Full text: Investment, an exact science

of his career as a capitalist, arrange his 
stocks in such a manner that the results 
obtainable therefrom become almost a 
certainty ; whilst investors who have hitherto 
failed to attain their investment objects 
can so rearrange their holdings that they 
are likely to be more successful in the 
In this book are set out and explained the 
fundamental principles of the Geographical 
Distribution of Capital ; whilst the general 
principles, which should guide every investor 
in the selection of his individual holdings, are 
discussed in its companion volume, “How to 
Manage Capital.” 
Having once systematically arranged his 
Investment List, it becomes essential for the 
investor to follow up and examine the progress 
of his holdings. For this purpose we publish 
the “Investor’s Year Book,” as well as a 
monthly publication entitled the “ Financial 
• Review of Reviews.” Lastly, we publish an 
Account Book, known as “ Harley’s Investor’s 
Account Book,” by which a clear record of an 
investor’s financial transactions may easily be 
kept in accordance with the principles of 
Geographical Distribution. 
All that is now necessary to enable an 
investor to command success in his investments

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