Full text: The enemy's trade and British patents

instrument was made before the nineteenth day of November, 
nineteen hundred and fourteen, in good faith and for valuable 
(3) Nothing in this section shall be construed as validating 
any assignment, delivery or transfer which would be invalid 
apart from this section or as applying to securities within the 
meaning of section eight of this Act. 
Right to Pay into Court Sums Due on Coupons Sus 
pected of being Enemy Property. 
7. Where during the continuance of the present war any 
coupon or other security transferable by delivery is presented 
for payment to any company, municipal authority, or other 
body or person, and the company, body or person has reason to 
suspect that it is so presented on behalf or for the benefit of 
an enemy, or that since the commencement of the present war 
it has been held by or for the benefit of an enemy, the com 
pany, body or person may pay the sum due in respect thereof 
into the High Court, and the same shall, subject to rules of 
court, be dealt with according to the orders of the court, and 
such a payment shall for all purposes be a good discharge to 
the company, body or person. 
Invalidity of Transfers of Shares in Company, &c. 
8. —(1) No transfer made after the passing of this Act by 
or on behalf of an enemy of any securities shall confer on the 
transferee any rights or remedies in respect thereof and no 
company or municipal authority or other body by whom the 
securities were issued or are managed shall, except as herein 
after appears, take any cognizance of or otherwise act upon 
any notice of such a transfer : 
(2) No entry shall hereafter, during the continuance of the 
present war, be made in any register or branch register or 
other book kept in the United Kingdom of any transfer of 
any securities therein registered, inscribed or standing in the 
name of an enemy, except by leave of a court of competent 
jurisdiction or of the Board of Trade. 
(3) No share warrants payable to bearer shall be issued 
during the continuance of the present war in respect of any 
shares or stock registered in the name of any enemy. 
(4) If any company or any body contravenes the provisions 
of this section the company or body shall be liable on con-

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