Metadata: Modern business geography

Modern Business Geography 
from being either large producers or large consumers. Those con- 
tinents are to a large degree the sources of food products, among which 
the most characteristic types come from plantations. Asia and Aus- 
tralia are great sources of raw materials. Their importance in this 
respect is likely to increase for a long time. Asia supplies relatively 
little food to other continents because her own dense population re- 
quires so much, but as a source of raw materials for manufacturing her 
importance is rapidly growing. 
19. Suppose that a man in Sydney, Australia, decides to invest his money in 
manufacturing. Would you advise him to start a factory for manufac- 
turing cotton cloth? Why, or why not? Where would he get his raw 
materials? Where would he get his machinery? For what kind of cotton 
goods would he find a strong local demand? With what foreign manu- 
facturers would he find himself in competition? Would he need skilled 
or unskilled labor? Could he obtain labor easily? 
Would he find it more profitable, or less, to start a shoe factory? Where 
would he get his materials; his machinery? What kind of labor would 
he employ ? 
Suppose that a Chinese company is formed to engage in the mining of 
iron in northern China. Where would the company order its machinery ? 
Could any of it be manufactured in China? What transportation prob- 
lems would be met? What labor could be obtained ? 
Suppose that the manager of a cotton factory in Kobe finds his supply of 
raw cotton running short. To what cities may he cable to see if he 
can procure a large quantity at a satisfactory price? 

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