Full text: The expansion of England

than the population of Switzerland. This makes a total 
of ten millions and three quarters, or about ten millions 
of English subjects of European and mainly English blood 
outside the British Islands. 
The population of the great dependency India was 
nearly a hundred and ninety-eight millions, and the native 
states in India which look up to England as the paramount 
Power had about fifty-seven millions in addition. The 
total makes a population roughly equal to that of all 
Europe excluding Russia. 
But of course it strikes us at once that this enormous 
Indian population does not make part of Greater Britain 
the same sense as those ten millions of Englishmen who 
jive outside of the British Islands. The latter are of our own 
, ood, and are therefore united with us by the strongest tie. 
•The former are of alien race and religion, and are bound to 
ns only by the tie of conquest. It may be fairly questioned 
whether the possession of India does or ever can increase 
°nr power or our security, while there is no doubt that it 
vastly increases our dangers and responsibilities. Our 
colonial Empire stands on quite a different footing; it has 
some of the fundamental conditions of stability. There aro 
111 general three ties by which states are held together, 
community of race, community of religion, community of 
interest. By the first two our colonies are evidently 
bound to us, and this fact by itself makes the connexion 
strong. It will grow indissolubly firm if we come to 
recognise also that interest bids us maintain the connexion, 
an d this conviction seems to gain ground. When we in 
quire then into the Greater Britain of the future we 
ought to think much more of our Colonial than of our 
Indian Empire. 
Ibis is an important consideration when we come to

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