Full text: Modern business geography

Modern Business Geography 
Skins. See Hides 
Slaughtering and meat packing 90, 97,* 99, 
251, 253, 255, 256, 258, 259, 277 
Smelting, iron 114, 115, 116, 117, 125, 266; 
copper 118, 121 
Soap 255, 267 
Sodium nitrate. See Nitrate of soda 
Soil, improvement of 41; for corn 47, 49; 
for rye 58; for barley 60; for potatoes 62; 
for sweet potatoes 63; for sugar beets 69; 
for sugar cane 72; for apples 75 
Soo Canals. See St. Mary’s Canals 
Sorghum cane 68, 69, 72, 73 
South Africa, wheat 53 ; cattle 90; sheep 93; 
copper 119; gold 120, 231; tin 120; rail- 
ways 183, 233; products 191; ports 231; 
foreign commerce 231, 309 ; diamonds 231, 
290; as market 301; area and population 
South America, swine 93; gold 120; tin 120; 
a study of 144-153*; railways 177*; effect 
on trade, of Panama Canal 201; indus- 
trial development 272; foreign trade 294, 
295, 302, 303, 304; area and population 
329; cities 335; value of principal ex- 
ports 336 
South Bethlehem (Pennsylvania) 254 
South Carolina, sea-island cotton 6; in 
southern forest region 136; water power 
237; cotton industries 237, 257, 258; area 
and population 326 ; manufacturing 327 
South Dakota, wheat 33, 42, 43, 53; barley 
50; minerals 119, 325; railways 178; area 
and population 326; manufacturing 327 
Soy beans 65, 67 
Spain, time of wheat harvest 53; citrus 
fruits 78; sheep 93; iron ore shipped to 
England 117, 246; copper 119; tin 120, 
275; lead 121, 275; position as mining 
country 122; coal and water power 125; 
railway mileage 183; industries 264; raw 
silk 273, 279; flax 279; commerce 281. 
309; area and population 329 
Spices 250, 260 
Spokane (Washington) 259, 335 
Stassfurt (Germany) 268, 290 
Steamships. See Ships 
Steel. See Iron 
Stettin (Germany) 268, 332 
Stone 112, 113, 117, 140, 313 
Subsidies, to shipping 310 
Suakin. See Port Sudan 
Suez Canal 198, 199, 206, 229, 230, 246 
Sugar, production of 68-73,* 292, 312; con- 
sumption of, in United States 69, 73, 292 
refineries 250, 258, 260, 262, 263, 268: 
imports of, into United States 292, 293° 
from Asia 321; from South America 336 
Sugar beets 69—71.* 73. 268. 275. 292 
Sugar cane 68,* 69,* 71-73,* 150, 292 
Superior (Wisconsin) 206, 335 
Susquehanna River, and valley 211 
Swamp lands 36, 37, 181 
Sweden, rye 41; wheat 53; oats 57; iron 
and steel 114, 117, 246, 271; copper 119; 
mining 122; coal and water power 125; 
forests 140; railways 178, 183; manu- 
facturing 264, 271; commerce 281, 309; 
area and population 329 
Sweet potatoes 63, 312 
Swine, world production 92,* 93; in United 
States 98, 100; in Asia and Australia 
Switzerland, cotton manufacturing 19; size 
29 *; apples 76; sheep 92; exports of 
cheese to United States 95; minerals 122; 
roads 173; railways 183; industries 235— 
264, 270, 290; farming 280 *; commerce 
281, 309; area and population 329 
Sydney (Australia) 90, 190, 215, 332 
Syracuse (New York) 252, 335 
Syria 318, 328 
Tacoma (Washington) 138, 259, 335 
Caft, William H. 129 
Canganyika, Lake 231 
Fangier (Morocco) 228, 230 
Canning 244, 245, 250 
Tanta (Egypt) 228 
Car 268 
Mariff, United States, on textiles 20, 25, 246; 
on sugar 292; on woolen industries 294; 
effect of, on United States trade with 
possessions 307 
Fashkent (Russia-in-Asia) 165, 333 
[asmania 176, 328 
lea 159, 162, 290, 291, 293, 313, 321 
lemperature, United States and Canada 4,* 
5,* 30; world 30,* 31*; for wheat 42, 
43*; for corn 47, 49; for rice 49, 50; for 
rye 58; for sugar plants 69, 70, 71; for 
apples 75; for citrus fruits 76, 77, 78; for 
peaches 80; relation to efficiency 235 
Tennessee, cotton 5; time of wheat harvest 
53; minerals 117, 325; area and population 
326; value of manufacturing 327 
Texas, rice 49*; time of wheat harvest 53; 
watermelons 64; coal 125; forests and 
lumber 36, 141; railways 187; cotton 213; 
potash 290 ; sugar cane 292 ; minerals 325 ; 
area and population 326; manufacturing 
Textiles, in United States 250, 251,* 252, 
257, 258, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 273,* 
291; of India 273, 318; Great Britain's 
competition in 276 ; imports of, by United 
States 291; by South America 302. See 
also Cotton. Flax. Silk, Wool

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