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Modern Business Geography 
(plums) ; (d) pears; (e) olives; (f) pineapples. An especially good ref- 
erence book for this problem is Crissey’s The Story of Foods. 
D. How transportation influences the fruit industries. 
1. Fifty years ago the banana was a rare product in the American market. 
What has made possible its present general use ? 
Some of the most delicious tropical fruits, such as the mangosteen, are 
not known outside the tropics because they decay so easily. What will 
probably be the effect of increasingly speedy methods of transportation 
upon the regions producing these fruits? 
Many bushels of apples sometimes rot beneath the New England trees 
because the individual farmers do not have means of marketing them 
readily. What does the experience of California suggest as to a way of 
saving this waste and turning it into a profit ? 
What parts of the world are supplying your community with fruits or 
Divide the class into two groups, one to work on fruits and one on vege- 
tables. Watch your local stores for several days and make lists of the 
various kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables sold. See which group can 
get (a) the longer list; (b) the longer list of those grown in a place far 
from the local market. 
Explain how and why the second list will vary from season to season. 
How many of the fruits or vegetables on your lists are also sold in dried 
or canned form ? 
Fig. 62. "Recent experiments have shown that the mango, one of the finest. fruits known. can be 
orown sticecessfullv in Florida.

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