Full text: The enemy's trade and British patents

by any person, firm, or company, he may issue a warrant 
authorising any person appointed by a Secretary of State or 
the Board of Trade and named in the warrant to inspect all 
books or documents belonging to or under the control of that 
person, firm, or company, and to require any person able to 
give any information with respect to the business or trade of 
that person, firm or company, to give that information, and if 
accompanied by a constable to enter and search any premises 
used in connection with the business or trade, and to seize 
any such books or documents as aforesaid : 
Provided that when it appears to a Secretary of State or 
the Board of Trade that the case is one of great emergency and 
that in the interests of the State immediate action is necessary, 
a Secretary of State or the Board of Trade may, by written 
order, give to a person appointed by him or them the like 
authority as may be given by a warrant of a justice under this 
(2) Where it appears to the Board of Trade— 
(а) in the case of a firm, that one of the partners in the 
firm was immediately before or at any time since the 
commencement of the present war a subject of, or 
resident or carrying on business in, a State for the 
time being at war with His Majesty ; or 
(б) in the case of a company, that one-third or more of 
the issued share capital or of the directorate of the 
company immediately before or at any time since 
the commencement of the present war was held by 
or on behalf of or consisted of persons who were 
subjects of, or resident or carrying on business in, 
a State for the time being at war with His Majesty ; 
(c) in the case of a person, firm or company, that the person 
was or is, or the firm or company were or are, acting 
as agent for any person, firm, or company trading 
or carrying on business in a State for the time being 
at war with His Majesty ; 
tbe Bo/ird of Trade may, if they think it expedient for the 
Purpose of satisfying themselves that the person, firm or com 
pany are not trading with the enemy, by written order, give 
to a person appointed by them, without any warrant from a 
Justice, authority to inspect all books and documents belong- 
lI1 g to or under the control of the person, firm or company, 
a Ud to require any person able to give information with respect

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