Full text: The enemy's trade and British patents

viction under the Summary Jurisdiction Acts to a fine not 
exceeding one hundred pounds, and every director, manager, 
secretary or other officer of the company or body who is know 
ingly a party to the default, shall be liable on the like conviction 
to a like fine or to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, 
for a term not exceeding six months. 
(5) For the purposes of this section the expression “ secu 
rities ” means any annuities, stock, shares, debentures, < r 
debenture stock issued by or on behalf of the Government 
or by any municipal or other authority, or by any company 
or by any other body which are registered or inscribed in any 
register, branch register, or other book kept in the United 
Condition as to the Incorporation of New Companies. 
9.—(1) During the continuance of the present war a 
certificate of incorporation of a company shall not be given 
by the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies until there has 
been filed with him either— 
(a) a statutory declaration by a solicitor of the Supreme 
Court, or, in Scotland, by an enrolled law agent, 
engaged in the formation of the company, that the 
company is not formed for the purpose or with the 
intention of acquiring the whole or any part of the 
undertaking of a person, firm or company the books 
and documents of which are liable to inspection 
under subsection (2) of section two of the principal 
Act; or 
(b) a licence from the Board of Trade authorising the 
acquisition by the company of such an undertaking. 
(2) Where such a statutory declaration has been filed it 
shall not be lawful for the company, during the continuance of 
the present war, without the licence of the Board of Trade, to 
acquire the whole or any part of any such undertaking, and 
J it does so the company shall, without prejudice to any 
other liability, be liable on conviction under the Summary 
Jurisdiction Acts to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds, 
ft nd every director, manager, secretary, or other officer of the 
'hinpany who is knowingly a party to the default shall on the 
uke eon viction be liable to the like fine or to imprisonment, 
"ith or without hard labour, for a term not exceeding six 

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