Full text: Warehouses in foreign countries for storage of merchandise in transit or in bond

Whenever new marks are put upon packages, said marks will be described 
in the application for warehousing. 
Akt. 411. Interested parties may obviate a second examination of their 
packages upon their removal from the warehouses if in their application they 
ask the custom-house to tie up and seal the packages before their admittance 
into the warehouses, and provided that the packages so treated afford, in the 
opinion of the custom-house, a guaranty that the goods which they contain 
will remain intact. 
Art. 412. Upon the admittance of packages into the bonded warehouses, the 
fiscal superintendent receiving them will affix to each a label or card contain 
ing the name of the consignee, the number of the permit, the custom-house 
from which the package comes, and the date of its entrance into the warehouses, 
and lie will at the same time inspect the fastenings of the packages to which 
fiscal seals have been attached. 
Art. 413. If the custom-house authorities see fit they may order the exami 
nation of packages of goods in fiscal deposit at the time of their entry into the 
warehouses or of their departure therefrom either for consumption or reex 
portation, as well as during the time that they may remain there, if the pack 
ages, upon their admittance, have not been fastened and sealed, or when the 
seals are found to have been broken. 
If, upon being examined for admittance into the bonded warehouses, it is 
found that the packages contain goods that are subject to lesser duties, or that 
there is a smaller quantity of them than declared, a note to that effect will 
be entered on the permit and the custom-house will proceed in the form pro 
vided by article 265 of these ordinances, duties being settled for on the basis 
of the result of the examination. 
If, on the contrary, the goods are found to weigli more or to belong to a 
higher tariff class than declared, a note to that effect will be made on the 
clearance petition, so that the assessment for duties may tally with the result 
of tlie examination, and there will be collected at once, by way of additional 
duties, the regulation percentage orr the difference shown by the liquidation. 
When the examination takes place upon the departure of the goods from the 
bonded warehouses for consumption, and it is found that they are subject to a 
less rate, or that there is less of them than declared, duties will nevertheless 
be assessed in accordance with the declaration ; but if the quantity of the goods 
or the rate to which they are subject is greater, the same course as when a 
similar case arises in ordinary clearances will be followed. 
If the examination takes place when the goods are leaving the bonded ware 
houses for reexportation and they are found to be subject to a less duty than 
declared, the duties payable under the declaration will be forthwith collected, 
the interested party being entitled to introduce the goods for immediate con 
sumption upon payment of said duties, or to reexport them without refundment 
of duties. If the quantity of the goods is found to he less than declared, 
there will be collected on the difference, in addition to the tariff duties, the 
regulation additional duties, save in case that the curtailment in weight does 
not exceed 15 per cent of the weight declared, and arises from natural shrink 
age due either to the drying up or spilling of the article. 
Art. 414. The interested parties may, through an application in duplicate, 
« as shown by model 42, obtain permission from the custom-house collector to 
take samples of goods that are about to be warehoused or that have been ware 
housed. The custom-house collector will grant the permission, and the sample* 
will be taken subject to the supervision of the inspector or employee whom he 
may designate for the purpose, and who will note down on the application 
the data necessary for the assessment of duties payable on the samples, attach 
ing to the packages from which the samples are taken a label with the follow 
ing inscription : “ Tomado muestra con permiso de fecha .” 
If the samples are taken from packages of goods which are destined for reex 
portation, either the samples must be returned to the custom-house or the 
duties assessable on the samples must be paid when permission to ship t ,K> 
goods abroad again is requested ; and if the samples have been taken from goods 
that are to be entered for consumption, they will be considered as still belonging 
to the packages of which they formed part. 
Art. 415. For the removal of goods from the custom-house to bonded ware 
houses situated in the same city or locality, the custom-house collector will des 
ignate the route to be taken, the method of transportation which he considers 
most suitable, and the fiscal employees who are to supervise the operation. 
The warden of the custom-house will deliver the goods, for transportation to

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