Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930
amports, calendar year 1928 Cprifutod Auiiss on
Rate of duty
! Actual or com:
puted ad valo-
rem rate
ct off Act of
1922 | 1930
Commodity | Unit of
, Actof | Actof
1922 1930
Per cent! Per cent
Woven fabrics of flax, n. 8. D. fooeeeee | Pound__._|6.70,220,930 | $7,098, 508 | $0.867 | $3, 100, 439 [933,010,430 | 40 DOF Conte eeernmnreeremmnncncneas| 40 Bf Oh cnsseitatrsarneney. WQS H0
Woven fabrics of hemp or ramie, n. 8. p. fo... J.J do. 11] 6.715 052 13,635 | .906 5, 454 5,454 ooo Ome ieee Coon t 40.00 1] 40.00
Woven fabries of jute, mn. s. pv. fo. TTT Tq 8 90, 08% 58.866 | 647 23, 547 23, 847 |ocoon@0oies cocoa mmmnfome en @0 eee] 40. .
eerie freemen resists rem Yomi] TT
Total, paragraph...__..ocoeeee | _do._....| 9335070 8 071,000 |------|_3,228,440 | £3,048 440 ea 40.00
011 | 1011 | ny nt weighing less than | __do_.____ 230,318 20,993 | 130 10, 497 10,497 | 35 DOT COOL. eo oo cnaenacenoncaannnc| 33 DOT CONE onion] 35.00 | 35.00
V4 ounces 1 . 35.00 35.00
011 1011 | Plain woven fabrics of vegetable fiber, except | _ 7 1,683,004 | $083,004 | -- 0m oem mememimecomammmmmemen deen Om ecm 3 .
sotton and jute weighing less than 41 as a0... 3,718, 700 4,811,411 | 1.295 3
ser square vard. ee fee
ee | 35. 3
Total, paragraph... do. ____ 3,947, 018 4,841,404 [.___.... 1,694,491 | #994 491 SRR ESA RR el mm Tren Do, 350 ®
i i BR IP, Pn 45.00 | 45.00
Li er ——— A or 56 ; 1,181, 545 | 1,181, 545 | 45 DOr CNY nom mceecmccceeeoo. SB DEF CEM]
Manufactures of pile fabrics... - 2771 a 2 al 2 ox oie 8580 | 18880 | om Q0nonnnoooiieit IIIT ido IIIT 500 4500
Total, paragraph... | _ do. __ 1,209, 372 2,644,743 | _____. 1, 190,134 | 1,190, 184 |-=ee@0mm omens een 45.00) 45.00
| eee ee ee Se Emm
1013 | 1013 | Linen table damask and manufacturesof-_._____| qo. __ 5, 345, 159 6,014,819 | 1.125 | 2,405,028 | 2,706,669 | 40 Percent. ..oooocoimeumnnloonen@Om i. 40.00 | 45.00
: eee ee Tm
018 | 1013 | Sets, tablecloths and mepkinS...oo._o | To £33,877 |... Fra 105,245 |-==e-00 wereocc eeoemneemcmamecafemen-O wrmecemeses eran sean] 40.00 | 45.00
Total LE TE ee 6,448,608 |..." 2,579,479 | 2,802,014 loom m eee rommmamemne cern cenneee. 40.00 45.00
128 of fig: Yor — le—— = — = = a ee
1014 oat 1h hen is Wie Number 9,531,577 | 814, 153 085 447, 784 447,784 55 per CETL. er eeeecemrecaneeee SO DEr CONE aiiiiiieeimem————— ope 55.00
‘014 Over 120 threads to the square inch-..____ "77 “igo 7" 7 g7! 055, 066 2,504,644 | 227 | 1,001 858 1,001,858 | 40 percent ZI lI lIIII_lll_. 0Dercent......o....-.- camaef 40. 40.00
Total, towels and napkins___._..________ : AIR ee vmmmmmesasassuseammsemnmamennnean| 43.68 43,68
1014 Sheets and pillowcases of flax, hemp, or ramie___. 0... -| 2 o oe 3 ne iA TTR Le 2 L i 7 40 percent TTT A0Dereent.ceeeaccnacreomemaeee| 40.00 | 40,00
~do_. _._. i h , , ee
moda oir | a mo one || 1 Ere 24a | = te1 ons | 43.42 J
Total, paragraph. .«.oeeoooeovee |. do... 0,949,815 3,572,803 |........| L551,244 | 1,851,244 |--commmcommmmommoomooooonioneaoenan meneame enema 43 43.42
Small wares of vegetable ire pie an cotton: | | werk. | sn 0.61
Tapes wholly Am for use in | yard. 521, 519 5628 | 0.011 | 1,688 1,688 | 30 A p
manuifacturin: € 14 . Tes
Tian Ping not exceeding 12 inches in | Pound 336, 252 63,006 | .187 | 22,052 | 22,052 85 Der cent. eceoreoeoeoeececoacac 38DEI CONE oe | 85.00 | 35.00
width. eis
Jther small wares of vegetable fiber (other | | 57 | i eae80 meee manad meee Oe cece came eeneae| 36.00 | 35,00
aT amor sms hres an 20, 734 7,257 7,287 | ~
Total, paragraph. oeeee ] 30, 997 eee wg nn] 34.68 | 34.68
andkerchiefs of vegetable fiber other than TT
Nothemmed......... ooo...
