Full text: Religion, colonising & trade

Haxrurr, 3, 9, 17-18, 75 
Divers Voyages, 3 
Discourse concerning Western 
Planting, 3,5, 8 f., 17 f. 
Principal Navigations, 3—4, 9 
Halifax, 58 
Rough Draft, 58 
Heylyn, Cyprianus  Anglicus, 
24, 26 
Hudson Bay Company, 38 
InD1a, 62-65 
JamArca, 31, 66 
Laub, 25-26 
Leghorn, 44 
Libraries, 57 
Liturgy, 22, 23, 26 
Locke, John, 45 £. 
Long Parliament, 28 
Massachusetts Bay Co., 24, 27, 
47, 80 
Mayflower, The, 24 
Merchant Adventurers, 13, 18 £. 
Missions, 8 f., 14, 21, 23, 27-29, 
56, 64 £., 70 12., 75 £. 
Mun, Thos., England's Treasure, 
Natives, attitude to, 9, 21, 23, 
49, 57 
Navigation acts, 34, 37, 38, 47, 
51-53, 67, 72 
New England, 15, 16, 24, 27-29, 
47, 51, 58 
Newfoundland, 18, 20, 41 
New Jersey, 37, 41, 49 
New York, 37 
New Zealand, 78 
OGLETHORPE, Go, 68-70 
Peckham, Sit G., 10, 14 
Penn, Wm., 48-50 
Pennsylvania, 48 
Portugal, 4, 8 
Pownall, Thos., Administration 
of British Colonics, 72-73 
Puritans, 16, 28, 80 : 
Pym, John. 16. 26 
RALEIGH, 7, 9, 14, 17 
Religion, 6, 8, 11, 23 f., 26, 54, 
62~65, 6g, 80 f, 
Religious observance, 22-24, 
Rhode Island, 36-37, 71 
Roe, Sir Thos., 22, 42 
Russia Company, The, 10, 12 
SEA powet, 19, 34, 52, 58 f. 
Shaftesbury, 45 £., 58 
Sierra Leone, 75 
Slave trade, 66-67, 74 
Smith, Adam, Wea/th of Nations, 
7» 44, 71 
Smith, John, Description of New 
England, 23 
Smith, Sir Thos., g, 15 
South Africa, 78 
Spain, 8, 14, 16, 19, 30-33 
S.P.CK., 561, 64t. 71 
S.P.G., 56 f.,, 64, 70 5. 
Sugar, 66 
THORNE, Robt., A Declaration of 
the Indies, 4, 6 
Trade, 15, 18, 34-35, 37 ff., 48, 
52, 54, 58-01, 67 f,, 74, 77 
Tudors. 6 
UnempLoYED and emigration, §, 
6, 10, 14, 68, 79 
Uniformity, 26, 35, 38, 74 
Union of England and Scotland. 
United States, 78 f. 
VIRGINIA, 3, 15, 20 
Wesleys, 60, 70 
West Indies, 16, 66 f. 
Winthrop, 24, 27 
Printed in England af THE BALLANTYNE PRESS by 
LCoichestar, London & Eton 
7 F

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