Full text: Modern business geography

Special Problems in Transportation 
1G. 155. A village on the Nile. built of sun-dried brick. 
8. What and where are the other two chief African seaports? Give three 
general reasons for their location. 
9. What difficulties do they have in reaching their hinterlands? 
The most important port of the continent. Alexandria, besides be- 
ing near the important route between Europe and Asia via the Suez 
Canal, includes in its hinterland an area, about half the size of Iowa. 
which produces two or three crops every year. 
10. Why is this region so productive ? 
L1. What fiber forms eighty per cent or more of the exports of Alexandria? 
What conditions favor its production, especially in the Nile delta? 
[2. What river gives Alexandria a water route far inland ? 
13. Find out how far boats can penetrate the interior. What obstacles to 
shipping are there, and how have they been overcome? 
14. In how many wavs is Alexandria like New Orleans d 
The Egyptian railroad system is the most important in Africa and 
helps to make Alexandria the leading port. It extends from Alexan- 
dria to Assuan at the first cataract, and from the second cataract to

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