Object: Peach culture in California

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30] Peacr Cuurure IN CALIFORNIA 45 
ind, which is most widely destructive, hibernates as an adult in the 
il or erevices on the bark of trees as well as on other plants. Adults 
this form appear about May or June and continue feeding and egg 
"ving thoughout the summer. Summer oil and sulfur sprays and 
fur dusts seem to be effective against this pest. Red spiders are less 
jurious in orchards that are well supplied with soil moisture than 
orchards that are suffering from drought. 
Gophers.—There are five methods used for destroying gophers, 
tmely, (1) poisoning, (2) trapping, (3) fumigating, (4) flooding, 
1d (5) protection of the gopher’s natural enemies, especially the barn 
vl and the gopher snake. A combination of two or more of the 
ove methods is more certain than any one of them. Traps are 
pecially satisfactory for individual gophers in orchards. Poisoning 
1d fumigation are used when gophers are numerous over a large 
reage. Flooding is automatic when the orchard 1s irrigated and it 
easy to kill the gophers which are flooded out. 
Ground Squirrels. —Ground squirrels may be controlled by the 
sthods employed for gophers except that flooding is not effective. 
hese methods are used at various times depending on the dampness 
the soil and the habits and life cycle of the squirrels. Poisoned 
ain is used to a considerable extent and is perhaps the most 
tisfactory remedy. 
Rabbits and Deer.—Rabbits and deer are sometimes abundant and 
come serious pests in young orchards. Shooting, poisoning and 
neing are the principal means of protection. 
It is practically impossible to grow peaches commercially without 
e use cf sprays or dusts, or both, because of the various disease and 
sect pests. The use of fungicides and insecticides has become a 
gular part of the orchard business. There are many kinds of 
andard spraying and dusting machines as well as reliable materials 
at the fruit grower may purchase for use in his orchard. 
As has been stated previously, peach trees require spraying at 
itical times with certain materials. In order to do this efficiently a 
ywer sprayer is almost essential. For emergency purposes, where 
1ick and economical methods are imperative. a power duster is often 
The spraying or dusting machinery should be kept in good condi- 
on and ready for action when the time arrives for its use. The 
22 Dixon, Joseph. Control of pocket gophers and moles in California, California 
rr, Bxt, Cir. 29:1-16. 1929.

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