Full text: Through the dark continent or the sources of the Nile, around the great lakes of Equatorial Africa and down the Livingston River to the Atlantic Ocean

Parting with Colonel Linant—Magassa’s vanity and disloyalty—The sailors’ 
island — Jumba’s Cove — Uganda — Dumo — The Alexandra Nile — Lupassi 
Point—In danger at Mkongo^Alone with Nature—Insect life—Dreams of 
a happier future—A dark secret—Murabo and the fish—Alice Island A 
night never to be forgotten—The treachery of Bumbireh—Saved !—Refuge 
Island—Wiru—“Go and die in the Nyanza! ”—Back in camp—Sad news .. 136 
Barker’s Illness and death — Other deaths—Traitors in the camp — Rest! — 
Sickness—Rwoma blocks our passage by land—Magassa fails us by water— 
A serious dilemma—Lukongeh comes to the rescue—History of Ukerewé— 
Educated amphibians—Leaving Kagehyi with half the Expedition—The 
foundering canoes—All saved—I to conciliates ns—Arrival at Refuge Island 
with half the Expedition—I return for the rest—A murderous outbreak in 
camp—Final departure from Kagehyi—All encamped on Refuge Island—We 
ally ourselves witli Komeh—A dance of kings — Mahyiga Island (in the 
Bumbireh group)—Interviewed by Iroba canoes—Our friendship scorned— 
The king of Bumbireh a hostage—The massacre of the Kytawa chief and his 
crew—The punishment of the murderers—Its salutary effect upon their 
neighbours—We arrite in Uganda 
We find Mtesa at war—“Jack’s Mount”—Meeting with Mtesa—The Waganda 
army in camp and on the march-The imperial harem—In sight of the 
enemy—The Waganda fleet—Preliminary skirmishing—The causeway—The 
massacre of Mtesa’s peace party—“ What do you know of angels ?”—Mtesa’s 
education proceeds in the intervals of war—Translating the Bible—Jesus or 
Mohammed ?—Mtesa’s decision—The royal proselyte 
The war-drum beaten—The wizards play their part—In full war-paint—Bullets 
against spears—The Wavuma baulked—Mtesa’s fury—Victory or the stake ! 
—Hard fighting—The captive chief: a struggle between the pagan and the 
Christian—A floating mystery—“ Return, 0 spirit ! the war is ended I”—The 
camp on fire : a race for life 
The legend of the Blameless Priest—The heroes of Uganda: Chwa ; Kimera, the 
giant; Nakivingi ; Kibega, the flying warrior; Ma’anda; Wakinguru, the 
champion ; Kamanya, the conqueror of the Wakedi ; Suna, the cruel ; his 
massacre of the Wasoga ; Namujurilwa, the Achilles of Uganda ; Setuba and 
his lions ; Kasindula, the hero, peasant, and premier—Mtesa the mild-eyed.. 21t>

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