOR meena mam caccacwame ae amm nen d0eeenea. 590 748 | 1.268 337 4114 demise per pound plus 10 per ._._.G0.ccceiiemmaccecccnannneea| 42.73 45,00
1 cent.
<5 108 meme cicamee en catenin 720 953 | 1.324 | 129 | 4334 fms per pound plus 10 per MOcinenmimimsnannminnnmnrnasnsy $3.05 45.00
40 188 ceca iiccmcaiacccc cana e GO 134 217 | L619 98 | 40 DOF BIL iu smu nme ie Bl covuunpnwnpnsnveevswneswevwe] 40,00 45. 00
Boiled, made from yarns not finer than 4lea.._|...do....... 432 549 | Lomi 236 247 | 42 cents per pound plus 10 pe= ren J. NO 43.05 ' 45.00
Total, Paragraph -« occeueeeneeononeaons|oocd0o oe 43,868 46, 154 zd 10,777 | CBOTIL oe eeeecnnmmmmmmn nnn ime om me gmnmame mmm ns] ABBE | 45.00
| sme eae rey freee ream eres
1007 | ng for conducting liquids or gases, of vegetable |[._.do..._. 185, 224 133, 074 L718 44,795 56, 080 | 17 cents per pound pius 10 per oat 1934 on per pound plus 15 per | 33.66 42. 14
fiber. ' cent.
r———— —e fr ee _ee——
1008 | Burlaps, and other jute cloths, n. s. p. f.: | |
NOt Processed. .cmaemeeeccacaccaceanacameacesaaac@0ouaei 615, 962, 556 79, 666, 990 | .129 | 6,159,626 | 6,159, 626 | 1 cent per FT RO 1 cent per POUR. ween 7.73 7.75
| Processed: | |
1008 Under general tariff. ..ooueetcoeeoeecnnnae|onalOueaoe 1, 530, 671 149, 523 | . 098 30, 269 30,259 | 1 cent per pound plus 10 per cent_.| 1 cent per pound plus 10 per cent_.! 20.24 20. 24
1008 | Prom Cub. .coneens snnvmneneniwsomnnneee sont Dasma 7,000 381 064 1 86 86 | (1 cent per pound plus 10 per cent) | (1 cent per pound plus 10 per cent) | 22, 57 22. 57
less 20 per cent less 20 per cent.
— — rr — —— [i mimi
Total, processed... ....cocoeecaveeccacfado.. o_o. 1, 537, 671 | 149, 904 . 097 30,345 ; 30, B48 [i cumwiunmmmmenm mamas oe re wy gare nsenameemmmnemeeesweessmsus] S00% 1 20.24
a | er —
Notal, paragraph. cceeeeccracacocnanac|-aadon. Lo 617, 500, 227 | 79, 816, 894 = .-| 6,189,971 | GIRL ITY Lenn mmamm nin sR RES A REAR AE [A RRR se me Re aes TRG | 7.76
000 | 0096s | Woven fabrics of flax, over 30, not over 100 [ae 2,160,284 | 1,411,956 | .654 | 776,576 | 8 776,576 | 55 DOF CBD. oooeeeonnmeeeeenneees| 55 POF CODE. oooooeeeieoomeeenne.| 65.00 | 56.00
threads in warp and filling to the square inch,
weighing from 41% to 12 ounces, inclusive, per
square yard, over 12, not over 24 inches wide. |
Woven fabrics of hemp, or ramie, over 30, not |.._.do....... 28, 298 [ 19,531 emer mmr mre BO 55. 00 55. 00
over 100 threads in warp and filling to the
square inch, weighing from 4}% to 12 ounces
nclusive, per square yard, over 12, not over
4 inches wide.
. Doltlnppupscespppariimipenensmosianas)un 30 wae
Paddings or interlinings of flax or hemp ....c..uzjwandO cee oo
Paddings or interlinings of jute. u.ooiociiced]cna@Ommnanas
Total, paragraphc cee caconccaaacaceac.f—.do oo.
Jootnotes at end of schedule, page 82.
1008 |