Full text: The Department of Labor and Industry

The purpose of this bulletin is to explain the present organization 
and operation of the Department of Labor and Industry, Common- 
wealth of Pennsylvania, ereated in 1913 to serve the labor and indus- 
trial interests of the Commonwealth and to enforce the laws relating 
to the safety, health, and well-being of employes. The Secretary of 
Labor and Industry believes that a comprehensive knowledge of the 
powers and duties of the Department by the public will be generally 
beneficial from the standpoint of service and efficiency in solving prob- 
lems of importance to those directly concerned, and of interest to the 
welfare of the Commonwealth. 
The Secretary, appointed by the Governor with the consent of the 
Senate, is the head of the Department of Labor and Industry. He 
11so serves in the following capacities: Chairman of the State Work- 
men’s Insurance Board; chairman of the Industrial Board; ex-officio 
member of the Workmen's Compensation Board, and the State Welfare 
The Department organization includes: The Executive Bureau, the 
Bureaus of Inspection, Workmen’s Compensation, Rehabilitation, Em- 
ployment, Industrial Standards, Industrial Relations, Statisties, Women 
and Children, Bedding and Upholstery, and Accounting. In this bul- 
letin the work of the several bureaus is described in detail, as are also 
the powers and duties of the Industrial Board, Workmen’s Compen- 
sation Board, and the State Workmen 's Insurance Fund. 
The successful administration of the Department of Labor and In- 
Justry requires the cooperation of all individuals and associations af- 
fected. By the publication of this bulletin it is believed such eooper- 
ation can be enlisted. The Department has received remarkable assist- 
ance from those affected by the discharge of its duties, for which the 
Yecretary here wishes to express grateful acknowledgment. 
The text of the laws administered by this Department are not con- 
tained in this bulletin, but are published separately in bulletins which 
may be obtained by application to the Department of Labor and In- 
Justry, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The regulations of the Department 
adopted in conformity with these laws also are published separately and 
may be similarly obtained. 
It is hoped that the publication of this bulletin may prove interesting 
and helpful to the general publie. 
Secretary of Labor and Industry

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