Full text: Warehouses in foreign countries for storage of merchandise in transit or in bond

Germany: Stettin. 
D. For storage in the open one-half the rates A to C will be charged. 
The officials in this case assume no responsibility whatever. 
E. Commenced months and parts of 100 kilograms are calculated 
as full months and full 100 kilograms. 
F. Charges are based on articles packed in the customary manner 
and of customary weight. For deviations from the general custom 
the storage fee is set by the authorities. 
Pieces of more than 1,500 kilograms (3,305 pounds) or pieces liable 
to catch fire will be refused. The authorities have the right to stipu 
late what merchandise shall be accepted for storage. 
G. In special cases the authorities have the right to make special 
III. A. Additional fees per 100 kilograms (220.40 pounds) are: 
(1) for handling during storing, 0.7 cent; (2) for handling when 
taken out, 0.7 cent (the fees given in 1 and 2 will be increased 1 pfen 
nig (0.238 cent) for merchandise in small packages, or if in pieces of 
less than 20 kilograms (44 pounds), or for loose articles, excepting 
oil cakes) ; (3) for transferring from shed to warehouse, or vice 
yorsa, with the use of a crane, 0.5 cent; (4) for raising or lowering 
in the warehouse from one floor to the other, each way, 0.5 cent; (5) 
for unloading or loading merchandise coming or going by rail, 
(a) including weighing, 1.4 cents, and (b) without weighing, 0.7 
cent ; (G) for weighing merchandise, except as mentioned under 5, 
1.2 cents; (7) for getting together certain marks and numbers from a 
pile of merchandise, 1.2 cents; (8) for filling or emptying sacks, (a) 
m connection with other services, 0.5 cent, and (b) otherwise, 1.2 cents. 
B. In warerooms rented as a whole, as many as four incandes 
cent lights will be put in at the expense of the renter. Light will be 
furnished at the rate of 5 pfennigs (1.2 cents) for two lights, and 10 
pfennigs (2.4 cents) for four lights. The electric meter for determin 
ing the amount of light used will be rented for 2 marks (47.0 cents) 
per year extra. 
The above tariff of fees refers to the renting of storerooms and the 
handling of merchandise for storage. The ordinary ship, port, and 
city dues, the use of the railways in the free harbor, cranes, city 
laborers, etc., are all extra, and embodied in the freight charges. 
The receipts from the warehouse, sheds, and rented open space 
and all other sources connected with the storing of merchandise, 
amounted to 47,300 marks ($11,257) in 1903. It is impossible to 
secure information as to the expenditures for such services, for the 
1'cason that the expense account of the free harbor covers all services 
and outlays of every nature and kind, and does not itemize expenses 
for merchandise in bond or for ships and merchandise cleared, but 
embodies both lines under one head. In round figures the total re 
ceipts from the free harbor were $50,000 less than the expenditures 
during 1903. 
Hog products, dried fruits, oleomargarine, and cotton oil are the 
Principal articles of American origin stored in the free harbor; the 
length of time that these articles remain in bond is regulated by the

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