Full text: Modern business geography

Llamas 163 
Lobsters 109 
London (England) 225, 264,* 266,* 331 
London Stock Exchange 264* 
Long Island Sound 105 
Lorraine, iron-ore district 274 
Los Angeles (California) 214, 216, 221, 222 
260, 330 
Louisiana, rice 60; sugar cane 69,* 292; 
lumber 141; petroleum 325; area and 
population 326; manufacturing 327 
Louisville (Kentucky) 223, 330 
Lowell (Massachusetts) 12, 15, 212, 334 
Lumber, leading states in 141, 259: at Pan- 
ama Canal 205; at Seattle 216* 
Lumbering, how carried on 132,* 133, 134,* 
137, 160; log-boom 137*; need of con- 
servation in 139, 110, 142; in tropics 140 
Lynn (Massachusetts) 161, 242, 334 
Lyons (France) 267. 332 
McKeesport (Pennsylvania) 254, 334 
Macaroni 267 
Machinery, use of, in farming 26,* 33, 42, 
15,* 46, 47, 60; in mining 113, 114, 115, 
125,* 128; to supplement man power 161 ; 
manufacturing of, in the United States 
210, 251, 253, 2514, 255; in Australia 272; 
markets for American 299, 301, 305 
Madagascar 50, 328 
Madeira 79, 290 
Madras (India) 162, 331 
Mahogany 110 
Maine, potatoes 62; apples 75; forests 135; 
railways 178, 179, 187; area and popula- 
tion 326; value of manufacturing 327 
Maize. See Corn 
Malaria 145 
Malay Peninsula 112, 120, 275, 290, 313 
Malaya 308 
Man power 159, 160,*161,* 162, 166, 170, 195 
Manaos (Brazil) 151, 335 
Manchester (England) 20, 126, 190, 331 
Manchester (New Hampshire) 15, 334 
Manchester Ship Canal 198 
Manchuria 67, 164, 328 
Manganese 336 
Mangoes 82* 
Manila (Philippine Islands) 208 
Manitoba, wheat 193 
Mannheim (Germany) 268 
Mansura (Egypt) 228 
Manufacturing, of cotton 11-20*; in South 
America 145, 272; of automobiles 168; 
in Canada 224,* 261 ; in African cities 233 ; 
field of 235-284*: conditions affecting 
235-246*; regions of 241, 242, 243*; in 
United States 247-263,* 291, 299, 326: 
types of 250, 255. 256. 264: use of power 
from Niagara Falls in 263; in Europe 
264-271,* 274-277,* 280, 282, 299: in 
\sia 271, 272, 273,* 274, 318; in Australia 
271, 322; and markets 298 
faple sugar 68, 69 
\larakesh. See Morocco 
Marco Polo, and coal in China 123 
\larkets, for cotton 9, 10; wheat 43; vege- 
‘ables 62, 61; sugar beets 70; sugar cane 
1; fruits 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 81; cattle 
37; sheep, 93; iron 117; and manufac- 
ures 240-243; of western Europe 265; 
United States 285-297; and purchasing 
ower 285, 286,* 287,* 288*; European 
299-301; promising, for United States 
zoods 301; China 301; South America 
302; Canada 305; Mexico 306; Philip- 
pines 307 ; types of 303,* 305,* 307,* 320* 
Marseilles (France) 197, 267, 331 
laryland, sweet potatoes 63; tomatoes 64, 
238; railways 187; minerals 325; area 
and population 326 ; manufacturing 327 
‘lassachusetts, good roads 173; railway 
mileage 187; glass making 215; area and 
population 326 ; value of manufacturing 327 
latches 271, 290 
late 336 
\latting 271, 273 
Taumee River 220 
*Tauritius 71 
‘leat, consumption of 57, 97, 98: substitutes 
‘or 65, 107, 108 ; beef 87, 90; slaughtering 
ind packing 88, 90, 251, 253, 254, 255, 258, 
270, 277; cost 90; mutton 91, 92; pork 
94; exports, from United States and 
Argentina 97, 147; whale meat 109 
Jediterranean Sea 103, 166 
lerrimac River 237 
vlesaba Range 115 
\lesopotamia 130, 318, 328 
Mexico, cotton 7; corn 41, 49; wheat 53; 
silver 112, 120; copper 119; gold 120; 
osition as mining country 122;. petro- 
‘eum 130*; forests 139; henequen (sisal) 
154,*289 ; problem in production 154-156 ; 
transportation 162, 183, 186*; goatskins 
245,292; rubber 275; jute 276 ; commerce 
301, 306, 308; area and population 329 
vliami (Florida) 222 
Michigan, potatoes 62; sugar beets 70, 292; 
apples; 75; sheep 91; minerals 116, 117, 
118, 325; lumber 136, 253: railway 
mileage 187; shoe factories 245; area and 
population 326; manufacturing 327 
Vlilk 85, 86, 87, 94,* 100, 256, 259, 270 
slillet 40, 52,* 312, 314, 320 
Milling 234, 253, 256, 259, 262, 266, 272 
\lilwaukee (Wisconsin) 220. 247.* 253. 255. 

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