Full text: Through the dark continent or the sources of the Nile, around the great lakes of Equatorial Africa and down the Livingston River to the Atlantic Ocean

Ob the march—Congorido to Rubuti—The hunting-grounds of Kitangeh—Shoot-^^°* 
ing zebra--“ Jack’s ” first prize—Interviewed by lions—Geology of Mpwapwa- 
I udoma The flood-gates of heaven ” opened—Dismal reflections—The 
i>alma-A conspiracy discovered-Desertions-The path lost-Starvation and 
deaths-Trouble imminent-Grain huts plundered-Situation deplorable- 
bickness m the camp—Edward Pocock taken ill—His death and funeral .. 57 
three days fight-Punishment of the Wanyaturu-The ubiquitous Jhrambo 
A burzah held-Paying off recruits-Kagehyi becomes a great trading centre- 
A Central African “toper "-Prince Kaduma-Hopes of assi.stfnce from 
him relinquished—The boat ready for sea—No volunteers—Selecting my 
crew—The start for the circumnavigation of Lake Victoria .... 
vii.Ai jr.ii viii. 
Afloat on the lake—We catch a guide—Saramba’s terror—The Shimeevu- 
Pyramid Point—The island of Ukerewë—In the haunts of crocodiles—Shizu 
Island—The hippopotami—Ururi—The headlands of Goshi—Bridge Island.— 
Volcanoes-U-go-w-eh-The inebriates of Ugamba-Treachery at Maheta- 
Primitive man-The art of pleasing-A night at Uvuma-Mobbed by 
Vavuma-Barmecidefare-Messagefrom Mtcsa-“In the Kabaka’.s name » 
—Camp on Soweh Island .. 
An extraordinary monarch-I am examined—African “ chaff’’-Mtesa, Emperor 
of Uganda-Description of Mtesa-A naval review-Arrival at th: imperial 
cap.tal-Mtesas palace-Fascination of the country-I meet a white man- 
Col. Linant de Bellefonds—The process of conversion—A grand mission field 
-A pleasant day with Col. de Bellefonds-Starting for my camp .. .. 

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