Full text: Warehouses in foreign countries for storage of merchandise in transit or in bond

(From United States Consul-General Rublee, Vienna, Austria.) 
The three principal warehouses in Vienna are the Lagerhaus der 
Stadt Wein and the warehouses of Erste Oesterreichisehe Aktienge 
sellschaft, and the Allgemeine Oesterreichische Transportgesellschaft. 
The dimensions and original cost of these are as follows: 
The Lagerhaus der Stadt Wien consists of two warehouses, one of 
which has 38,833 square meters (46,444 square yards) ground area, 
157,051 square meters (187,832 square yards) surface space, and a 
weight capacity of 35,100 tons. The original cost can not be exactly 
given, as the buildings were furnished by the municipality of Vienna 
and were erected for the exposition of 1873. The cost for additional 
buildings since has been $357,770. 
The warehouse of the Erste Oesterreichische Aktiengesellschaft 
consists of two warehouses, one of which has 14,000 square meters 
(16,744 square yards) ground area, 27,000 square meters (32,292 
square yards) surface space, and a weight capacity of 20,000 tons; 
the other, 6.000 square meters (7,176 square yards) ground area, 
14,000 square meters ( 16,774 square yards) surface space, and a 
weight capacity of 11,500 tons. The original cost was $800,000. 
The warehouse of the Allgemeine Oesterreichische Transport 
gesellschaft consists of one building covering a ground area of 800 
square meters (957 square yards). The cost of erection was $69,000. 
There are a number of small warehouses conducted by express 
agents and companies, which are so insignificant as not to come into 
The Lagerhaus der Stadt Wien is owned and conducted bv the 
municipality; the Erste Oesterreichische Aktiengesellschaft and the 
Allgemeine Transportgesellschaft are stock companies. 
No detailed data are obtainable as to the receipts and expenditures 
on account of service. The average yearly receipts and expenditures 
of the warehouses mentioned above are: Lagerhaus der Stadt Wien, 
receipts $148,332, expenditures $135,611; Erste Oesterreichische 
Aktiengesellschaft, receipts $88.440; expenditures $76,330; Allge 
meine Oesterreichische Transportgesellschaft, receipts $14,000, 
expenditures $12,400. 

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