Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930 
The equivalent ad valorem rates are calenlated from the quantity and value of imports In the calendar year 1928] 
Imports, calendar year 1928 
Computed duties on 
1828 itnports 
| Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
Act of 1930 
| Unit of 
Rate of duty 
\ct of Act of 
1922 | 1030 
rw Value | Yalue | acto 1022] Actor 1030” 
Act of 1022 
Act of | Act of 
'1922 1930 
citi limimiSim— 
Administrative provisions, 
Brandy and other spirits, etc.: 
Brandy .e-cceocauoo remem meen [ee 
BHI ccna mmm isin on ia So oR 5 mr mere eet Smear meee 
VhISKY meee meee wo 
AUT eons meme oem mm mma ! 
All other distilled liquors... __ J 7777700 
Spirits, cordials, liquors, and compounds con- | Proof gal 
taining spirits. lon. 
Jompounds and preparations of which dis |___ 
tilled spirits are the component material of ~~ ~~~" 
chief value. 
sngostura DIES cee] Prf. gallon. 
Total, paragraph. wooo |. 
Champagne and all other sparkling wines: 
Containing not more than 24 per cent of alcohol lL 
in bottles containing 34 pint or less. TT 
Conesinine more than }4 and not more than 1 
Containing more than 1 pint and not more 
than 1 quart. 
\le, porter, stout, beer, and fluid malt extract: 
Malt extract, solid or condensed— 
Malt liquors (ale, beer, porter, and stout) 
In bottles or jugs. -ooooeee oll lL. 
In other coverings. __._.__........___ 
fluid malt extract— 
TIN LOERS wm sm mmm ww wis ma Rr 
In bottles or jugs..." 
Malt liquors and fluid malt a 
Malt extract, solid or condensed... _____ 
Total, paragraph... _..._.______ 
306 | Juices of lemons, limes, oranges, or other citrous | 
friits, fit for beverage purposes: 
Sherry juice, prune juice, prune wine, and other 
fruit juices and sirups: 
Cote less than one-half of 1 per cent l.c.do_ 22,223 50,168 | 2.26 15, 556 15,556 | 70 cents per gallon. oo ooonoenoe ll BOLL. 8101 31.01 
Comm. Los in one-half of 1 per cent _.do______ 37 53 | 1.43 21 21 | 70 cents per gallon less 20 per cent.}| 70 cents per gallon less 20 per cent. 39. 63 39.63 
Containing one-half of 1 Per/Gross quantity. do 550 9.29 | 70 t r gallon and $5 per | 70 cents per gallon and $5 or [I 
cent or more alcohol, Aleohol conte; ils zalion 3 5107 ia. 1,580 1,580 roof gallon. pe fion.® ? Bal Bu 
ape juice, grape sirup, and similar grape ens Prt. gallon 239 } ? ft 37 ’ proof gallon. vraof gallon. 
Cpt or producing less than 1 per cent Galion. ___ 2,244 6,662 | 2.97 1,571 1,571 | 70 cents per gallon... ...-.-.......| 70 cents per PR 23.58 | 23.58 
Containing or producing{Gross content. _ do 2.01 I 
aver 1 per cent alcohol. fess wy zation oo } 1,327 I{ 2 68 | 2,937 2, 937 ™ owls gallon and $5 per 7 cons WL al on and $5 per | 221.33 | 201.33 
TOA eee 63,317 -----ooc| 21,685 | 21,665 + emmmmceeeeenad 38.22 34.22 
‘50 807 | Bois an ots a kinds containing 5 per |__.________ 2) ® ee tzesmmamnennn 35 Der cont and $5 ver roof gallon. | 35 per cent and $5 per proof gallon |. __._._.[..._.__. 
071 sos | Ginger ale and ginger beer containing no alcoh = 591 | 
tngerle ni) usr er cul aining ol, | Gallon... 70,591 | 15 cents per gallon ..-.o.-coc--.-..| 15 cents per RIOD ere ee nen 13.05 | 13.05 
307 802 ! "emonade, soda water, and other similar bever- 
ages containing no’ alcohol and beverages ---00.oo. 28.077 | a 10.27 | 10.4 
1.8. p. {.,, containing not more than 34 per cept 
f alcohol, ’ 
TOM CUBR eee emmeemmsecaee]oG0n 4 21.50 =sxmsmmsewnc|ooooonnn-...| 15 cents per gallon less 20 per cont. 15 cents per gallon less 20 per cent.| 24.00 | 24,00 
Total, paragraph. eeeeoovoee |. _do.._..._ 328, 672 457,976 I 49, 301 | 49,301 ° np ila. 5, WEES ssrianeanianie] 10.70] 10.78 4 
01 ! 
610 | 
Footnotes at end of schedule. page 52.

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