Full text: The enemy's trade and British patents

or otherwise affected by diligence ” ; “ assignment ” shall 
mean “assignation”; “judgment has been recovered” 
shall mean “ decree has been obtained ” ; a reference to a 
vesting order made under the Trustee Act, 1893, shall be con 
strued as a reference to a warrant to complete a title granted 
under section twelve of the Trusts (Scotland) Act, 1807 
[30 & 31 Viet., c. 97j, and any money paid into the Court of 
Session in terms of this Act shall be paid in such manner as 
may be prescribed by Act of sederunt. 
(4) Nothing in this Act shall be construed as limiting the 
power of His Majesty by proclamation to prohibit any trans 
action which is not prohibited by this Act, or by licence to 
permit any transaction which is so prohibited. 
Printed by Okaiick Revkirs, hm. Grevstoke Place. Letter Lane. E.C.

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