Full text: Through the dark continent or the sources of the Nile, around the great lakes of Equatorial Africa and down the Livingston River to the Atlantic Ocean

ÎÎ8F0RE these volumes pass irrevocably out of the Author's hands, I take 
this, the last, opportunity of addressing my readers. In the first place, I have 
to express my most humble thanks to Divine Providence for the gracious 
protection vouchsafed to myself and my surviving followers during our late 
perilous labours in Africa. 
In the second place, I have to convey to many friends my thanks for their 
welcome services and graceful congratulations, notably to Messrs. Motta 
Viega and J. W. Harrison, the gentlemen of Boma who, by their timely sup 
plies of food, electrified the Expedition into new life ; to the sympathizing 
society of Loanda, who did their best to spoil us with fiattering kindness ; to 
the kindly community of the Cape of Good Hope, who so royally entertained 
the homeward-bound strangers ; to the directorates of the B. I. S. N. and the 
P. and 0. Comijanies, and especially to Mr. W. Mackinnon of the former, and 
Mr. H. Bayley and Captain Thomas H. Black of the latter, for their generous 
assistance both on my setting out and on my returning ; to the British 
Admiralty, and, personally, to Captain Purvis, senior officer on the West 
Coast Station, for placing at my disposal H.M.S. Induttry^ and to Commodore 
Sullivan, for continuing the great favour from the Cape to Zanzibar ; to the 
officers and sailors of H.M.S. Industry, for the great patience and kindness 
which they showed to the wearied Africans ; and to my friends at Zanzibar, 
especially to Mr. A. Sparhawk, for their kindly welcome and cordial help. 
In the next place, to the illustrious individuals and Societies who have inti 
Baated to me their appreciation of the services I have been enabled to render 
to Science, I have to convey the very respectful expression of my sense of the 
honours thus conferred upon me—to his Majesty King Humbert of Italy, for 
the portrait of himself, enriched with the splendid compliment of his personal 
approbation of my services,* which with the gold medal received from his 
^yal father. King Victor Emanuel, will for ever be treasured with pride—to 
•R.H. the Prince of Wales, for the distinguished honour shown me by his 
^rronal recognition of my work—to H.H. the Khedive of Egypt, for the high 
istinction of the Grand Commandership of the Order of the Mcdjidie, with 
The portrait has been graciously subscribed— 
“ Air intrepido viaggiator« 
** Enrico Stanley 

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