Full text: The Department of Labor and Industry

yratuities nor amounts deducted by employer under contract of hiring for 
abor furnished or paid for by the employer and necessary for the perform- 
wnce of such contract by the employe; but shall include board and lodging 
received from the employer, such board to be rated at $.50 per day, and 
nsoard and lodging at $1.00 per day for the purpose of eomputing wages. 
a) Seasonal. 
b) Continuous. 
{n seasonal occupation determined by taking 1/50 of the total wages employe 
has earned from all occupations during year, immediately preceding acci- 
dent. Such period of & year may be extended to a longer period for the 
purpose of fair ascertainment of average weekly earnings. 
Average weekly wage in continuous employment determined by multiplying 
average daily wage by 54, 6, 64, or 7, according to the number of days 
customarily worked by the employe. 
Divide the total earnings of the employe for as much of the six months im- 
mediately preceding the accident as the employe worked for the same em- 
ployer by the number of working days in the period, which are to be 
determined by deducting from the total number of calendar days, Sundays, 
Saturday half holidays, and days when the employe was Fyne from work- 
ing through no fault of his own. The amendment of 1919 provides that 
where the employe has been in the employ of the employer less than ome 
full week, and by reason of the shortness of time, it is impracticable to as- 
sertain the average weekly wage, there shall be taken the average weekly 
amount which during the six months previous to the injury, has been earned 
ay other persons employed by the same employer under similar contracts 
>f hiring, or if there are no persons so employed, by other persons em- 
osloyed by other employers, under similar contracts of hiring under similar 
Allowed for first seven days, but employer must furnish reasonable medical serv- 
ices during the first thirty days after disability begins at a cost not to exceed 
$100.00 and in addition to the above services, medicines and supplies, 
hospital treatment, services and supplies shall be furnished by the employer 
for the said period of thirty days. The cost for such hospital treatment, 
services and supplies shall not in any case exceed the prevailing charge in the 
hospital for like services to other individuals. 
Rate is 65% average weekly wages.—Time to run varies with disability.—Total 
amount not to exceed $6,500.00 Compensation not to be over $15.00 nor 
less than $7.00 per week, unless wages are less than $7.00 per week, then 
full wages are to be paid. 
ta) Total disability—659% wages to end of total disability, not to exceed 500 
weeks nor $6,500.00. 
fd) Partial disability—659% loss in earing power (difference between wages 
before and after accident) to end of partial disability, not to exceed 300 weeks. 
‘e¢) Serious and permanent disfigurement of head and face—659, wages not to 
exceed 150 weeks. 
—0L wages for 175 weeks for loss of hand. 
wages for 215 weeks for loss of arm or leg. 
-¢ wages for 150 weeks for loss of foot. 
wages for 125 weeks for loss of eye. 
wages for £0 weeks for loss of thumb. 
wages for } weeks for loss of first finger. 
wages for 9 weeks for loss of second finger. 
--9% wages for 20 weeks for loss of third finger. 
—% wages for 15 weeks for loss of fourth finger. 
Loss of first phalanx of thumb or any finger, equiva- 
lent to loss of one-half of thumb or finger. 
Loss of more than one phalanx of thumb, or any finger 
equivalent to loss of entire thumb or finger, 
Loss of use of any member equivalent to loss of member. 
NOTE :—Loss of any such members, not constituting total disability, the sum 
of periods for each, 
Loss of both eyes, hands, arms, feet or legs equals total disability. 
Rate varies with number of dependents—Wages (for computation) not over 
£24.00 nor under $12.00 per week. 
'd) Permanent injuries

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