Metadata: The electrical equipment market of the Netherland East Indies

have secured most of the orders for transmission and distribution 
squipment from public-utility and private companies, although in 
some instances such as high-tension insulators and lightning protec-~ 
tive equipment, American equipment is almost standard. 
Poles and masts—Owing to favorable climatic conditions, lighter 
poles and masts are used for aerial transmission work in the Nether- 
land East Indies that are usually found in the United States or Europe. 
German and Dutch manufacturers have catered to this demand and 
have practically eliminated other countries from this share of the 
trade. In 1928, these two countries secured over 90 per cent of the 
business in poles and masts, most of which are galvanized iron. In 
1927 the Posts and Telegraph Department experimented with Ameri- 
can steel poles, but the results were not satisfactory and no American 
poles have been purchased since. American manufacturers of steel 
poles and masts have little hope of securing a portion of this trade 
unless their prices are competitive to those that are now being sold in 
the Netherland East Indies. 
Cables.—The United States is obtaining a share of the cable trade 
of the islands chiefly through the popularity of steel-aluminum cable, 
which is now considered by the majority of public-utility companies 
and the Government to be more efficient than copper cable. Steel- 
aluminum cable is used only for high-tension lines, the total amount 
used being only a small percentage of all copper cable, which is 
supplied mainly from the. Nethérlands and Germany. Although 
price is the determining factor, quality is desired in purchasing cable. 
All that is sold in the Netherland East Indies must be accompanied 
by a guaranty. 
Conduits are not used for underground transmission work, armored 
sable being used almost exclusively. } 
Insulators—Practically all of the low-tension insulators in the 
Netherland East Indies are of German origin; the United States, 
however, supplies the majority of insulators for high-tention work. 
It is reported that the Bureau of Water Power and Electricity has 
more or less standardized on a certain type of American insulator, which 
is now considered obsolete in the United States. Numerous attempts 
bave been made by other American manufacturers to secure this 
Government business, but the type now in use is apparently giving 
complete satisfaction. As the public-utility companies make further 
sxtensions to their transmission lines, the demand for high-tension 
insulators will increase. American firms interested in securing a 
portion of this trade should get in touch with the leading public- 
utility companies. . 
Lightning-protective equipment. —The prevalence of electrical storms 
in the mountain regions of west Java, where most of the large gen- 
erating stations,in the island are located, results in a steady demand 
for lightning-protective equipment for transmission line substations 
and buildings, most of which comes from the United States. The 
installations are usually simple though some of the larger buildings, 
particularly in west Java in the vicinity of Bandoeng, have elaborate 
tnstallations. i 
High-voltage transmission lines are usually grounded through a 
reduction coil between the neutral point and the earth at the power 
olant. The higher primary voltage lines of city distribution systems 
‘300 to 20,000 volts) are usually not grounded, but the lower (con-

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