Full text: The enemy's trade and British patents

And Whereas it appears desirable to grant the licence 
hereinafter set out 
Now Therefore the Board of Trade, acting on behalf of 
His Majesty, and in pursuance of the power reserved in the 
said Proclamation, do hereby give and grant licence to all 
persons resident, carrying on business, or being in His Majesty’s 
To Pay any fees necessary for obtaining the grant, or for 
obtaining the renewal of Patents, or for obtaining the regis 
tration of Designs or Trade Marks, or the renewal of such 
registration in an “ enemy country. ’ 
And Also to pay on behalf of an “ enemy ” any fees payable 
on application for or renewal of the grant of a British Patent, 
or on application for the registration of British Designs or 
Trade Marks or the renewal of such registration. 
Dated this 23rd day of September, 1914. 
For and on behalf of the Board of Trade. 
H. Llewellyn Smith, 
Secretary to the said Board. 
: 3 

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