Full text: Use and occupancy insurance

amount should not include any labor cost or overhead 
expense which should be properly left in the amount to 
he used as a basis for estimating Use and Occupancy 
‘nsurance needs of the next fiscal year. 
B3—The amount inserted here represents the total 
value to be accounted for in respect to the past fiscal 
year’s operations. 
Bs—The amount entered here represents the value 
of all stock, materials, and supplies on hand at the end 
of the past fiscal year’s operations after due considera- 
“jon has been given to actual depreciation or apprecia 
Bs5—The amount entered here is the difference be- 
rween B3 and B4 which results in the net value to be 
accounted for in respect of the past fiscal year’s opera- 
B6—The amount entered here represents those costs 
which do not enter into the net cost of purchases and 
yet are not to remain in the basis for estimating Use and 
Occupancy insurance coverage. Principal among these 
are bad debts, inter-departmental purchases which 
might produce a fictitious net Sales figure, or disburse- 
ments in respect of some non-operating expense which 
are actually offset by non-operating income, but are 
charged on the books against operating income. The 
items entered here, if any, will differ in each class of 
business and must receive careful consideration. 
B7—The amount entered here represents the sum of 
Bs and B6 or the total amount to be deducted from 
C7—The amount entered here represents the differ- 
ence between the amount entered under Step A3 
(Operating Income) and Step B7 (Deductions). This 
difference is the amount from which all salaries, wages, 
overhead charges and expenses of the business were 
paid before the operating net profit for the past fiscal 
year could be established. This result is the actual 
amount which retrospectively would have been used as 
a Basis for Use and Occupancy insurance to cover the 
sarnings of a past fiscal year. 
C2—The amount entered here represents the pro- 
spective increase (or decrease) in the actual amount (C1 
as produced by a past\fiscal year’s operations) to con- 
-emplate the next fiscal year’s operations. 
St ep ““ C’ LE 
Basis for 

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