Hemmed or T3175 NOR a
Total, paragraph... _ | lL
Vearing apparel of vegetable fiber other than |
Shirt collars and cuffs coraposed wholly o .
in part of flax. ¥ or | Doz. pieces |
ORT ee eee eee
Total, paragraph... | a.
3ags or sacks of jute:
Not bleached, printed, colored, or rendered |
Dofnhmmitly a
Under general tariff...
From CUB emreen LITT] POUR.
35.00 35.00
45.00 52.91
44.15 51.39
40 cents per dozen pieces plus 10 26.26 26.26
per cent,
35 per OED - eeeee me oeoememeemens] 86.00 35.00
emecmmmmmmmnaeaot 31.22 31.22
| 19.17 19.17
1, 949 831,949 | 1 cent per pound plus 10 per cont 1 cent per pound plus 10 per cent__| » .
8 87 | 87 (1 pl plus 10 per cent) | (1 cent per pound plus 10 per cent) i 22.70 22.70
Tess 20 ner cent. less 20 per cent.
ji 1) = 1 19.17 19,17
i 5 meeienanl 832, 036 BI2,000 | con mmosminses gemma tmp eam ae
A colored, or rendered | Band 22! 8.020 | 8,020 | 1 cent per pound plus 15 per rg 1 cent per pound plus 15 per cent..| 26.13 26.13
Total, paragraph. ........._._ _______ | a nm 840, 056 | TU UIE ereenenenen| 10.22] 10.22
019 1010 Bagging oy covering raw cotton: ’ - = i =
: eighing over 32 ounces per square yard._____| p 95 | 29,965 | 0.3 cent per pound. ..... ......-..| 0.3 cent perpound........oo-....| 8.84 8.84
019 | 1019! Weighing from 15 to 32 ounces, eae Sounds o iy a | 9, I oe 2 | 2 672 271,672 | 0.6 cent 1% yard........-..| 0.6 cent per square yard. .........{ 9.94 9.94
Total, paragraph. ..oeeeeio TTT TR 010.831 | 801,637 | BOL, 37 |ememme eee eens eeemmomnmmnoeeneeene | 0.82 0.82
wl wa ingame vs oilcloth: Ga — }
Id) 1020 i | 47. 561 | 35 per conto oon oeeeomeeeeee.. 42DpErcent....euecccococacacon-..| 85.00 12, 00
020 [1020 | Other... CUITTTIITIIIID ged maa] sda) LOT] 20000) | 3 pete oom BRE
TOA icon n mmm Co ara | Tar rae | 1 ner | od aes | 35.00 | 40. 25
. ile 000 rm m2 re ge , 378 785, 58 1.055 274, 955 BIB, 218 |. oem miens nenmassenssasesecsasssacmsonacnonnl OL §
on 1020 Floor oflelofh. ZIT Sq. sad 4 605 2, 306 "303 | ' 461 461 | 20 percent oo ooeevenncocean -. PO DEr ST 20.00 | 20.00
Pata, POOP 751, 983 787,893 |oceeen | 275,416 B16, 677 |e eecannanenannnee remrnmmmesanacinennne | 34.06 | 40.19
Footnotes at end of schedule, page 82. To
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