the price-movements of a number of invest
ments, every one of which belongs to a different
country and is subject to a different trade
influence. A very cursory glance at this chart
will immediately establish the practical benefits
which an investor derives from a wide geo
graphical distribution of investment risks.
In this chart the horizontal straight lines
denote the intervals in the price levels of
stocks, and the vertical straight lines mark
off the yearly periods ; the zig-zag lines are
a faithful pictorial presentment of the price
movements of individual stocks.
For the sake of convenience the respective
quantities of the stocks have been adjusted,
where necessary, in such a manner as to keep
the size of the chart within reasonable limits.
This variation in the quantities of the stocks,
however, does not alter the relative positions
of the price lines to each other.
In order to make the picture as little tiring
to the eye as possible and to keep the zigzag
lines at reasonable intervals apart, we have
also so arranged the quantities of the stocks
that the price lines commence at fairly regular
intervals between £875 and £1,190. Beyond
this, the chart has been left to tell its own
story ; and the reader who scans the names of
the geographical divisions represented and