Object: Statistical review of the wool & wool textile trades 1912-1925

Average values clean scoured—delivered United Kingdom. 
0's. 66’. 64's. | 60s. BR's. 567s, 507s. 
d. d. d. | d. d. d. d. 
January oe 2a 69 66 62 | 58 | 52 46 
February PUES 65 61 58 51 44 38 
March .. ve =» (431 [IING2 56 53 49 46 4 34 
April .. - 25-50 53 51 46 4 35 30 
May .... ie 49 45 4 - — - 
July . .. & a 50 46 43 35 30 26 23 
August .. . oe 48 43 40 37 33 29 23 
September  .  .. 50 44 42 | 38 | 33 28 24 
October. . 7 vl 52 45 43 39 35 304 25 
November - ve 53 50 aT, 39 35 30% 25 
December a ve 53 47 4 39 35% 314 26 
6. 4 
gl d. d d. 
Janvary .. or ve .. It : # 62 
February .. vo va ov | 69 Nl 57 
March ve ve .. oo 63 be. bi 48 
Apnl oe .s ole .. 58 a a0 44 
July SOE eo 54 44 46 40 
August .. ah a oh 53 48 | 45 38 
September oh . . 50 46 43 37 
October .. ain oi vie 54 49 46 40 
November. . ve vs ve 56 51 4 42 
December. . a ul va 52 47 / 38 
1925 0's Ag id's 60’s 

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