Full text: Labour, leisure and luxury

employments not under Government supervision 
the overwork of British children is still an evil 
to be strongly deplored. 
The overwork of children in school is just 
now occupying a great deal of attention in 
England/ though I am not aware that there is 
much complaint in Scotland. But the proper 
temperate exercise of the faculties during the 
period of childhood is a matter of supreme 
importance for the whole of their after life, and 
the physiology of each individual child should 
1 ‘ The legality of keeping in children after school hours for 
non-preparation of home lessons is about to be tested in the 
Queen’s Bench Division. Some Bradford people have faced 
the question thus far. A memorial, signed by above fifty 
medical men in that town, has just been presented to the local 
School Board, praying the Board to dispense with home lessons 
in the case of children under ten. It is said that inflammation 
of the brain among school children has increased by 50 per 
cent, since the current Education Acts came into force.’ 
‘ Dr. Forbes Winslow furnishes a contribution to the dis 
cussion on the subject of over-pressure in schools. He says he 
has been a witness to the injurious results of the present severe 
mental culture, and denounces the system of cramming for the 
purpose of obtaining the Government grant as being rotten at 
its very foundation. After asserting that many children become 
hopelessly demented, whilst others become unfitted for the 
serious duties of life in consequence of the strain laid upon 
them. Dr. Forbes Winslow remarks “ The question is one of 
such great importance throughout England, that the sympathy 
of humanity in general must be secured in the welfare of the 
children of our great nation.” ’ 
These quotations give the extreme opinion on the question.

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