Metadata: A treatise on the law of prize

Rebeckah, The, 294, 296. Santissima Trinidad, The (U.S.A.), 
Recovery, The, 6, 16. 89,42, 117. 
Regina d'Italia, The, 824. Sarah Christina, The, 199. 
Remonstrant, The, 272. Schlesien, The, 7, 34, 106, 162. 
Remorquer D.K.D. (France), 40. Schlesien (No. 2), The, 101, 104, 
Rendsborg, The, 91. 105, 140. 
Reserv, The (Germany), 120. Sechs Geschwirstern, The, 90. 
Rhodos, The (Portugal), 141. Seliamet-Bakhrie, The (Russia), 73. 
Richmond, The, 193. Sélimié, The (France), 262. 
Rijn, The, 100. Semantha, The (Germany), 179. 
Rijndam, The (France), 159. Seriphos, The (France), 78. 
Ringende Jacob, The, 202. Seriphos (No. 2), The (France), 41, 
Rio Pardo, The (Belgium), 293. 105. 
Rioja, The (France), 193. ? Sexta, The (China), 131. 
Rioja (No. 2), The (France), 186, Sheffield, The (Italy), 168. 
255, 280. Sibilla, The (France), 186. 
Roelfina, The (Belgium), 18, 96. Sibilla (No. 2), The (France), 180. 
230, 242, 293. Sigurd, The, 273. 
Rohlfs, The (France), 40. Silesia, The (China), 97. 
Roland, The, 104, 106, 286, 304, Simla, The, 161. 
Rolla, The, 227, 229. Sir William Peel, The (U.8.A.),117. 
Rosalie and Betty, The, 64, 193, Siren, The (U.8.A.), 19, 300. 
817, 819. Sishan, The (Japan), 220. 
Rose in Bloom, The, 157. Skaraborg, The (Germany), 273. 
Rosine, La, 157, 158. Sloop Betsey, The (U.8.A.), 18. 
Rosita, The (France), 70. Smart v. Wolff, 82. 
Rossia, The (Japan), 313. Snipe, The, 15, 246. 
Rostock, The, 54, 180, Société franco-suisse des Conserves 
Rothersand, The, 60. de Lenzbourg (France), 69. 
Roumanian, The, 8, 36, 165. Solveig, The (France), 95. 
Somali, The, 35. 
Sommelsdijk, The, 30. 
- Sorfareren, The, 32, 280. 
Souhl (ez Corcovado), The (France), 
Sahda, The (France), 104. 96. 
St. Fustatius (cases on the capture Southfield, The, 85. 
of), 50. Springbok, The (U.S.A.), 173. 
St. Helena, The, 32, 285. Spuma, The (Italy), 71. 
St. Juan Baptista, The, 802. Staadt Embden, The, 199, 307. 
St. Michel, Lie (France), 118. Stanton, The, 195, 224, 394. 
St. Tudno, The, 61, 63. Star, The (U.S.A.), 290. 
Sally, The, 86. Stella, The, 189. 
Salvore, The (Italy), 71. Stella Maris, The, 142. 
Samsen, The (Siam), 28, 128, 181, Stert, The, 240. 
313. Stigsdad, The, 246, 271. 
San Jose, The, 178. Stoer, The, 150, 262. 
San Jose Indiano, The (U.S.A.), 66. Success, The, 227. 
San Nicolo, The (France), 232, 266.  Siidmark, The, 6, 88. 
Sansom, The, 288. Stidmark (No. 2), The, 259, 260, 
Santa Catharina, The, 275. 274, 276. 
Santa Cruz, The, 290. Suomi, The, 264. 
Santa Isabel, The, 107, 262, 264. Susanna, The, 302, 821. 

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