Full text: Warehouses in foreign countries for storage of merchandise in transit or in bond

(From United States Consul Lane, Smyrna, Turkey in Asia.) 
There are no warehouses at Smyrna for goods in transit except 
the general custom-house. This building is approximately 450 feet 
long by 200 feet wide, and cost $150,000. It is owned and operated 
by the Turkish Government. 
At present goods in transit for other countries can be stored in 
the Smyrna custom-house free of charge for thirty days. After the 
expiration of these thirty days charges are made as follows: On 
packages weighing less than 566 kilograms (1,027 pounds), the charge 
on each package for each 113 kilos (249 pounds) or fraction thereof 
is 1.1 cents for the first week, 2.2 cents for the second, and 3.3 cents for 
the third week. Each package weighing over 566 kilos is charged 
6.6 cents for the first week and 13.2 and 19.8 cents for the second and 
third weeks, respectively. After the third week all goods continue 
at the third-week rate until six months. After six months the goods 
are liable to be sold at auction. 
Because of a multitude of minor obstacles placed in the way of 
transit storage by the local authorities almost no advantage is taken 
of this privilege. Private arrangements can always be made with 
the officials to obtain preferential service. 
The Smyrna Quay Company generally takes charge of goods, using 
its lighter for removal from steamer to custom-house at about 40 
cents per ton. The Liverpool steamship companies deliver goods 
to the custom-house free, charge being included in freight. 
Supervision is exceedingly lax, smuggling is carried on almost 
openly, and numerous thefts are reported. 
Rufus W. Lane, Consul. 
Smyrna, Turkey, July 11, 100\. 
(From United States Consul Sullivan, Trcbizond, Turkey in Asia.) 
The warehouses in use in this city are about 200 feet long by 100 
feet wide and one story high; the cost of construction varies from 
$3,000 to $5,000. The warehouses are owned and conducted by the 
No services are rendered by the administration of the warehouses. 
One week free storage is allowed for all goods intended for local 
consumption or for the interior and one month for goods in transit 
for Persia. For storage beyond those periods the charges per day 
for each package are as follows:

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