Full text: Modern business geography

Tin, world production 112, 120,* 275; in 
Africa 231; imported by United States 
289, 290, 293; in Asia 313, 321; in Aus- 
tralia 313; from South America 336 
Tobacco 212, 270, 293, 312, 321, 336 
Tokio (Japan) 271, 333 
Toledo (Ohio) 219, 330 
Toronto (Ontario) 220, 225, 226, 260 
Toys 290 
Tractors 168 
Trade, balance of 297, 305 
Iranscaspia 181, 328 
Transcaucasia 8, 130, 312 
Transportation 1-8; good vs. poor roads 
9,* 168, 169, 170, 174; of cotton 9, 10, 24; 
and farming 34; of fruits 76,* 78, 79, 81, 
82; of cattle 87, 100; of petroleum 127, 
130, 131%; of logs 132*; backward in 
South America 145; field of 158-233*; by 
water 158*; means of 159-173*; problems 
in 171-174; by railroad 175-188*; use 
of ships 189-206*; on the Great Lakes 
192-194*; by canal 196-201*; and loca- 
tion of cities in United States 207-223%*; 
trade routes of British North America 
225-227*. of Africa 228-233; and lo- 
cation of industries, in United States 239, 
2143, 252, 251; in Europe 265, 266,* 267, 
269,276,281; cost of, in Asia, 314, 317 
Transshipment 161, 194, 207, 220 
Transvaal, gold 120 
Tripoli (Italian Africa) 228, 230 
Tropics, vegetable growing 64; fruits 76. 
78, 79,* 82*; woods 110 
Troy (New York) 252, 335 
Truck gardening 61* 
Tunis 228, 230, 328, 331 
Turkestan 8, 44,* 312, 328 
Turkey, rice 50; wheat 53; sheep and wool 
92, 294; transportation 165,* 317; goat 
skins 215; rugs 272; foreign commerce 
309, 318; primary products 312-313: area 
and population 328, 329 
Turpentine 136, 239, 257 
I'vne River 266 
Typewriters 252 
United Kingdom. See Great Britain 
Jnited States, cotton 3, 5,* 7,* 9, 15, 17,* 
19*; temperature 4,* 5,* 36*; rainfall 6, 
30; range of climate 32; farming popu- 
lation 27, 32; conditions affecting farming 
28-36*; area 28-29,* 326, 329; advan- 
tage of new soil 33; transportation facili- 
ties 34; government aid to farming 34, 
38; irrigation 35,* 36; public works 35; 
value of farm lands 36; arid and swamp 
lands 37%; average value of crops 37; 
wheat 40. 42. 43.* 55: corn 47.* 48.* 56: 
“ice 49,* 60; consumption of cereals and 
neat 57; oats 57*; barley 60%; vege- 
-ables 61-67*; sugar 68-73*; fruits 71- 
’8,* 80-82*; animal farming 83-101,* 
165 ; dairy products 94, 95; hay and forage 
100%: fisheries 102-109*; minerals and 
nining industry 110-122*; coal 123-126,* 
27; petroleum and natural gas 126, 128- 
31*; forests and lumbering 132-139,* 
41-143*; imports of rubber and coffee 
51; primary production 156; railway 
ransportation 167, 175, 183, 185, 186,* 
'04,* 206, 207, 209,* 210, 211,* 211,* 216, 
217,* 218,* 219, 220, 317; motor transpor- 
ation 167, 317; improved roads 170; 
anals 197 ; Panama Canal 198, 199-202*; 
ocation of cities 207; seaports 208-216*; 
ake ports 216-221*; value of imports and 
ports at principal ports 221; climatic 
onditions and industrial development 
235: manufacturing 247-263,* 277, 327; 
ensus 261; production of cotton, wool, 
ides, lead, zinc 275; jute from Mexico 
276; competition in textiles 276; as 
narket 287-297*; purchasing power 287; 
ow far self-sufficient 289; value of do- 
nestic trade 289; imports 289-295, 296, 
297; exports 295, 299-301; balance of 
trade with Brazil 297 ; with India 297; for- 
2ign trade 299-310*; population 326, 329 
Iruguay, cattle 83, 89, 90; industrial devel- 
opment 272; commerce 30%, 309, 336; 
area and population 329; exports 336 
"tah, sugar beets 70, 292; minerals 118, 
120, 125, 325; railways 187; area and 
population 326; manufacturing 327 
tica (New York) 252. 335 
Valparaiso (Chile) 116, 117, 119, 201, 304. 
331, 336 : 
Vancouver (British Columbia) 190, 225. 226. 
Vaselin 128 
Vegetables 61-67,* 238, 312, 313 
Vehicles 160,* 161,* 162, 163, 164.* 165.* 
167, 168 
Venezuela, petroleum 130%; cacao 150; 
commerce 308; area and population 329: 
exports 336 
Verdun (France) 267 
Vermont, railway mileage 187; area and 
population 326; manufacturing 327 
Verviers (Belgium) 270 
Vetarrabia Canal 38* 
Victoria (Australia) 315 
Victoria (British Columbia) 225 
Virgin Islands 327, 329 
Virginia, wheat 53; minerals 117, 325; area 
and population 326: manufacturing 327

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