Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930— Continued 
Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
| Computed duties on 
Imports, calendar year 1928 oR eo 
Unit of 
Rate of duty 
\ct of Actof 
1922 | 1930 
Et ——— AS  —— LL —] Lia 
nity | Value | Value | Act of wlio of 1930 
Act of 1922 
Act of 1930 
Act of | Act of 
1022 1930 
Thread, twine, and cord of flax, hemp or ramie— 
| Continued. 
1004 1004 Bleached, dyed, or otherwise treated, made 
‘rom varns not finer than- 
cassesnvevinmmmnman] COMA... 
FI ES fi} Te— 
Ammen nr wm mmm mii 8 rT Dm 
ss a mamvessssme= bam Fortin min: 
Ce mmeccca-- Veen 
Wp wn Faas nen 
i Vawaiinin 
OR TER Penns 
Ap Vora 
mmr nn me A mma nnn mean SR Vammmen 
I'otal, flax, hemp or ramie, thread .do...... 
twine, on cards. 
Total, paragraph. ceeecocacoceccancean. doo. 
Cordage, including cables, tarred or untarred: 
1005 o sunn or other hast fiber except jute or QO wigan 174, 386 17,975 . 103 
1005 OF BOD. occa] > 151, 662 36,225 | .239 | 
1005 Less than 34s inch in diameter... ...__._.| _.do......_ 142, 726 25, 762 . 180 
Of manila, sisal, or other hard fiber: 
Under general tariff— 
1005 Less than 34 of 1 inch in diameter._.......|-..do__.__..| 3,544,084 454, 693 
1005 Other...... po AO cnn 2, 218, 654 293, 158 
1005 From Cuba... WR 40-eary 234,748 34, 508 
Total, paragraph .ccoceeecaceccccacn. doo oe 6, 466, 260 862.321 
Gill nettings, nets, webs, and seines: 
In the gray, made from yarns not finer 
LE T————— 
$2, 07 
A DOTOBIL Kens umins sama 
214 cents per pound... ........._. 
APB CANE Locniimmgnn mmm mainain 
734 cents per pound.._._._..__.. 
OPAL CBNY Lvs iiinesiiinsn mie 
mmm d Peds mt Sd Se rw mm 
meme ree. 
UN. cL 
nll ar iam ————— 
cg 0 Dr we wm 
ann im wim is wn wi AR 
40 percent... ...... ac 
pms Duicummn means Joon 
- ew Yn TR —— 
- rm —— 
smmm eeccesusscemawm mre rman mm 
cecmr lemmcavesacsscsmmmeem— wn am——— 
—— TY et 0 
tee daecemccceccacmeacmseene 
fee Decccmeaccseecccecmmcmanean 
nT se i 
RD sc a aw BR SR SR 
er cent 
4r, 00 
40. ¢ 
40. 06 
40. 0C 
. 00 40.00 
30 00 40.00 
cemmememmnemaneeesl 33.10 1 40.00 
seressemerrnsan neces snreens] 20.98 | 236.98 
2 cents por pound. ..cccoeccacenoao| 19.40 10. 40 
314 cents per pound. ......cceueona.! 10.47 13. 61 
DD CBI a mmm mmm mamma), 0.00 40. 00 
155. 437 
“509,651 | 616, 587 
3,488 | 
3,791 | 
3,488 | 2 cents per pound. .......o..oeeee. 
4.9020 214 cents per pound... ._....... 
10.305 | 40 Der cent. - oom mn 
.120 | 26, 581 
.130 16, 640 | 
.147 1,409 
62. 214 
139,086 | 3{ cent perpound._...._.___...... 
44,373 |ocoa a0 eco ee 
3,756 | 34 cent per pound less 20 per cent. 
205, 937 
cents per pound plus 15 per cent... 5.85 | 30. 59 
centsperpound....o.......o_._.| 5.68 15. 14 
cents per pound less 20 per cent | 4.08 10.88 
i a 1 0 7.21 23.88 
Amant 15,471 5,205 342 2,383 | 184 gute per pound plus 10 per 45 POF CONt..oveemv eno woameneencnn| 63.32 45.00 
Mf eis i0, 673 14,731 1.380 3, 629 40 Per COM. eee oimicacaca en Ducecamccacacccasceamcacmm-aea| 40.00 45,00 
32 IA. c canis wnnsnmmn TEARS SS a 140 41 L293 1£ 19 cents per pound plus 10 per cen’ a" Oecmcmcamcemccnvameaneneneena| 74.88 45.00 
10 TOM, « even wom mm i 5 RH ASA rl i 1 2,636 3,402 1.291 1,531 $0 POL COMb cer cneccecamammnanen eeeTOiiiccccccciccaccncaannanan| 40.00 45.00 
17 88 aac meme emeamamccemacmccm mean Oem 175 227 + 1.297 102 cca ill@iuis cminnanuniawsnnnnans=se A0ucsnnnsnnsnivwrssmnunsancenns) 40.00 + 48.00 
8108s omeeace eee mma mmmmaceemnmnnne 10 145 | 04° 1.407 9 lee eramiomesen 10eeemcneemmmemmmcnmmmnennca| 40.001 45.00 
0108 a cece me mmm mm ne AQeeecme 1,652 2,715 1.643 222 ee B0icciceea L T————— FX: | N'Y | |] 
= Busan se TE aa 840 1,313 1.563 591 Vemmmmemmeomamnnn ceecccmmmccccccmcaeaean] 40.00 45.00 
0108 ame eee me ame manmmn] oOo] 10, 260 15,759 | 1.536 [0B 1. 0eemmeecmeacceannnancaanenna| 40.00 1 45.00 
12 JOR meena mam caccacwame ae amm nen d0eeenea. 590 748 | 1.268 337 4114 demise per pound plus 10 per ._._.G0.ccceiiemmaccecccnannneea| 42.73 45,00 
1 cent. 
