Full text: Trade unionism in the United States

reason. The socialists have from the beginning stood 
for industrial unionism, and they have made it their mis 
sion to preach this in season and out of season to the 
craft unionists. They have joined the unions, got them 
selves elected delegates to central bodies and conventions 
and have used the discussion of every union problem, 
every difference between unions, every union failure or 
disaster, to point out with contempt the weakness of 
craft organization and to preach industrial unionism 
and party socialism. This has made most craft union 
ists, however revolutionary at heart, violent haters of 
socialism in its objective party form. Recently, the 
cooler headed socialists have seen that the American Fed 
eration of Labor is normally tending toward industrial 
ism and that it was their fiery efforts more than any 
thing else that held things back. They have therefore 
become very quiet and conciliatory. But the socialists 
are there in the unions and the sentiment is growing fast 
even among business unionists. ,

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