Metadata: Modern business geography

List of References 
HuntiNGTON, ELLsworTH, and WiLLiams, F. E. Business Geography. John 
Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York. This book contains an extensive series of 
up-to-date tables devised especially for use by classes in geography, and 
revised frequently so that they are always up to date. 
Smite, J. RusseLL. Industrial and Commercial Geography. Henry Holt 
and Company, New York, 1918. 
wWartBeck, R. H., and Finca, V. C. Economic Geography. McGraw-Hill 
Book Company, New York, 1924. 
(F) Oruer Books 
Bowman, Isatan. The New World: Problems in Political Geography: Re- 
vised and Enlarged. World Book Company, Yonkers, New York, 1924. 
The fullest and most authoritative discussion of the relation of geography to 
solitical conditions. 
CowLBy, CHarLEs C. Source Book for the Economic Geography of North 
{merica. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1921. 
CrissEY, F. The Story of Foods. Rand McNally Company, Chicago, 1917. 
HunTiNngTrON, ErisworTH, and CusHiNg, S. C. Principles of Human Geog- 
‘aphy, 3d edition. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1924. 
Huntingron, EvLswortu. Cinlization and Climate, 3d edition. - Yale 
University Press, New Haven, 1924. 
MiiL, Huen R. (ed.). The International Geography. 70 authors. D. Apple- 
ton and Company, London and New York, 1889. Although not recent, this 
sook contains admirable descriptions of all parts of the world. 
SmitH, J. RusseLL. The World's Food Resources. Henry Holt and Company, 
New York, 1919. . 
Vox ExgrLN, O. D. Inheriting the Earth. The Macmillan Company, New 
York, 1922.

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