Full text: Investment, an exact science

Manage Capital a detailed description of the 
way in which this can best be carried out, and 
will, therefore, here state briefly that the 
investor .should commence this task by first of 
all ascertaining his real investment position. 
There is nothing which will make this easier 
for him than a tabular statement showing, 
firstly, how liis own investments are split up 
over the ten main Geographical Divisions 
which we have explained in the last chapter, 
and, secondly, in what proportion his capital 
is divided among the various securities held. 
We have demonstrated in the previous 
chapters that a proper distribution of risks is 
the only way in which successful investment 
can be arrived at. This distribution of risks 
entirely depends upon the number of different 
Trade Influences which are represented in a list 
of investments. We have also demonstrated 
that capital, to be safe, must be equally divided 
amongst a number of stocks of similar quality. 
It is only by means of such a tabular 
statement that the true existing investment 
position can be revealed. In this way alone 
can it be shown how many separate trade 
influences are covered by existing investments, 
how much capital is placed in each one of 
them, and how far an equal division of capital 
among all stocks held has been effected.

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