Full text: Labour, leisure and luxury

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lives—public opinion and practice would be 
greatly modified. ‘ Our Creator/ says Dr. 
South wood Smith, ‘ has given us a frame 
capable of a certain degree of labour—capable 
of putting forth a certain degree of energy and 
no more. If we disregard the limits which 
He has put to our capability of exertion, that 
beautiful and delicate mechanism, upon the 
action of which our life depends, must be 
deranged—must break.’ Dr. James Copland 
states :—‘ There is nothing which can be more 
injurious, both mentally and physically, to the 
middle and lower classes of society than pro 
longed labour. I believe that three-fourths oí 
the disease to which human life is liable in the 
metropolis actually arises from this cause.’ 
R. D. Grainger, Esq., gives the following testi 
mony ;—‘ I would say, without fear of contra 
diction from any quarter worthy of attention, I 
would pledge all I know of the constitution of 
the human frame to the assertion, that pro 
tracted labour is nothing else than another term 
for sickness, suffering, and death. There is no 
exception to this rule.’ And mark that over 
work tells upon the growing child, whose bone 
is but gristle, in a tenfold degree. In many

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