We have, in the above list, named some 80
different Stock Exchanges, among which it
should not be a difficult matter to find just
the stock necessary to fit in with any kind of
investment scheme.
Whether the securities held by an investor
are marketable in London or in any other
part of the world makes nowadays but
little difference. There are many stock
dealing firms in Great Britain who are in
daily contact with eveiy Stock Exchange
centre, and by means of telegrams and cable
transfers stocks can now be quite readily
bought or sold, wherever their chief market
may be. Quotations for all stocks, no matter
where they are dealt in, are daily obtainable
with the same amount of facility, provided
that the proper firms are applied to.
Those investors, however, who prefer London
as their market for investment transactions will
not find it absolutely necessary to go consider
ably outside that Stock Exchange. The
London market deals in a great variety of
securities, a number of which are mainly con
trolled in other parts of the world, and a very
fair distribution of capital can be achieved
by confining oneself to that market alone.
In former times this was not quite the case ;
but during recent years the position in this