Full text: Statistical manual

Maturities: June and December 15, 1928 to 1941. 
Interest: June and December 15th. 
Denominations: $1,000 and $500. 
Taxes: 2% Federal—Penn., Conn., Maryland, Massachusetts. 
Redemption: 104 to June 1931; then 103 to June 1936; then 102. 
Trustee: Straus National Bank and Trust Company. 
Appraised: (Appraiser not named) at $1,100,000. 
Assessed, 1930: Land and building at $885,000. 
Security: Fee estate in plot 503% x 100 on the west side of Sixth 
Avenue (street numbers 625 to 627), between 36th and 37th 
Streets, in the millinery district of Manhattan—and the 20- 
story building which houses that industry and kindred lines. 
Earnings: These bonds are the obligation of Felcourt Realty 
Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of A. E. Lefcourt 
Realty Holdings. The earnings of the property are con- 
solidated with the earnings of other properties in the hold- 
ing company’s statement. They decline to fueknish the sepa- 
rate earnings of this property. 
30 East 40th Street Building 
{New York City) 
First Fee 6% Bond Certificates 
Amount: $800,000; retired, $87,500; outstanding, $712,580. 
Dated: 1926. 
Maturities: April 25, 1927 to 1936. 
Interest: April and October 25th. 
Denominations: $1,000 and $500. 
Taxes: 4% Federal. 
Trustee: Central Hanover Bank and Trust Company. 
Legal for Trust Funds in New York. 
Appraised: (Appraiser not named), $1,200,000. 
Assessed, 1930: Land and Building, $1,100,000. 
Security: Fee estate in land 75x 98.9 (about 150 feet east of 
Madison Avenue) on the south side of 40th Street, 7406 
square feet, and the 12~-story physicians’ and dentists’ office 
building erected thereon. } 
Earnings: These bonds are the obligation of Thirty East For- 
tieth Street, Inc, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Fred 
T. Ley interests. 

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