<5 108 meme cicamee en catenin 720 953 | 1.324 | 129 | 4334 fms per pound plus 10 per MOcinenmimimsnannminnnmnrnasnsy $3.05 45.00 
40 188 ceca iiccmcaiacccc cana e GO 134 217 | L619 98 | 40 DOF BIL iu smu nme ie Bl covuunpnwnpnsnveevswneswevwe] 40,00 45. 00 
Boiled, made from yarns not finer than 4lea.._|...do....... 432 549 | Lomi 236 247 | 42 cents per pound plus 10 pe= ren J. NO 43.05 ' 45.00 
Total, Paragraph -« occeueeeneeononeaons|oocd0o oe 43,868 46, 154 zd 10,777 | CBOTIL oe eeeecnnmmmmmmn nnn ime om me gmnmame mmm ns] ABBE | 45.00 
| sme eae rey freee ream eres 
1007 | ng for conducting liquids or gases, of vegetable |[._.do..._. 185, 224 133, 074 L718 44,795 56, 080 | 17 cents per pound pius 10 per oat 1934 on per pound plus 15 per | 33.66 42. 14 
fiber. ' cent. 
r———— —e fr ee _ee—— 
1008 | Burlaps, and other jute cloths, n. s. p. f.: | | 
NOt Processed. .cmaemeeeccacaccaceanacameacesaaac@0ouaei 615, 962, 556 79, 666, 990 | .129 | 6,159,626 | 6,159, 626 | 1 cent per FT RO 1 cent per POUR. ween 7.73 7.75 
| Processed: | | 
1008 Under general tariff. ..ooueetcoeeoeecnnnae|onalOueaoe 1, 530, 671 149, 523 | . 098 30, 269 30,259 | 1 cent per pound plus 10 per cent_.| 1 cent per pound plus 10 per cent_.! 20.24 20. 24 
1008 | Prom Cub. .coneens snnvmneneniwsomnnneee sont Dasma 7,000 381 064 1 86 86 | (1 cent per pound plus 10 per cent) | (1 cent per pound plus 10 per cent) | 22, 57 22. 57 
less 20 per cent less 20 per cent. 
— — rr — —— [i mimi 
Total, processed... ....cocoeecaveeccacfado.. o_o. 1, 537, 671 | 149, 904 . 097 30,345 ; 30, B48 [i cumwiunmmmmenm mamas oe re wy gare nsenameemmmnemeeesweessmsus] S00% 1 20.24 
a | er — 
Notal, paragraph. cceeeeccracacocnanac|-aadon. Lo 617, 500, 227 | 79, 816, 894 = .-| 6,189,971 | GIRL ITY Lenn mmamm nin sR RES A REAR AE [A RRR se me Re aes TRG | 7.76 
000 | 0096s | Woven fabrics of flax, over 30, not over 100 [ae 2,160,284 | 1,411,956 | .654 | 776,576 | 8 776,576 | 55 DOF CBD. oooeeeonnmeeeeenneees| 55 POF CODE. oooooeeeieoomeeenne.| 65.00 | 56.00 
threads in warp and filling to the square inch, 
weighing from 41% to 12 ounces, inclusive, per 
square yard, over 12, not over 24 inches wide. | 
Woven fabrics of hemp, or ramie, over 30, not |.._.do....... 28, 298 [ 19,531 emer mmr mre BO 55. 00 55. 00 
over 100 threads in warp and filling to the 
square inch, weighing from 4}% to 12 ounces 
nclusive, per square yard, over 12, not over 
4 inches wide. 
. Doltlnppupscespppariimipenensmosianas)un 30 wae 
Paddings or interlinings of flax or hemp ....c..uzjwandO cee oo 
Paddings or interlinings of jute. u.ooiociiced]cna@Ommnanas 
Total, paragraphc cee caconccaaacaceac.f—.do oo. 
Jootnotes at end of schedule, page 82. 
1008 | 

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