Full text: Borrowing and business in Australia

INDEX 267 
1914, 169 ff. (see Indebtedness); Terms of trade, 87 ff., 140 ff, 191. 
nance, 41; wealth and debt, 235. See Contents. 
See Contents. Tooke and Newmarch, effects of gold 
Pulsford, Edward, on the public debt discoveries, 24; statistics, 1850-6, 
after 1890, 73 fi. 28 n.; course of 1853 crisis, 29; 
sectional prices, 32. 
Queensland, crisis of 1866. 39 ff.; of Tourist expenditures, 151 f£., 205. 
1893, 58. Trade, balance of, 90 ff.; 1840, 17 fi.; 
. 1850, 34ff.; for British colonies, 
Railway, organization, 3; loans, 45, 1880, 53; after 1914, 184, 190; 
64 ff. changes in direction, 186, 197 ff.; 
Raws, Sir Lennon, on Loan Expendi- commodity balance, 143, 194, 202; 
ture, 240. comparative advantage, 103, 139; 
Reconstructions, bank, 70 ff. effect of loan stoppage, 243; index 
Rent and loans, 179. of, 100; interstate, 144; N. Zealand 
Research, method, xiii; difficulties, 8. after 1872, 74; terms of, 87, 140, 
Rickman, on port charges, 148. 183, 191. See Contents. 
Robertson, D. H., on trade, 202. Transport monopoly conditions, 3. 
See Railways, Shipping. 
Saving, capacity, 232. Turner, H. Gyles, on 1893. 49 fi. 
Scotch *cash-credit’ banking, 50. 
Seasonal fluctuations, 7: and credit, 
116 fi. 
Service, balance, 146, 203. 
Settlement problems, after 1860, 39; 
present, 247 ff. 
Shanahan, E. W., on centralization, 4. 
Shipping, monopolistic organization, 
3; charges, 146 fi., 203 ff. 
Ships’ stores, 144. 
Speculation, land, 7, 11, 27, 50 ff. 
Stamp, Sir J., on capital, xii. 
Sutcliffe, J. T., on national dividend, 
Unemployment, after 1886, 99 ff.; 
and the return to gold, 221; 
statistics, 139. 
[7.8.A. and 1907 crisis, 110 fi.; and 
return to gold. 216. 
Victoria, early statistics. 12. See 
Viner, J., on prices, 126, 231; freight, 
147; method, xiv; trade, 8; Canada 
after 1914, 252. 
Tariff, policy and bonus, 174; and 
loans, 249; report of special com- 
mittee, 249 ; investments, 155. 
Tasmania, 12. 
Taussig, method, xiv ; ont Canada, bon; 
terms of trade, 88 fi.; on balance of 
srade, 126; on léans, 127; on 
inflation, 188. 
Wages, 1866, 98; after 1900, 137, 178. 
Wealth and debt, 48, 235. See 
Weather control, 253. 
Whitaker, A. C., on imports, 193. 
Wickens, Chas., on private debt, 158, 
218; public debt, see Year Book; 
production, 183; national wealth, 

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