Full text: Through the dark continent or the sources of the Nile, around the great lakes of Equatorial Africa and down the Livingston River to the Atlantic Ocean

1 goat . 
1 sheep . 
1 chicken 
6 chickens 
40 kubaba of Mtama 
Prices in Ugogo. 
48 yards of sheeting. 
12 „ 
10 » »> 
From 5 to 10 necklaces. 
12 yards of sheeting. 
16 „ ,, 
The villages of this part of Usukuma are surrounded by hedges of euphor 
bias, milk-weed, the juice of which is most acrid, and when a drop is spattered 
over such a tender organ as the eye, the pain is almost intolerable. My poor 
bull-terrier “Jack,” while chasing a mongoose into one of these hedges, quite 
lost the use of one eye. 
Our next camp was Marya, fifteen miles north by east Mag, from Mondo, 
and 4800 feet above the sea. We were still in view of the beautiful rolling 
plain, with its rock-crested hills, and herds of cattle, and snug villages, but 
the people, though Wasukuma, were the noisiest and most impudent of any 
we had yet met. One of the chiefs insisted on opening the door of the tent 
while I was resting after the long march. I heard the tent-boys remonstrate 
with him, but did not interfere until the chief forcibly opened the door, when 
the bull-dogs “Bull” and “Jack,” who were also enjoying a well-earned 
repose, sprang at him suddenly and pinned his hands. The terror of the 
chief was indescribable, as he appeared to believe that the white man in the 
tent had been transformed into two ferocious dogs, so little was he prepared 
for such a reception. I quickly released him from his position, and won his 
gratitude and aid in restoring the mob of natives to a more moderate tem¡x!r. 
A march of seventeen miles north by west across a waterless jungle brought 
us on the 24th to South Usman. Native travellers in this country possess 
native bells of globular form with which, when setting out on a journey, 
they ring most alarming though not inharmonious sounds, to waken the 
women to their daily duties. 
The journey to Hulwa in North Usmau was begun by plunging through » 
small forest at the base of some rocky hills which had been distinctly visible 
from Marya, thirty-one miles south. A number of monkeys lined their 
summits, gazing contemptuously at the long string of bipeds condemned to 
bear loads. We then descended into a broad and populous basin, wherein 
villages with their milk-weed hedges apjieared to be only so many verdant 
circlets. Great fragments and heaps of riven granite, gneiss, and trap rock, 
were still seen cresting the hills in irregular forms. 
Through a similar scene we travelled to Gambachika in North Usmau, 
which is at an altitude of 4600 feet above the sea, and fourteen miles from 
Hulwa. As we approached the settlement, we caught a glimpse to the far 
north of the mountains of Urirwi, and to the north-east of the Manassa heights 
which, we were informed by the natives, formed the shores of the great lake.

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